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bogus asylum and false rape alligation
Since the false case of rape was dropped . my wife has taken up residence with a women's refuge claiming she is receiving threatening phone calls.She has done this in order to claim bogus asylum in the UK' At the time of alleged threatening calls she was living in wakefield with her sister. that was about 20 miles from where I live after these so called threatening calls she now lives less than half a mile from me.Since all this she has also got a none molestation order against me only to strengthen her bogus asylum application .the courts very only happy to grant her one .Ever since the none molestation order she has rang me about 400 times but I have never rang her as I know that the none molestation order prevents me from calling her in any way.My wife has been living with me in my house on weekends.We go shopping together when she is stopping over at my place.I have recorded her telephone calls asking me to pick her up on many occasions .I have notified UKBA regarding her staying with me at my house and about her bogus asylum application.we have argued again as she still has lot of my money in her name back in pakistan and I have started civil proceedings against her so she gives me my money but this has aggravated her and she keeps referring to the old false rape allegation against me that she may bring that up again should I peruse with the civil proceedings in pakistan .I feel im being blackmailed. can anyone help what should I do.I would like to set the record straight that no offence was ever committed by me against my wife. the rape allegation was lies i have her telephone recordings proving to this effect. I do not want my wife in trouble with the law but I want to prove that I am and was innocent all that time and would like to make sure that she does not apply for any compensation. Also I do not support her false asylum application however if she puts in a proper legitimate application to the UKBA as my spouse I will then support that all the way. Even her sister along with her 3 kids is applying for a bogus asylum application.I would like to stop anyone making bogus asylum applications
Originally posted by tormented View PostSince all this she has also got a none molestation order against me only to strengthen her bogus asylum application .the courts very only happy to grant her one.
My wife has been living with me in my house on weekends.We go shopping together when she is stopping over at my place.I have recorded her telephone calls asking me to pick her up on many occasions'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'
It appears to me that your wife is not in the least bothered if you end up in prison just as long as she's alright.
You seem to be doing little to help yourself - if she is constantly ringing you and you have the calls on your phone, then you should take it to the police and have a harassment order taken out against her - or better still, change your number and make sure she doesn't get it.
You have to start to put yourself first, no-one else can do this for you - start being pro-active and realise that this woman does not care about you and will stop at nothing to get her own way.And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
Originally posted by Casehardened View PostDid you mean that that she was living in your house before she got the non-molestation order?
Originally posted by RFLH View PostIt appears to me that your wife is not in the least bothered if you end up in prison just as long as she's alright.
You seem to be doing little to help yourself - if she is constantly ringing you and you have the calls on your phone, then you should take it to the police and have a harassment order taken out against her - or better still, change your number and make sure she doesn't get it.
You have to start to put yourself first, no-one else can do this for you - start being pro-active and realise that this woman does not care about you and will stop at nothing to get her own way.
if you've been letting her stay with you then its you that will be in more trouble - its going to be so easy for her to twist it and say that you have assaulted her again.
Its down to you to keep her away, she is using you.
She is making a mockery out of you.And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
still confused
Hi everyone . Its been a long time now since I was here . when I was falsely accused of rape by my wife I got my solicitor to write to the police that she has no status in the uk so when the police decided to bring no charges against me why did the police not arrest her for being an illegal immigrant does she get immunity because she was the complainant?.Any way soon after the police told me they where not going to take the case further I went to pakistan to see my inlaws and complain to them what their daughter had done which they already knew about. whilst I was at my inlaws house my wife rang me on my mobile and I told her for god sake tell your family the truth so they do not have hate for me in their hearts and mind and that I was going to put the phone on speaker so then my wife did confess to her family about the rape allegation was false and that none molestation order was false there never been annal sex between us the mother and brother heard all this but never questioned her as to why she did all this except for one brother who spoke up and said we should all boycott with her but no one boycotted with her. instead they started to mediate between us and reconcile our marriage. in june 2012 the mother inlaw told me to go back to the uk and that my wife has agreed to move back in with me so I came back to the uk about a week later my wife did come over and stayed at my house with me for a few days and she said that she will move in slowly as she has applied for asylum in the uk and she does not want to jeopardize her asylum application by officially moving back in with me .in october she did move back in with me and we both went to court and had the none molestation order cancelled but as I was unemployed at the time and could not support her so we went to action refuge for asylum seekers who helped her to get free accommodation and some cash help from the UKBA. the accommodation they gave her was in stockton on tees about 100 miles away from where I live during this time she visited me and spent few days at a time at my place. by now her asylum application had been refused so she asked me to support her application for stay in the UK as my partner so i agreed . I went to her solicitor and gave a statement to support her stay in the UK as my partner and that we want to live together and have kids and if she is deported it would breach her human rights under article 8 but to my horror all this time she was still continuing with her asylum making further allegations against me. why did her solicitor not pick up mon this i do not know . when we went on her appeal on the 25/02.2013 she told her barrister whilst we where still in the waiting area that she fears me and that i may try to kill her and that there was a none molestation order against me which was all lies so her barrister came over to me and told me that i should leave the building as there is a none molestation order against me but i told her no it was cancelled in october and that your solicitors have a copy of the cancellation but the barrister would not have and threatened to have me arrested and thrown out ( i ask where are my rights ) and the barrister also said that I must not wait for her and not go to her house or call her on phone so I just left and came home I then got a call from my wife the next day telling me that it was the interpreter who told her to say all this and that she has moved from that address to newcastle she also gave me the full address and asked me to come over but I refused fearing a trap . I again went to pakistan very soon after this and complained to my mother inlaw about what she had done but my inlaws were not interested in what i had to say . now the present situation is my wife still has a lot of my money in her bank in pakistan for which her brother has a power off attorney from her now my mother inlaw is blackmailing me saying they will only return me my money and other belongings if I get my wife stay in the UK I have told the UKBA about this blackmail. CAN ANYONE GIVE ME ANY LEGAL HELP OR ADVICE PLEASE PLEASE.My wife has moved from newcastel to huddersfield she told the UKBA that she is pregnant and she needs to move closer to her sister who can help her but it is a lie she is NOT pregnant again i have told the UKBA about this . I am also getting threats from her family in pakistan . my wife was at my place she stayed over night on 5/7/2015 and yet she says she fears me I will kill her how is all this possible ? she is lieing out of her teeth so she can get this bogus asylum. I NEED HELP TO EXPOSE HER LIES AND TO PROVE THAT IT IS ME WHO IS THE VICTIM AND NOT HER
Originally posted by tormented View Postin june 2012 the mother inlaw told me to go back to the uk and that my wife has agreed to move back in with me so I came back to the uk about a week later my wife did come over and stayed at my house with me for a few days and she said that she will move in slowly as she has applied for asylum in the uk and she does not want to jeopardize her asylum application by officially moving back in with me .in october she did move back in with meUK proverb: once bitten twice shy.....As per RFLH's post just above yours!
Last edited by Casehardened; 5 August 2013, 11:24 AM.'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'
Hi Tormented - sorry you've been having such a hard time. Your problems seem to be compounded by traditions related to your background. I am of the opinion that...
Your wife is a highly manipulative woman. Quite possibly, she didn't want to enter into this marriage, but was encouraged or forced to do so and the bait was ending up in Britain (). To go back to Pakistan is probably not a viable option for her.... so she's doing all she can in a very unscrupilous way, to stay. Sadly you're the butt of her efforts. However...
Lies are lies - the more she makes and the more outrageous they are the less credible she's going to be. Keep a note of every little bit of contact she has with you, keep all text messages, sound record telephone calls, video if necessary to show that she is making the moves towards you. Duplicate and keep all records in a safe place, so that you can give it to your solicitor as evidence. Do you have a solicitor who has good experience in immigration cases?
My ultimate advice is the same as CH's and RFLH's - don't have anything further to do with this woman . She's shown you (repeatedly ) that she's prepared to do anything against you to get asylum. That's probably going to be very hard for you bearing in mind the family and social ties, and it may mean you have difficult decisions to make.
You're going to have to be very strong. Good luckLast edited by whatsgoingon?; 5 August 2013, 11:17 AM.
HI I have over 1000 recording of her and her family even her mother telling me that she knows the rape allegations were false and also I have recording where the mother is blackmailing me in to getting her daughter stay in the uk . because the mother is in pakistan and she blackmailed from pakistan i can not report it to the UK police . However I am going to pakistan in september and whilst there I will report it to the pakistani police but i fear what this family would do to me after that as i have received threats from ..... what annoys me more is UKBA are not inviting me to their office to hand them all the evidence I have I would like to give my story to the papers but no one is interested.. I DO NOT WANT TO SELL MY STORY I WANT TO GIVE IT AWAY
Well done for having all these recordings. Take a copy of everything and put it onto USB or hard-disc and store it somewhere really safe.
I believe your story hasn't been taken up because , as you know, everything in the UK has to be so politically correct and it goes against current ideals. It could also be used by the anti-immigration brigade. I wouldn't be put off, though.
Take care.
ok thank you for the advice . i have all the info on a USB and a second copy . i am going all the way with this because i do not want her to be rewarded for her false allegations of rape. The base of her bogus asylum is the false rape allegation. She wants to get this asylum no matter what the consequences are to me. she has already slandered my name. all her family is against me yet they know the truth