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Charged with rape but innocent - please help with any advice you can give

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  • Joan, thinking of you are you holding on? hugs and sending you lots of courage and strength vibes! :-)


    • Joan - in there thinking of you


      • Thank you all so much for giving me all that support !! I just cried hahaha had an early night last night which was good as i was awake at 4.30am with the wicked brain working overtime!!

        Today as i was told was quick but still harsh to hear, felt so sorry for him when they read the charges out, thought he was going to break down.. Lots of deep breathes where needed!!! Got hope to have received her statement through the post, we have changed solicitors and seems they have sent it us which i didnt expect..

        Her statement has made me so angry which maybe why im teary once again, its all i cant remember this, i cant remember that and then the contradictions are amazing in it !! I would have thought the police would have questioned her round this but ive been told they just take her statement now. Also tells us what DNA they have on him which to me doesnt sound much but im not an expert so dont know..



        • I found that typing it onto the computer and then putting in your side of it in italics under it helps.
          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


          • Originally posted by Joan1978 View Post

            Her statement has made me so angry which maybe why im teary once again, its all i cant remember this, i cant remember that and then the contradictions are amazing in it !!
            This may be all very well in taking the statement; after all the police just collect 'evidence' but it won't cut much ice in the witness box, the defence barrister will be on a roll with any replies to his cross examination of '"can't remember"
            'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


            • Thats a really good idea about italics, thanks RFLH. Can also do that if i have any questions around it that i need to ask or they need to ask!!!

              Thats what i said about the barrister, its made my partner feel better as he has been interviewed twice and questioned over and over and his answers are the same as its what happened where as no matter how much she can pretend this is the truth when she starts getting quizzed the lies will fall apart around her!!!



              • hugs Joan for getting through this day. Take one day at a time. You will feel better as you get more information and somehow be prepared of what is to come. Be strong!


                • Joan, it is much much harder to remember lies than it is to remember truth.
                  It may anger you to read the pure bullsh*t written in the accuser's statement...but every inconsistency makes her look all the more unreliable.
                  I'd take comfort in that if I were you. if you highlighted the inconsistencies then you can gauge just how much of a rubbish statement it is by how colourful the paper is
                  "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                  Numbers 32:23


                  • I agree with Faith - remembering lies is much harder than remembering the truth.
                    Well done for getting through the day x


                    • yes liars need to remember everything plus they have to answer additional questions they can read their statements before trial but definitely cannot anticipate every question thrown to them.

                      Also, the more statements there are; there are tendencies that these statements can conflict each other or at least the accuser's statements!

                      Well let us all cross our fingers that every false accusers, get caught out and let us all pray that we have logical thinkers for jury! :-)


                      • I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I hope everything goes well for you in the end. Keep fighting!!! I know that's easier said than done but KEEP FIGHTING, fight fight fight till the end. I hope everything goes well for you at the end.


                        • DNA and other stuff

                          If they found sperm or dna just on the bed and not inside the girl's body then there is absolutely no case and as soon as they return forensics and it says semen was not found inside her im guessing they will no bill it or nfa .................................................. ..because of politicians and our society any girl who wants
                          to destroy a man's life has cry crocodile tears and lie he raped me and the guys quality of life goes down the toilet up's and down's high's and low's but after the first year you kind of start accepting things and wish your trial will come sooner it's kind of a limbo even worse when your innocent because you want to clear your name and move on with life you start to see even if god forbid the worst happens life allways go on it teaches you to try see the positive in anything you can anti depressants may help but it's up to you to be strong


                          • Hi everyone,

                            Not been on for a while, was having a break as found more information out that blew my mind but then got a bug and god did i feel sorry for myself haha stayed in bed for 3 days haha

                            Hope every one is ok, tried to have a read through some threads.. Good to see Billykickass getting good news!!!

                            i found out that someone close to me who had been kind of dating this girl carried on seeing her for about 3 months after, came clean which must have taken real guts as he new i would go insane (i didn't, don't have it in me anymore!) but he has given more information which makes the story she's told police even more farcical.. Feel a mug that everyone lies to me and i cant trust anyone!!!




                            • Your trust will take a real bashing through all of this, but at least you seem to have gathered some new ammunition.
                              Sorry that it had to come to you in such a way however.
                              "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                              Numbers 32:23


                              • Your right there, its insane how much you get bashed from side to side.. Dont know how people get through it but clearly we all do..

                                How are things with you??


