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Charged with rape but innocent - please help with any advice you can give

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  • #61
    I can't PM anyone for the moment. My permissions are not sufficient (5 posts yes but not 10 days)

    I'm sure there are ambulance chasers (in the criminal law sense circling for potential clients). Don't worry, suspicion on here is healthy given what alot of people are being put through (the victims or the accused).
    Hope this post helps. But this post does not constitute legal advice, nor a contract/agreement for it.


    • #62
      ooh - I was right!
      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


      • #63
        whoops got tensed. Just reminded me how public this forum is.
        Last edited by fighter; 15 January 2012, 10:02 PM.


        • #64
          Morning all,
          Not got full access to the internet today so not able to read through the recent updates.
          Is there anyway though someone can suggest some solicitors for me in the north west???
          Thanks x


          • #65
            Depends on whether you are using public funding or can afford to go private. If you can afford to go private the best one is the guy I work for and you may get me on board as well (not sure if that is a plus or not!)


            01704 535512

            If not, Correna Platt of Stephenson's solicitors in Wigan
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~


            • #66
              Sorry for short responces on my phone an internet is awful!!

              I'm broke ill be honest but this scum bag isn't winning so we are trying for funding but otherwise we will find the money some way!!!



              • #67
                Originally posted by fighter View Post
                I (how women have various motives and how easy the process of accusing somebody and having them arrested, and yes sometimes it is senseless). .
                Academic I know but I watch scroungers and saints today and before they could arrest a family of fraudsters they had to gather so much evidence and surveillance etc. And with all this someone just has to go in to the police station and make a statement.

                The fraudster got 2 year, rape allegations are a life sentence.

                I think people who make fake allegations should all be gathered up and put in some sort of tower for the rest of their lives.

                They make me sick.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by JamieG View Post

                  The fraudster got 2 year, rape allegations are a life sentence.

                  I think people who make fake allegations should all be gathered up and put in some sort of tower for the rest of their lives.

                  They make me sick.

                  Re: saints and scroungers program. I think the false accusers of rape are worst than benefits fraudster; because they ruin a person;s life and their loved ones. Moreso, if they get compensation -- they are doing two things; getting money off tax payers (with only a degree of probability that they were raped) and targeting somebody to be ruined. A benefits fraudster take money off tax payer undeservingly but does not hurt directly an individual.


                  • #69
                    I think anyone who can tell such a sick lie like this and bascially destroy lives should be rounded up and shot!! Harsh i know and probably dont mean it as such haha got rage towards them all haha Just knocks me sick how they are allowed to tell this lie and because the cps want to look like they are doing something about it they are putting cases through with minimum of evidence..

                    Has anyone ever heard of a case been thrown out before it got to court with lack of evidence etc ???

                    Hope you are all well today by the way, hears to a positive day !!!!


                    • #70
                      I think sometimes, even when charged, sols and barristers can get it thrown out at case management hearings.


                      • #71
                        A friend of mine here who was accused of something hideous and untrue (think he said they had about 5 charges against him) had it thrown out on the first day of crown court.

                        His advice to me is to trust solicitors and barristers on your team and not worry.

                        He now has a very succesful career in the army.

                        There is always hope remember that


                        • #72
                          hi joan
                          during my sons trial last year. their was a case in the court next to ours . it was a 13 year old girl accusing her step dad, we were sat in the corridor and heard a cheer
                          after a few mins a few of the family came out and told us most of the story about the case, apparently what happened in the court room was the 13year old was found out in her evidence that she was a complete liar not sure of the whole story, but the judge threw it out their and then. i was so happy for that family that day it lifted my spirits for a while .. you never know joan.....


                          • #73
                            Our solicitor said if the prosecution team cannot bring up a good case, there might even be no need for the accused to talk or the other witnesses to come to court. The barrister has to be excellent also to point out that the prosecution is weak! I hope it will be like that for all of us. :-)


                            • #74
                              Shouldn't get my hopes up but just hope when we sort the best solicitor and barrister, they can go through it all and find the mistakes and lies and maybe get it thrown out !! Very much doubt this will happen but if it doesn't we will have our day and watch the liar squirm and lie herself into trouble so least i can get some satisfaction out of this horrid situation hey..



                              • #75
                                Yes Joan, if it doesn't get thrown out at once.. go on and still fight! :-) You are right to come to the forum as you can prepare well for the trial with all the advises and experiences shared here. My partner knows the accuser and she is not one to handle situations like this and being questioned so we are holding on to that thought that she might be squirming by now. The wheel has turned; we get to fight; instead of being helpless. Now, the accuser has to worry how to put her lies together. You can shift all your efforts to researching the accuser; so you can help the defense team.
                                Last edited by fighter; 17 January 2012, 06:59 PM.

