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Falsely accused of rape by fiance of 10 years, currently on bail.

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  • Mental health issues can sometimes assist at trial stage (not before) if psychiatric records are obtained by the Crown (usually, then passed to Defence) and there is a history of false allegations documented, or other clearly fantastical claims that are clearly untrue. However that is rare.

    One trial was stopped before Christmas due to evidence found in her records - the Crown dropped the case.

    This cannot happen prior to charge as far as I know, so using her mental health problems at this stage could only serve to damage your case as it could be considered that you are trying to wriggle out of something with you hiding behind her mental illness.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • Well i got physical evidence, more of it now, she said via a logged social site to a friend the following:

      1. She said that the police are only trying to scare me.

      2. She said that she hasn't pressed charges yet and doesn't know if she will.

      Seems to me that she doesn't even know what she is doing. She is under the illusion that she hasn't pressed charges yet, when the full investigation is already underway. I'm on bale, the investigation is ongoing, police time is being used. She says she might not press charges. Erm...

      Helpful to my case?


      • Save screenshots (not copy and paste) and keep these safe as they could help later on. Do not show to the police.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
          Save screenshots (not copy and paste) and keep these safe as they could help later on. Do not show to the police.
          Saved (screenshot), printed, and stashed away. When would be the time to show police?
          Last edited by CM00; 15 January 2012, 12:19 PM.


          • Originally posted by CM00 View Post
            Saved (screenshot), printed, and stashed away. When would be the time to show police?

            Sorry to tell you but you HAVE TO read other posts on this forum!

            Don't show anything to the police! That's whay RF is saying keep safe everything that can help your case.


            • Originally posted by CM00 View Post
              Saved (screenshot), printed, and stashed away. When would be the time to show police?


              • Originally posted by CM00 View Post
                Saved (screenshot), printed, and stashed away. When would be the time to show police?
                "Do not show to police" means DO NOT SHOW. Not "when".

                CMOO, you do understand plain English, surely?


                • Originally posted by CM00 View Post

                  Can't contact my solicitor, i haven't figured him out, he seems a bit eccentric and possibly a bit of dick too. All the stuff i've said here i asked him if i should tell the police, he just says "no, waste of time, won't make any difference".

                  He also told me not to call him or leave him messages again until after he sends me the follow up letter that you receive after the interview.

                  When i first spoke to him before the interview, we spoke for an hour or two, he said i'd screw it all up, that i went off the direct topic too much etc, he said i was in big trouble.

                  Then, i went into the interview, and i nailed it, and he told me afterwards that it went perfect, he'd never seen such a good interview in all his time. He said he was worried at first and then shocked at how well i did it.

                  Then of course a few days later i ring him and start bringing up these other facts that could help me prove she is lying and he just says no to all of it and gets angry at me, he's a seriously stressed out guy. I've repeatedly had to tell him to calm down, and i'm the one in the ****... not him.

                  Now, I know why the solicitor got stressed! If you went on to him like you are going on in this thread. I see a different picture.


                  • ****'s sake CMOO.

                    There's being upset and not thinking straight - but you're verging on the stupid now. We don't sit here for the good of our health to keep saying the same things over and over.

                    Read the bloody posts - everyone is telling you the same thing.
                    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                    • Can't contact my solicitor, i haven't figured him out, he seems a bit eccentric and possibly a bit of dick too. All the stuff i've said here i asked him if i should tell the police, he just says "no, waste of time, won't make any difference".

                      He also told me not to call him or leave him messages again until after he sends me the follow up letter that you receive after the interview.
                      Another sodding time-waster I bet. I wonder if he decides to go to the police with his evidence, who then tell the complainant and supporters who then makes their profiles private, so he's lost that avenue tooo

                      The solicitor is quite right when he said:

                      he said i'd screw it all up, that i went off the direct topic too much etc, he said i was in big trouble.
                      Those who think they know it all and do not take heed of advice from those with their own experiences often end up in clink.
                      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                      PAFAA details ~


                      • Originally posted by LS View Post
                        "Do not show to police" means DO NOT SHOW. Not "when".

                        CMOO, you do understand plain English, surely?
                        That's true that my English isn't god.
                        But if you are on bail and you have new evidence which could help you then go on. Show them!
                        If you wanna show all evidences you have then you should do this, but you should show them to your sol and only if you are charged.

                        Just read other posts please. There is a lot of proper answers and you will see how to deal with this situation.

                        Just to let you know. Iv been on bail for 9 months ( now I am charged ) and I trusted police. But thanks to this forum now I know how to deal with it.

                        Thanks to all who is posting here.


                        • marynarz Originally Posted by LS
                          "Do not show to police" means DO NOT SHOW. Not "when".

                          CMOO, you do understand plain English, surely?

                          That's true that my English isn't god.
                          Marynaz: LS's post was to CMOO not you, hon.

                          Evidence gathered after interview that helps defence that can by misused or misconstrued should not be shown to the police.

                          Most police officers on the whole are honest but it is the bad ones that cause such distrust that you have to assume they are all corrupt. Sad but true.
                          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                          PAFAA details ~


                          • CM is more confused who to believe I think, the people in the forum or the police officer who told him his evidences will be considered.


                            • Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
                              Marynaz: LS's post was to CMOO not you, hon.

                              Evidence gathered after interview that helps defence that can by misused or misconstrued should not be shown to the police.

                              Most police officers on the whole are honest but it is the bad ones that cause such distrust that you have to assume they are all corrupt. Sad but true.
                              Sorry for misunderstanding :-/


                              • Well it's his choice fighter who to believe but he shouldn't keep coming back asking the same questions.

                                Marynaz no need to apologise hon
                                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                                PAFAA details ~

