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Falsely accused of rape by fiance of 10 years, currently on bail.

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  • #91
    I'm only kind of understanding the situation as I was almost a carbon copy of him until about a week odds ago......

    Everything rushes through the mind at a million miles an hour and trying to understand anything is near impossible! Thank god the rest of you guys were here or I'd probably have had a mental breakdown!

    It's different for everyone. Some just need to get it off their chests and share the info with people where as others want to completely deconstruct the case (most likely me!). At the end of the day we can all expend massive amounts of energy in pursuit of.... NOTHING. If it's just an arrest and question or even a charge we all still no bugger all and are at the mercy of those in position of power.

    The hardest part is realising that it's only information that we can really share here along with a virtual shoulder to cry on (or a virtual ear to moan in!). I'm happy that I was tolerated until I came through the other side, I still have questions but am not too bothered about them at the moment. I'm sure this thread will die down a little once the initial shock is over.

    You're not one for bailing out fighter and I can only really say I'm feeling for you at the mo. Can't recommend you off and chill out as I know it's simply not possible! Painkillers and a movie or something, a distraction of type I hope you do find.
    Wow... A signature option!


    • #92
      Hi there, I think all of this info you are gathering is very useful - but as others have said, probably not to take to the police. It would be a good idea to store any evidence which contradicts her story with someone trusted. Many people here have been in the situation whereby any conflicting evidence ends up being used against them.

      Info on Bipolar - I have very severe bipolar and have never accused anyone falsely of anything. In fact the reverse in that I was attacked and said nought. My attacker then went on to murder a girl the following year. People with severe mental health problems are often very vulnerable. Having said that, Tony's accuser has a personality disorder which is a mental health condition (but not an illness as such).

      Try and take note of what people are saying here, unfortunately everyone here has become very experienced, and while your findings are really good, and you clearly are going to fight back, don't expect any common sense from the police, CPS etc. You might get lucky with yr OIC, or you may well not.

      False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


      • #93
        RF replied to Fighter, and the OP replied to her thinking it was for him.
        Lights are on, but no one home.


        • #94
          Originally posted by largactyl1 View Post
          Hi there, I think all of this info you are gathering is very useful - but as others have said, probably not to take to the police. It would be a good idea to store any evidence which contradicts her story with someone trusted. Many people here have been in the situation whereby any conflicting evidence ends up being used against them.

          Info on Bipolar - I have very severe bipolar and have never accused anyone falsely of anything. In fact the reverse in that I was attacked and said nought. My attacker then went on to murder a girl the following year. People with severe mental health problems are often very vulnerable. Having said that, Tony's accuser has a personality disorder which is a mental health condition (but not an illness as such).

          Try and take note of what people are saying here, unfortunately everyone here has become very experienced, and while your findings are really good, and you clearly are going to fight back, don't expect any common sense from the police, CPS etc. You might get lucky with yr OIC, or you may well not.

          I may have got lucky with the OIC, i asked him yestaday if i presented evidence and that evidence showed that she was lying, would it just be ignored because it doesn't help them against me? He said of course not, they look at it from all angles and will consider it both ways.

          I also asked him about the odd question he slipped in at the start of the interview, he said "she said you're well endowed, would you say that is the case?"?

          I said i thought that was a bit odd to ask me that, i know she's boasted that often to numerous people, she does like to boast and for her that has always been a boast. She said that in her statement and they perhaps thought it was a bit strange for her to be boasting about the size of her EX's penis at the same time as reporting him for rape. I assume that's why they decided to throw that question in there at the start, they were interested to hear my response.

          I said to him, didn't you find it a bit odd that she said that? He actually gave away a little here, he said we did find some things that don't add up.


          • #95
            Originally posted by CM00 View Post
            I may have got lucky with the OIC, i asked him yestaday if i presented evidence and that evidence showed that she was lying, would it just be ignored because it doesn't help them against me? He said of course not, they look at it from all angles and will consider it both ways.
            So... have you given your evidence to them?


            • #96
              Originally posted by fighter View Post
              So... have you given your evidence to them?
              Not yet, haven't decided to if yet.


              • #97
                i would photo copy it if you do ...........


                • #98
                  please don't - its not a wise move - give it to your solicitor.
                  And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                  • #99
                    All of the lies she tells to people, pointless lies, it doesn't make sense. She told people she was a child model (she wasn't) She is telling people she is an actress and singer, and she got to auditions on X factor. Google "xxx" she has a section on the ***** website claiming she is hairdresser, make up artist, nail tech, actress and singer (the last 2 are false). She keeps borrowing money off people only to waste it. I learned that she has borrowed another £1000 from her boss (well ex boss now). All of that money is gone, she spent it all in 1 day. Biopolars and spending sprees are a known fact. Now she is telling her friends she can't pay them money she owes because she claims "I raided her bank account".

                    Bipolars can suffer from psychosis, which leads to delusions.

                    Her mother is diagnosed with bi-polar, it does run in the family. Her grandfather is much the same, he assumed a lot of wrong and delusional ideas about xxxxx and won't speak to her again, nor her mum, who he'd fell out with years earlier.
                    Last edited by RFLH; 15 January 2012, 11:23 AM. Reason: edited name


                    • I should really add the specifics about the £1000 she borrowed from her boss. This in the past week or so. She was already £1000 in debt to him, she borrowed another £1000, i doubt she told him why she needed it, or he'd have never given it to her. She borrowed £1000 from him in the past week, and spent it all in 1 day on a shopping spree on just stuff that she doesn't need. Who borrows £1000 from someone just to go on a shopping spree? No person of sound mind would do that. This kind of behaviour alomne would get you diagnosed with bipolar. She has been like this all of her life, spends every penny she has, and can't stop lying, often to try to make herself look better to other people (i'm on x factor for example).

                      I'm really concerned for her because this condition resulted in her mother becoming the depressed, regretful, mentally ill woman who she is now, no partner, no family.


                      • I wonder if your police would take that on board... that she lies and spends money. Our accuser is a liar also and most relevantly had history of false allegations for rape but our police did not even consider that.


                        • I can't understand why her boss is 'lending' her so much money - perhaps its hush money? She can't pay it back if she has no job.

                          You can't blame her behaviour on her being mentlly ill - you haven't mentioned if that has been diagnosed - some people are just plain bad and really don't care who they hurt.
                          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                          • Originally posted by RFLH View Post
                            I can't understand why her boss is 'lending' her so much money - perhaps its hush money? She can't pay it back if she has no job.

                            You can't blame her behaviour on her being mentlly ill - you haven't mentioned if that has been diagnosed - some people are just plain bad and really don't care who they hurt.
                            He lent her the money because he knows she sold the house and will get 70k soon.


                            • Yes there are many mentally ill people but they do not automatically do these things. If this is the case, the police will then have more than they can deal with. This is similar to your conclusion of the rate of conviction and applying it in your case.

                              All these things would definitely help you in your case if you are charged. I don't think police question the character of the "raped victim". I guess if it is shining through her statement then they would have doubted her; but doubt as experienced by most people is also not enough to make a decision of NFA.


                              • I hope he has it in writing - the way your wife is spending money it'll be gone by the time she gets it.

                                But I daresay she'll then use the money she'll get for a false allegation.
                                And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..

