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Falsely accused of rape by fiance of 10 years, currently on bail.

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  • #76
    Originally posted by CM00 View Post
    She is on record admiting this anyway, they can't turn that back on me and say i raped her because she was going to leave or because of this new relationship she formed over the internet.
    Who says they cannot say your motivation for raping her is because you found out about the new relationship and she is leaving you? The more you portray yourself "angry"; the more they will think you would have motivation for raping her; you will expose yourself more to the police. They think the girl has messed you around so much and one way of punishing her is to rape her.

    What if the police watches Coronation Street where one character was raped when she said she didn't want to go through the wedding... a similar angle to yours; although of course the girl was raped. Am not saying they follow the tv shows :-) but you know this angle might have been encountered by the police and you could be helping them go towards that direction.

    As everybody suggested save your evidences because the defence team can help you out.
    Last edited by fighter; 14 January 2012, 11:14 AM.


    • #77
      I think you'll find that they can twist anything you say - the trick is is to answer the question asked and only that - don't try to expand on it. The less you say the better.
      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


      • #78
        Originally posted by gem View Post
        don.t think the police will do a turn around at this stage they are investigating an allegation of rape which means they will be looking for evidence against you. don.t know about the police where you live ..... they might decide to look at her statements as well. all i can say is, in most cases the police are going to work for the prosecution not the defence. but you never know the screen shots you have may help.speaking for myself and probably most on here. we have been through this ordeal.
        and we know how corrupt the police can be to get a prosecution, and how jury regard evidence that is put before them. every trial is different every jury is different. but i do know one thing. a lot depends on your defence team. get the best you can that is experienced in these cases and show him every bit of facebook ect evidence you can, see what he says about it. i hope everything goes in your favour
        Well, the police might already suspect her. One of the first questions i was asked is an odd one. This was in the actual interview and he said she said it in her statement He said "She says that you're well endowed, would you say that you are?"

        Why even ask me that question? It doesn't seem relevant, unless perhaps they think it's a bit odd for her to say that. Here's the thing, she's a silly girl, and she is boastful. She has often boasted to people that i am well endowed, and i believe she boasted it in her statement.

        The police will find that a bit weird, perhaps that's why they asked me, perhaps they wanted to see what i would say, like i said, was one of the first things they asked me.

        Now why would she have re


        • #79
          Originally posted by fighter View Post
          Who says they cannot say your motivation for raping her is because you found out about the new relationship and she is leaving you? The more you portray yourself "angry"; the more they will think you would have motivation for raping her; you will expose yourself more to the police. They think the girl has messed you around so much and one way of punishing her is to rape her.

          What if the police watches Coronation Street where one character was raped when she said she didn't want to go through the wedding... a similar angle to yours; although of course the girl was raped. Am not saying they follow the tv shows :-) but you know this angle might have been encountered by the police and you could be helping them go towards that direction.

          As everybody suggested save your evidences because the defence team can help you out.
          How can they say that? It contradicts her statement that she gave them, that she hid that she was going to leave me right until jan 9th when she was already gone. She herself has already admitted that she hid it from me, how could i have raped her for that when she already admitted i didn't know about it, my own statement backs it up too, and so do text and msn logs, and i also believe she did not tell them about this new relationship, she kept it secret from them too.

          Why do you think i'm portraying myself as angry? I've been the complete opposite of angry, i let them know in the interview that i was upset and sad and that i love her very much. We've been together for 10 years. I must defend myself though, and if that means showing evidence that proves she is a compuslive liar then so be it.

          Right now i have a lot of witnesses, non family, they're all her old work places, including the one she just left. She told them about her plan to leave me, she was sat at work all day on her laptop face to face with this guy in france using a webcam. She even told one of them that i'd raped her on the 28th december and she was giggling about it at the time. Remember, on record she claims i raped her on 23rd december. She always loses her jobs or makes employees quit because of her lying ways.

          Surely all of these witnesses will help my case? I don't know yet if i should mention the witness who said xxxxx told her the rape was on the 28th and she was giggling about it while she told her.
          Last edited by RFLH; 14 January 2012, 12:09 PM. Reason: removal of name


          • #80
            just because you can see the sense in it - don't expect them to. I doubt that they will listen to the taped interview when then CPS are deciding whether to proceed. As you've seen, the written word can be interpreted differently by different people.

            It doesn't matter how many times you go over the same things, it really won't make any difference in the end. If they think they have the slightest chance of getting a conviction from the flimsiest of evidence - then they will run with it. And don't be surprised if when you go back to answer bail, that the charges are increased. That happens a lot too.
            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


            • #81
              Cm, you always have an answer to the advise given to you by people on the forum and definitely insisting you have these evidences and the police will see it that way.

              So why are you still here and asking people for advises, why don't you go to the police and give all your evidences and I would be happy to get an update what would happen to your case. Because if it works well, then I would be happy some police have some sense in them and they don't care about the target and forget they are protecting a "rape victim" and working for her justice.

              This forum is useless to you if you are just ignoring the advise of people who had experiences before you and sometimes much worse situation than you.

              I cannot absorb anymore of your evidences. Sorry.


              • #82
                Originally posted by fighter View Post
                Cm, you always have an answer to the advise given to you by people on the forum and definitely insisting you have these evidences and the police will see it that way.

                So why are you still here and asking people for advises, why don't you go to the police and give all your evidences and I would be happy to get an update what would happen to your case. Because if it works well, then I would be happy some police have some sense in them and they don't care about the target and forget they are protecting a "rape victim" and working for her justice.

                This forum is useless to you if you are just ignoring the advise of people who had experiences before you and sometimes much worse situation than you.

                I cannot absorb anymore of your evidences. Sorry.
                I find it hard to believe that the police will only look at the case from a one sided point of view. Rape is one of those crimes where false allegations happen and making the false allegation itself is a crime so if the accusers story is full of holes and looks like a lie, why would they not consider evidence against the accuser?


                • #83
                  read back through this thread.. and read other threads.. and you will get your answer.


                  • #84
                    oh bless you - are you still under the impression of being innocent until proven guilty?! Sexual offences are, in the main - the only crimes that don't need evidence - it goes on word.

                    How do you prove that something that didn't happen - didn't happen?
                    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                    • #85
                      And on top of that the ONLY purpose of today's police is to collect anything and everything which will get them a more than 51% chance of a conviction.
                      Going to them with evidence which shows you're innocent is a total waste of your time, but try it, you obviously have plenty to waste and who knows, you might even get a different response than everyone else has in your situation.

                      What I do know is that plenty have gone before you, tried to prove their case, and the police have just totally ignored it and taken the matter to court.

                      When you start listening to what people are telling you, you might make some progress. But already there are people like Fighter walking away.

                      Time to wake up.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by fighter View Post
                        Cm, you always have an answer to the advise given to you by people on the forum and definitely insisting you have these evidences and the police will see it that way.

                        So why are you still here and asking people for advises, why don't you go to the police and give all your evidences and I would be happy to get an update what would happen to your case. Because if it works well, then I would be happy some police have some sense in them and they don't care about the target and forget they are protecting a "rape victim" and working for her justice.

                        This forum is useless to you if you are just ignoring the advise of people who had experiences before you and sometimes much worse situation than you.

                        I cannot absorb anymore of your evidences. Sorry.

                        Just caught up with this one. Yes it does seem to be a waste of time trying to advise (from experiences of members who have been there and done that) somebody who thinks they already know it all.

                        Fighter leave them to it. There are others who need and who will accept your help. You're doing very well considering what you are going through, by the way!
                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
                          Just caught up with this one. Yes it does seem to be a waste of time trying to advise (from experiences of members who have been there and done that) somebody who thinks they already know it all.

                          Fighter leave them to it. There are others who need and who will accept your help. You're doing very well considering what you are going through, by the way!
                          Well i try not to be a pessimist. But believe me, i am hurting inside.

                          Her mother has Biopolar and is quite crazy because of it, ruined her own life from having it. This is a family pass down condition. What difference does this make to my case? I read that bipolars are far more likely to make a false accusation.
                          Last edited by CM00; 14 January 2012, 06:23 PM.


                          • #88
                            hardly anything at all - they will go on only what is presented to them about the alleged incident. The police are there purely to prove your guilt - not to clear you.

                            Bringing up mental health issues could go against you - you knew there was a family history, therefore you could have used that to your advantage.

                            Everything you can say to prove you're innocence - they can come back with something more damning to make you guilty.

                            Yes we know you're hurting - but no more or less than anyone else that has been through this. I lost my children and family over it, so I do know what hurt feels like.

                            I stuck by my ex through it all, he has subsequently gone on to make a new life for himself with someone else - but it still doesn't give me my children back.
                            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                            • #89
                              Police may well believe it is YOU who's nuts... They might accuse you of stalking her.

                              It could also be a breach of bail in so far as accessing your ex's FB account, either through knowing the password or simply viewing her page, is an attempt to contact her.

                              Don't give anything to the Police. Keep quiet and out of their way that way they're more likely to forget about you and also the case. If you're constantly reminding them then it's more likely to advance.

                              You're doing a good job with gathering evidence. It's for YOU and your solicitor. It's for YOUR case if there ever is one.

                              Proving innocence is something for the courtroom, not the local cop shop.

                              It's handy to continue to post up the info though, contrary to some comments, as others can advise on it's use. It may be the method you're putting it across that's putting others off though.

                              Most posters within this section of the forum are either dealing with their own cases or have been through the entire process and are either appealing a decision or have been lucky enough to get NFA or have actually been found Not Guilty. We're all here to help each other and be helped. You're not the first or the last to have your heart and soul ripped out. You will also eventually realise, if you are unlucky enough, that justice is NOT what you think it is and innocence has nothing to do with whether you go to jail or not.
                              Wow... A signature option!


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by lawlessone2009 View Post
                                It's handy to continue to post up the info though, contrary to some comments, as others can advise on it's use. It may be the method you're putting it across that's putting others off though.
                                thanks lawlessone.

                                To be honest, I found myself stressed, got a headache and went away from the computer. I myself is having a bad day and then you encounter somebody who doesn't listen to people; it is just too much to take for a day.

