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Falsely accused of rape by fiance of 10 years, currently on bail.

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  • #46
    Sorry to hear you are in such a situation.

    One thing I have learnt is to plan for the worst and hope for the best.

    The cps and police are target driven they don't care if you are innocent their job is to prove guilt

    I would look for a good defence solicitor that deals with false allegations

    Just in case, so you are prepared


    • #47
      yes, it is good to go over things. Hope you have put them down in a document. If you get charged, you will find out things will be molded out differently in the statements of your accuser and other people and you will address them as guided by the solicitor. And you are right, something to get back to.

      But I think I wanted to let you know that dont get your hopes so high; it does hurt a lot when you were dead set on not getting charged and you get charged. When my partner was charged we felt we went back to the day he was arrested because in our minds he cannot be charged with no evidence, no forensic and it took 10 months.

      As you read through the threads, it is clear that if you get charged, it is not unusual, and also that you have a way of winning it by preparing for it well. :-)


      • #48
        sorry to tell you this but when the police took my computer away.they wiped all his evidence away .then blamed someone else of hacking his password


        • #49
          Originally posted by gem View Post
          sorry to tell you this but when the police took my computer away.they wiped all his evidence away .then blamed someone else of hacking his password
          They can't do that with me, the msn logs are stored on the harddrive, they'd be instantly caught out as liars. I did state my concerns to the police about this and they said they would definetly not do that.

          The thing is in this case it's my word vs hers and we sleep together every nice, 10 years together, and there's holes in her story that make it look less than legit.

          I asked the custody officer if they would only consider evidence that goes against me or also look for evidence that shows that she is lying. He said of course they look at it from both sides, if she is lying, we will want to find out.

          I believe their case against me is weak, so does the solictor, don't you think that if they reasonably suspect that the accuser made the allegation up that she would then instead focus on evidence to charge her instead? At least they'd make a charge.

          I read the rape conviction rate is about 7% or something, i am assuming that 7% are mostly cases that are nothing like mine.


          • #50
            Loads of innocent people get convicted. Remember they police and cps duty is not to prove your innocence but to establish guilt.
            As a smart person I would be researching capable and able defence specialists in this field rights fighter is an expert ask her.

            A lot of people have thought their cases were strong in their favour and not prepared or sought excellent representation and got convicted
            Someone on here said "remember everyone in prison had a lawyer"
            Write everything you can think of down and speak to rights fighter or call Gerry McDonald solicitor say you got refered him from here he is excellent


            • #51
              Should i really call him now though? What to say? i don't know if i'll need him yet.

              I've been trying to google "what constitutes as a witness in rape" - I want to find out how much it will effect the case from the fact that the accuser has got her best friend to vouch for her that she told her about the alledged rape just after it happend. It's ridiculous that she can even be classed as a witness, she didn't witness anything and could quite easily be lying for her friend.


              • #52
                Time and tide wait for no man. Tell him you got his details on here he is really understandng

                Get in touch with:
                Gerry McDonald
                EBR Attridge
                436 High Road
                N17 9BJ

                Mob: 07779 239708
                Office: 020 880 80774 (24hrs)


                They have offices in Tottenham and Holborn as well as Manchester.
                Look up details on the website.

                Hope this helps.


                • #53
                  Ok i mailed him.


                  • #54
                    I'm reading a few newspaper articles that state the conviction rate is 6% in 2010.


                    They also say that most of the 6% are only successful because the defendant admitted to the rape.

                    Are you guys sure it's really that likely for me to lose this? I know some may have had bad experiences, but if the conviction rate is 6% and i have a good case, then my chance of being convicted is less than 6%, maybe even half that or less. I know the police claim they have to prove "beyond all reasonable doubt".

                    The other thing i read is even if convicted, about 50% of convictions go further than that. The chance for being sent to prison appears incredibly low based on the statistics.
                    Last edited by CM00; 12 January 2012, 11:13 PM.


                    • #55
                      Jesus man! I love you!

                      Not in a man on man way..........

                      I just love the details. I'm similar to you in some ways.

                      You're going through a faze of information overload and mass questioning. I did the same.

                      You need to take a little step back and relax or you may miss a crucial detail.

                      'Money is the root of all evil' seems to be a quote that springs to mind. Partner suddenly comes into some money and BANG she buggers off, happens all the time! She's probably spent a long time feeling trapped, maybe even resentful towards you and your superior money management skills (I'm NOT having a dig!!!). She's finally found a solution, lots of money, and thought 'Ha, I'll show him!'.

                      You're clearly not quite as brazen with cash as her and thought it'd be wiser to invest for the future rather than the here and now. She's rejected this and rejected you. She's then went and fecked you over...

                      I would under no circumstances get back together with this woman EVER! She's clearly selfish and self serving. I'd bet she'll happily send you to jail for a few years while she goes and blows the money with her mate then comes back skint just as you walk out the prison gates where she's waiting on you with a 'sorry' and 'it was a mistake, please forgive me'.

                      You being you will forgive her and you'll spend another five years together before she finds some more money... You back to jail and her off for some fun again!

                      You're getting the piss ripped clean out of you! Leave this woman for some other poor bugger to get run over by.

                      Do not contact her in any manner. The bail is in place to not only protect her as the accuser but also the protect you as the accused. It may not seem this way but it is!

                      Get a good solicitor, Gerry has been recommended. You may be happy with your own but a 'friendly' solicitor isn't necessarily a 'good' solicitor. You can't afford to take any chances if it ends up in court!

                      The seriousness of the situation will be sinking in for both parties. Your exploration of everything surrounding this allegation will quickly turn you to 'rage'. You will realise that it doesn't matter how blatant the lies appear or how strong you believe your case to be, the jury decide what happens. This is where your legal team come into play. By all means gather everything you believe to be evidence and keep it all TO YOURSELF! When the time comes share it with your legal team.

                      DO NOT give it to the Police. Have nothing else to do with the Police except answering bail. They are not your friends, they are constructing a case AGAINST you. With all the evidence they already have there is a strong possibility that they may believe you and charge her, it does happen but don't count on it.

                      The only evidence you should share with the Police is directly verifiable and independent evidence which would clearly demonstrate she is lying. How this is obtained is anyones guess but it does happen from time to time.

                      Love hurts and you are clearly hurting. Don't give this woman the opportunity to hurt you again, get a woman who you can share equally with and isn't shallow enough to screw you at the first sign of money.
                      Wow... A signature option!


                      • #56
                        CM, we cannot answer if you can be convicted. We are not sure of any outcome. You haven't been charged yet so definitely you cannot be convicted yet. If you are charged then there is always a risk you can be found guilty. The solicitor told us in every case there is a risk.

                        Each case is treated individually. Similar cases might have different outcomes if you read through the threads. When you are charged all things about percentages of conviction as well as false allegations flew out of the window. In fact, I haven;t heard anybody yet here say there is less than 10% of conviction, I will be fine. :-)

                        The forum is helpful because it helps you prepare not to have a bad experience. We are not here to scare people, I personally want people to learn from our mistakes. Just keep their advises on hand, we are not saying get a lawyer because you will be convicted. Get a lawyer because it is the smart move.


                        • #57
                          very wise post fighter.

                          Fail to prepare - prepare to fail.
                          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                          • #58
                            Omg! i just hit the jackpot. I learned through her work friends that she has been dating a fench guy who lives in france for quite some time, and planning to leave to go with him as soon as she had the money. They also showed me she has another facebook account, she has loads of evidence publically available, and i've screenshotted it.

                            For instance "in a relation ship with xxx from 20th december" on her facebook.

                            She alledged rape took place on 23rd december.

                            Message on her facebook on 24th december "Merry xmax everyone, may all your pressies bring you smiles, kisses and heartful sunshine (heart)"

                            This message was posted the following day after the alledged that i raped her.

                            She started dating the french guy on 20th december.

                            This is not a rape victim, this is a spiteful girl trying to ruin her EX.

                            Should i report this evidence to the officer investigating my case? This could end it right here. All the girls in her work place are willing to vouch for me too. One of them said that she told her about the alledged rape at least a week after the 23rd of december (ex is on record saying i raped her on 23rd dec). But this woman says my EX said she told her it happend at least a week later, and she did not say the same as she said to the police, my ex claimed i forced myself on her and she just decided to go along with it. Not what she told the police. She even lied to this woman, because i didn't force myself, and then when later reporting to the police, she made up even more lies.


                            • #59
                              just rang police dept and asked for my pc back that they took at begining of my sons arrest. the dc has just informed me i cannot have it back until my son has served his sentence and if i am lodging an appeal then not at all . i want some info off the hard drive i believe they deleted . so now what


                              • #60
                                CM, what can i say? Dont read too much into facebook statuses.FB status does not reflect what is really happening to some people. Even genuine rape victim would not say in the facebook something about rape. For example, A friend was raped last year by a guy she was in relationship, but her FB status says something else because she would not subject herself to gossips among her FB friends.

                                Nevertheless it is helpful to have these screen shots as it might be helpful. But dont assume or conclude anything; I dont think the FB statuses are acceptable as evidences unless it is clearly stated. We used FB screenshots but the solicitor went through it carefully.

                                Calm down. Jackpot is no jackpot unless you win your case :-) The husband of the accuser of my partner, negated the rape told by the accuser in his statement In fact, there was another statement from a police officer saying the accuser said she was raped by a bf before, not my partner. Yet, my partner was charged. You can think through 1000 times over, but the police and CPS might see it differently. And in the end, it is their decision you have to accept.

                                As most people advise here don't go to the police with your evidences. Keep all your evidences and produce them when it is the right time. Have a solicitor.

                                Try to go get a normal routine back because it is a waiting game. Everybody will tell you that, the fight begins when you are charged.

