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Falsely accused of rape by fiance of 10 years, currently on bail.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by fighter View Post
    the solicitor is a duty solicitor?
    Yeah he is, he seems like he's not on their side but he seems strange.


    • #32
      You might want to get a new solicitor in. We got a new solicitor after about 4 months of being rebailed, trusting the duty solicitor's advise that we can just let it die its own death.


      • #33
        Just spoke to custody, i asked about the missing computer, he told me that they probably have it but it's being looked into, i said what happens if they've lost it, he said he seriously doubts they'd lose it.

        I asked about the chat and text evidence on the phone and computer and said the only evidence on there will show the accuser has been telling lies. I asked if they would ignore that and and just focus on getting me regardless, he said definetly not, it goes both ways, they will check into all of it vs both sides.


        • #34
          well i hope they do that, but also if you have any more evidence as most people here would advise do not give it to the police.

          by the way, when is your fiance travelling? i think she has to be here while investigation is going? i read a story of somebody who was on bail for long periods because they cannot locate the accuser.


          • #35
            Originally posted by fighter View Post
            well i hope they do that, but also if you have any more evidence as most people here would advise do not give it to the police.

            by the way, when is your fiance travelling? i think she has to be here while investigation is going? i read a story of somebody who was on bail for long periods because they cannot locate the accuser.
            I'm not sure, i wondered about that. She is due to travel soon, i just don't know the specifics, within a month most likely. My bail doesn't end till april. Does she have to remain in the country? If so... well she ruined her own plans for that world trip because i can't see this ending any other way then her being figured out as having lied.

            My solicitor did tell me he thinks this case will go nowhere. It's really just my word vs hers, and she alledged the rape happend during one night that we were in bed, we always sleep together, and her entire story of the rape is a lie. We did have sex that night, but there no was rape. It's not rape when the victim gets into a doggy position willingly without me having to touch her for her to do that and then does not make any complaints during the sex whatsoever. She alledges that i forced her into the position and then held her down while she screamed get off and was in much pain. Such a ton of horse****.

            The police did tell my solicitor they have a witness, and i know who they're talking about, it's the girl she's ran off with, the one who was with her and probably egged her on to make the false complaint. This friend claims that my ex/fiance told her the day after the alledged rape what happend however i believe this to be rubbish, and even if it were true that she told her, that still doesn't mean she didn't make it up. I doubt they have any physical evidence of this because i don't believe she said to her.

            Also, the rape she alledges took place on 23rd december, she didn't report it until 10th january. She also acted lovingly to me all during this time, via text messages and msn aswell, there no change in her attitude toward me whatsoever. Do you think this helps my case a lot? Then of course, she is on record telling the police that the rape is why she decided to leave me, but then it looks odd that she waited weeks to actually leave, she could have left immediately, she had places to go. I also believe that there are logs on her laptop facebook account that will reveal she had been planning to leave me for this world trip many months before the alledged rape took place. She was just waiting for her house to sell so she had some money to finance it. Seriously this girl has sold the house her nan left for her and is using the money to finance a world trip joyride when all she's ever been is broke all her life because she can't handle money, wastes it.
            Last edited by CM00; 12 January 2012, 01:05 PM.


            • #36
              I don't think the police will prevent her from leaving the country. I dont think she ruined her plan, she has freedom of movement. I dont know much about this; hopefully some members would shed light on it.

              One will never know what will happen. My partner was on bail for 10 months, on the day he was arrested he was told it was rubbish. Yet in the end he got charged.


              • #37

                Nm, that's accused, not accuser


                • #38
                  Any inconsistencies in what she said and in her behaviour would all count towards you and hopefully would be seen by CPS when they decide on your case.

                  The problem with bail is, it is a waiting game, you cannot do much for your case.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by fighter View Post
                    Any inconsistencies in what she said and in her behaviour would all count towards you and hopefully would be seen by CPS when they decide on your case.

                    The problem with bail is, it is a waiting game, you cannot do much for your case.
                    There should be many inconsistances, they're trained to spot that kind of thing no? When you lie a lot, you get caught out, simple as that, best thing to do, don't tell lies.

                    The main thing is though the chatlogs between her and myself and there's quite a lot of them and they occur on a daily basis. If you read the chatlogs and not saw the rest you'd have no idea that any problem ever occured between we 2 people. Then there's the mobile phone texts where after she leaves me, the first thing she states is she likes girls not men, as if that is the reason. Then on the 2nd or 3rd text in response to my pleading to her to just talk to me, she responds "perhaps in time" That indicates that she may plan to get back with me, seems a bit strange if she left me because of an alledged rape no? 2 clues in 4 text messages that put a dent in her story.

                    This woman is going on a world trip spending spree with a measely 70k, and she owns at least 10k in debts right now, so 60k. She knows she's going to waste it all and if she doesn't find someone better than myself to put up with her, she'll be the one begging for me to take her back, and this isn't a new thing between us, in the past she has left me, and i've begged her to come back (and she did), but then a few months down the line i caught her planning to meet up with some guy behind my back, sending sexy messages to each other etc, i decided to end it there, then she is the one begging me to take her back.

                    I just hope they'll use her laptop for evidence too as it contains her private conversations that she kept secret from me for what she obviously thought was a good reason. Several months worth it, her plans to leave me as soon as she got the money from selling the house, the alledged rape had nothing to do with it and those logs will prove she lied by saying an alledged rape is why she left me. The logs on my own phone back this up as i stated above, she says shes into girls not guys, and trying to keep me open as an option.
                    Last edited by CM00; 12 January 2012, 01:23 PM.


                    • #40
                      CM, I wish I can say they are trained for that :-) Even me not a police officer saw inconsistencies in 7 statements given to the police against my partner and still he was charged.

                      Don't worry too much then as you have many text messages to prove your innocence. You cannot control whats on her computer though, but as it is you have some evidences on your hand already. Sadly, the police does not investigate like the CSI series which investigates both sides, go after the "victim" and is open minded that they have the wrong suspect. If you get charged, get a specialist solicitor and they can help you with it.


                      • #41
                        Do you think it will be a deciding factor on them charging her for making a false allegation of rape? The evidence that shows she did not leave me because of alledged rape, which directly contradicts what she said on record that she left me because of that.

                        I would have thought that if she lied about that, it could make it very clear that she lied about the rape itself, otherwise, why say the lie atall? If she planned to leave me long before that, why not say that? There's no harm done by it, no reason to lie and blame it on the rape, not unless of course you're trying to make the rape seem more believable that it actually happend

                        "Oh yes, he raped me and i left him for that reason, as you can see, i have left him after 10 years because of it" That makes a more believable story, but falls apart when evidence shows that she planned to leave me as soon as she got the money, and did just that, the alledged rape was just an occurance that she threw in to try to get me in trouble, it's a good job that we didn't have sex during the last 2-3 weeks of our relationship, because he story would have been more viable anyway if she had left me much closer to the date of the alledged rape, though it would have still fallen apart due to the evidence.

                        Also if she has been planning this behind my back for many months then it reveals that she has just the kind of character and mindset to falsely report me of rape, she's been lying to me for a longgggg time.
                        Last edited by CM00; 12 January 2012, 01:34 PM.


                        • #42
                          Yes, I hope it will go that way! Let us pray that the police and CPS will see it like that. It is basically her word against your word.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by fighter View Post
                            Yes, I hope it will go that way! Let us pray that the police and CPS will see it like that. It is basically her word against your word.
                            Well let's look at it from that standpoint alone, just to see what it would mean. I've lived with her, slept in the same bed as her, for 10 years. Somehow, i don't think i would be so desperate to have sex with her that i would rape her. I already made it clear in my interview i can go without sex easily, i'm not that desperate for it, and i said i'm happy to masterbate instead, and that is all true.

                            So now looking at that, my word vs hers, i just don't see how they could convict me, there is no evidence. She claims i forcedly held her down. Orly? Show me the bruises, there are none, and this is a woman who bruises extremely easily

                            I believe that she will get her friend to lie for her, she will get her friend to act as a "witness" and claim that my fiance told her friend about it the day after it happend. What really seems stupid with this, is that is not actual evidence, it's her best friend sticking up for her mate, she can easily lie about it. The solicitor told me he got this little bit of info from the guy who interviewed me before the interview, but during the interview, it never got brought up.

                            What could that mean? Did they not mention it because it wouldn't have made a difference, or are they saving this to use for later? Solicitor commented on that after the interview and said he wondered if they were saving it to use as a wildcard later. But what the hell, anyone can lie for their best mate.

                            I remember my ex talking to me just under a month ago, she was saying about how all the girls in work were having trouble with their boyfriends, and splitting up, the way she talked, it was exciting to her. Then, less than a week later is 23rd dec, when she claims the alledged rape took please. Oh, suddenly now she is the centre of attention, now she can be involved in the exciting "having boyfriend trouble" talk and be right at the centre of it. She has always been an attention seeking drama queen.

                            I know for a fact that now she's off boasting to friends that she's going to see her lesbian french girlfriend in france. She knows a lot of guys go crazy over lesbian stuff, ooh, an actual lesbian with a lesbian girlfriend, weee, all this free attention. For someone who apparently just got raped she sure doesn't waste any time finding new partners to sleep with. She is doing real rape victims a disservice.
                            Last edited by CM00; 12 January 2012, 07:11 PM.


                            • #44
                              Hi CM, I wish I could say yes you cannot be convicted. We have been through with this phase for 10 months before getting charged. A lot of people have been through the same thing,no evidence, no medical records, her statement; her motives clear; but sadly it ends up in court.

                              The police can tell you anything they want; they also hinted to us that this allegation was made for benefits/compensation. Yeah right :-)

                              Try to get back to your normal routine. I tell you, you can go over things a thousand times. As long as you know you are not guilty, then you dont have to bang your head against the wall that you cannot be convicted. Reserve your energy and analytical power when you get charged because that is the most important fight.


                              • #45
                                Well it's good to go over things now, gives me something to go back over in the future if i do get charged.

