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Falsely accused of rape by fiance of 10 years, currently on bail.

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  • #16

    Interesting article there, similar in many ways to my own. She got a year in prison at least, not enough, but it's something.

    My fiance/ex is a blatant liar and she will dig herself into a hole, the police are smart enough to catch her out during interviewing, when you tell a lot of lies, you will slip up.

    Another one here too: 18 months in prison.


    • #17
      Welcome and forgive me if I seem a little rude here but you seem to have a history of distrust and decept, so perhaps it's time to simply let go and move on. You need to keep your stregth because from here on in the control of this matter is with the police and not you. So please do not do anything without proper and experienced legal advice.

      I completley agree that people like this have no idea what they are putting us and our families through and should be hung out to dry, when in fact nothing at all is likely to happen to them.

      Stay positve and focus on proving yourself inocent.

      Good Luck


      • #18
        Being going over it all in my head, I realised there's another error she made via text messaging that should work against her.

        When she left, she sent me a total of 4 text messages, one of them was to give me hope that we might get back together, she said "perhaps in time we'll talk". Why say that if she hates me and claims that i raped her?

        I've split up with her before for a short time, on a few occasions, and we've always got back together. She is obviously trying to leave me open as an option. She must know that her money won't last, she'll soon be broke, world trip joy ride over. She tried to give me hope by sending that message, she plans to try to come back to me in the future. As i said, i've forgiven her in the past, she has it all planned out.

        This is also why she gave me no indication that anything was wrong before she left, she was acting very nice to me, and by that i mean she was sending me msn messages/texts, being very luvvy duvvy with me, right up until the day she left. Why would she do that to someone who apparently raped her? Because the rape never happend, and she was making sure that when she left, i would miss her, that's why she didn't let on that anything was wrong, and the text message that we might talk again in the future was to make sure i cling onto the idea that we'll get back together so she can fall back on me once she bankrupts herself again.

        It's also blanantly obvious that she doesn't understand the severity of a rape offense and the punishment. There is no way this woman would want me to goto prison for 5-10 years or worse. She's said stuff to me in the past like "even if we did ever split up, i'd still always love you, i'll always love you". She obviously doesn't understand this offense because she doesn't realise she's setting herself up for a prison sentence if they find out she made the allegation falsely.
        Last edited by CM00; 12 January 2012, 08:19 AM.


        • #19
          From what ive read i reckon you prob both do still love each other, but the way it is at the moment its a very destructive relationship (i sound a bit like graham from jeremy kyle). And perhaps a trip round the world and the separation might be a good thing to let her sort her head out and perhaps you could get back together.

          Obviously the whole rape allegation rubbish needs to be dropped first.

          These are just my opinions based on what ive read and nothing more so please dont be offended.

          You now have as a minimum untill april as a free, single man make sure you do everything you can to enjoy and do all you can untill then to make sure if the worse happens you enjoyed this time and your going out with a bang.

          My bail date is monday and if they lock me up and throw away the key that day then i know i had a good life up until then and made the most of it.

          Also im in the army and the lads i work with think it will be a fun team building activity to come and break me out of jail.


          • #20
            Originally posted by billykickass View Post
            From what ive read i reckon you prob both do still love each other, but the way it is at the moment its a very destructive relationship (i sound a bit like graham from jeremy kyle). And perhaps a trip round the world and the separation might be a good thing to let her sort her head out and perhaps you could get back together.

            Obviously the whole rape allegation rubbish needs to be dropped first.

            These are just my opinions based on what ive read and nothing more so please dont be offended.

            You now have as a minimum untill april as a free, single man make sure you do everything you can to enjoy and do all you can untill then to make sure if the worse happens you enjoyed this time and your going out with a bang.

            My bail date is monday and if they lock me up and throw away the key that day then i know i had a good life up until then and made the most of it.

            Also im in the army and the lads i work with think it will be a fun team building activity to come and break me out of jail.
            I couldn't handle jail, i'm not a suicidial person, nor a self harming type, it's not in my nature, nor is commiting an offense that would put me in jail for many years, anything that ruins my life is not in my nature. To elaborate further on this, i don't drink, smoke, or do drugs, i don't even eat unhealthy foods, i drink mostly water with the occasional fruit smoothie. I'm a healthy eater, because i want to keep my body healthy, i want to live a good and long life. If I fear anything in life, it's the fear of losing my life itself, either to death, or losing my freedom.

            So, to be jailed for an offense i did not commit, my life ruined, i then fall into the category of person who would take their own life. I absolutely do not want to see my life ruined because i could it not handle it.

            I hope you get what i mean. I would never self harm, nor commit an offense that would destroy my life, because i value it too greatly, but if I was locked up, my life would effectively be over, i could not bare it, i would simply end it all.

            I could not handle many years of being locked away, my freedom taken from me, my life destroyed by a lie.

            The punishment for false allegation of rape in this country is a joke. The damage done to a person who is falsely accused of rape is at least equal to the damage done to an actual rape victim. The punishment for false allegation of rape should be as strong as the punishment for rape itself, both are equally destructive crimes. If the message was strong and clear, that falsely accusing somebody of rape would land you a minimum 5 years in prison, maximum of life in prison, then very few people would be stupid enough to make the false allegation in the first place. I really can't believe the country that i live in, that's said to be one of the greatest in the world, is set up so that things like this happen so easily to innocent people, i detest it.
            Last edited by CM00; 12 January 2012, 09:37 AM.


            • #21
              I wanted to add, dispite all that she has done to me, i still love her, i will never stop loving her. I truly believe she doesn't understand the consequence of her current actions against me and if she knew, she would tell the truth. But the police have barred me from informing her of that, as part of my bale condition i am not allowed to contact her for 4 months. All the police are doing is making the situation worse. I doubt i'll be convicted, more likely is she will be caught out in her lies and charged with making false allegation and then it is her who could end up in prison, i do not want that for her.

              No matter what happens, I lose. We both lose really.
              Last edited by CM00; 12 January 2012, 09:55 AM.


              • #22
                you really should be thinking about distancing yourself from her and your feelings for her - it can be done - otherwise you will make things twice as bad for yourself.

                Please don't talk about suicide - it will be taken as a sign of your guilt.

                She does understand what she's doing - it will mean extra money for her to spend and remove you from the picture at the same time.
                And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                • #23
                  Originally posted by RFLH View Post
                  you really should be thinking about distancing yourself from her and your feelings for her - it can be done - otherwise you will make things twice as bad for yourself.

                  Please don't talk about suicide - it will be taken as a sign of your guilt.

                  She does understand what she's doing - it will mean extra money for her to spend and remove you from the picture at the same time.
                  I disagree about the extra money part. I have a good amount of money in the bank myself, and i have a good income. That inheritence she received is all she had coming, her mother is broke, her dad left when she was a baby. My parents are old, almost 70, in their will i shall receive over £150,000. I know this becausew they have told me. So it's not like that 70k she has is a lot, it's infact nothing compared to what i have now plus what I will have in the future.


                  • #24
                    if it's not money, maybe she wants to get rid of you or teach you a lesson for finding out her plans. There was something in your story that triggered her actions; you accessed her msn messenger (of course you had the password, so you did not hack it) but you also didnt tell others it was you online. If I come online on my partner's account I immediately tell people who am I if they said hi. I guess this has more or less angered her especially when she cannot log you off.

                    You may have all the money she might need but I think she wanted freedom to do as she please, and yes evil to think with her texts she made sure there is still a window of opportunity for her to go back in after she enjoyed her travel. She must have known you well enough to do her plans as it is including the rape allegations as well as the text messages. Never under estimate a woman's mind as well as the power of money (as you said you can provide well for her) to have a woman content. Sorry you may not want to hear this but this is how I see it.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by fighter View Post
                      if it's not money, maybe she wants to get rid of you or teach you a lesson for finding out her plans. There was something in your story that triggered her actions; you accessed her msn messenger (of course you had the password, so you did not hack it) but you also didnt tell others it was you online. If I come online on my partner's account I immediately tell people who am I if they said hi. I guess this has more or less angered her especially when she cannot log you off.

                      You may have all the money she might need but I think she wanted freedom to do as she please, and yes evil to think with her texts she made sure there is still a window of opportunity for her to go back in after she enjoyed her travel. She must have known you well enough to do her plans as it is including the rape allegations as well as the text messages. Never under estimate a woman's mind as well as the power of money (as you said you can provide well for her) to have a woman content. Sorry you may not want to hear this but this is how I see it.
                      The issue with not taking her back is this woman would take her life if she didn't get her way. She's tried to do it before, a few times, when i said we were over, she has slashed her wrists one time, and another time took a huge overdose and went to hospital. This is because i said we were over and she would not accept it.

                      I can see what is going to happen, in the not to distant future, when she's out of money, she'll be straight back to me, begging me to take her back, and probably threaten to kill herself if i do not. Knowing that she would actually do it, i would live a life of great regret if i refused and she killed herself as a result. I would never get over it, people can try to sway it any way they like, the bottom line would still be that if i had taken her back she would still be alive.

                      This girl has never earned much money, she can't handle money, any money she has is soon spent, and she never gets on with the people she works with for very long either. She has never paid her own way. As soon as that money is gone and the reality of life hits her, there's no question about it, she will fall back on me, or die trying.

                      You might wonder why i even love this girl, she has two sides, a nice, loving side, but also a devious lying side. Rarely do i see the devious side, times like now is when it comes out. Coupled with the fact that she does some really dumb things sometimes and it's a recipe for disaster. I've always hoped she would grow out of it, people can change.
                      Last edited by CM00; 12 January 2012, 11:01 AM.


                      • #26
                        She definitely need a professional help and it is unfair you will be responsible for her when in fact you shouldn't be. Maybe you should ask your solicitor about this also. I think she has used self-harm to blackmail you and it is unfair to be on this "blackmail" situation all the time. I think the girl has gone on spending money because there is always someone to run to. She doesnt seem to learn her lesson.


                        • #27
                          I'm a bit concerned about the fact that the police took my mobile phone and computer, both of which contain evidence in text messages and chat logs that will help me prove that she is lying. My computer they appear to have lost, they have no record of it, but i witnessed the officer take it and bring it into the station. I'm currently trying to get hold of the officer who took it, to find out what happend to it but he only works night shifts and it's difficult.

                          Do you think they'll wipe the logs from my computer and phone? Surely they can't be allowed to get away with wiping logs from my computer. That would be wiping evidence.


                          • #28
                            whoops. there are stories of police losing evidences however if the logs are on msn messenger, wouldnt it be accessed in any computer? not so sure. SMS can be retrieved if requested. Maybe you can ask the solicitors to inquire for you? The police didnt listen to anything that my partner tells them; we got the solicitor to get things going for us.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by fighter View Post
                              whoops. there are stories of police losing evidences however if the logs are on msn messenger, wouldnt it be accessed in any computer? not so sure. SMS can be retrieved if requested. Maybe you can ask the solicitors to inquire for you? The police didnt listen to anything that my partner tells them; we got the solicitor to get things going for us.
                              The msn logs are stored locally on the computer i believe, i do log them, but they're only stored on that computer that the police took.

                              Can't contact my solicitor, i haven't figured him out, he seems a bit eccentric and possibly a bit of dick too. All the stuff i've said here i asked him if i should tell the police, he just says "no, waste of time, won't make any difference".

                              He also told me not to call him or leave him messages again until after he sends me the follow up letter that you receive after the interview.

                              When i first spoke to him before the interview, we spoke for an hour or two, he said i'd screw it all up, that i went off the direct topic too much etc, he said i was in big trouble.

                              Then, i went into the interview, and i nailed it, and he told me afterwards that it went perfect, he'd never seen such a good interview in all his time. He said he was worried at first and then shocked at how well i did it.

                              Then of course a few days later i ring him and start bringing up these other facts that could help me prove she is lying and he just says no to all of it and gets angry at me, he's a seriously stressed out guy. I've repeatedly had to tell him to calm down, and i'm the one in the ****... not him.


                              • #30
                                the solicitor is a duty solicitor?

