I'm only kind of understanding the situation as I was almost a carbon copy of him until about a week odds ago...... 
Everything rushes through the mind at a million miles an hour and trying to understand anything is near impossible! Thank god the rest of you guys were here or I'd probably have had a mental breakdown!
It's different for everyone. Some just need to get it off their chests and share the info with people where as others want to completely deconstruct the case (most likely me!). At the end of the day we can all expend massive amounts of energy in pursuit of.... NOTHING. If it's just an arrest and question or even a charge we all still no bugger all and are at the mercy of those in position of power.
The hardest part is realising that it's only information that we can really share here along with a virtual shoulder to cry on (or a virtual ear to moan in!). I'm happy that I was tolerated until I came through the other side, I still have questions but am not too bothered about them at the moment. I'm sure this thread will die down a little once the initial shock is over.
You're not one for bailing out fighter and I can only really say I'm feeling for you at the mo. Can't recommend you off and chill out as I know it's simply not possible! Painkillers and a movie or something, a distraction of type I hope you do find.

Everything rushes through the mind at a million miles an hour and trying to understand anything is near impossible! Thank god the rest of you guys were here or I'd probably have had a mental breakdown!
It's different for everyone. Some just need to get it off their chests and share the info with people where as others want to completely deconstruct the case (most likely me!). At the end of the day we can all expend massive amounts of energy in pursuit of.... NOTHING. If it's just an arrest and question or even a charge we all still no bugger all and are at the mercy of those in position of power.
The hardest part is realising that it's only information that we can really share here along with a virtual shoulder to cry on (or a virtual ear to moan in!). I'm happy that I was tolerated until I came through the other side, I still have questions but am not too bothered about them at the moment. I'm sure this thread will die down a little once the initial shock is over.
You're not one for bailing out fighter and I can only really say I'm feeling for you at the mo. Can't recommend you off and chill out as I know it's simply not possible! Painkillers and a movie or something, a distraction of type I hope you do find.
