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  • #31
    I would tell the solicitor and then vary your lifestyle as I mentioned.

    It is difficult to have your solicitor do much about it as she doesn't have a solicitor that your solicitor can easily contact in regards 'the case'. He/she could advise that it is better to contact the CPS/Police and inform then or they could advise just to grin and bear it but keep a diary of all attempted communications and ensure that whenever possible you have a witness with you.

    Without actually 'knowing' the woman it is hard to comment on what the exact best course of action is, merely giving recommendations is all that's possible. The woman could be ill or psychotic or vengeful or or or, possibilities are endless!

    Vary your lifestyle and report to solicitor.

    If she varies her lifestyle in an attempt to continue harassing you then discreet CCTV with audio recording would need to be used in order to start gathering evidence of what is going on. Keeping the solicitor in the loop would hopefully result in enough evidence being collected to have her charged and possibly also a large dent put in the allegation against you.
    Wow... A signature option!

