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  • #16
    :-) thanks rflh!


    • #17
      Does your building have cctv and could you get hold of the footage?
      From what you say it sounds as though she is lurking around waiting for you, and cctv could prove this.
      Try not to go anywhere without a chaperone; tell your sol immediately that she has been trying to contact you and follow his advice. Do not under any crcumstance respond to her in any way. You could end up on remand for violating your bail conditions. If she tries to talk to you, record whatever she says on your mobile phone and keep it safe.
      This could be powerful evidence for your defence!


      • #18
        I dont wanna call the police because last time we rung them they just f... turned everything against me. Thats the police


        • #19
          Originally posted by Saffron View Post
          Does your building have cctv and could you get hold of the footage?
          No CCTV


          • #20
            it's like you need an invisible cloak like harry potter ! just cheering you up. Can you set up your own security camera where she can be seen if she tries to approach you.. is it physically possible? or is it weird to be doing that?


            • #21
              Originally posted by fighter View Post
              Can you set up your own security camera where she can be seen if she tries to approach you.. is it physically possible?
              Yeah. In my ass


              • #22
                Personally, I think it is important to get the police involved. I would also install a recordable cctv system, very inexpensive these days.


                • #23
                  Im sorry. Its just my way to cope with it


                  • #24
                    or wear those sunglasses with cameras! but seems weird when you come out and it is rainy and gloomy! in your ass wont work as you need to turn your back to her to record her :-)


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by fighter View Post
                      or wear those sunglasses with cameras! but seems weird when you come out and it is rainy and gloomy! in your ass wont work as you need to turn your back to her to record her :-)


                      • #26
                        If you report her then she could report you...

                        You have far far more to loose.

                        I would let the solicitor know about it.

                        I would also ensure that your flat door is locked at all times. Sounds like you have a nutter on your hands and I wouldn't be surprised if she's obsessed with you.

                        Playing mind games, wanting you to feel the hurt she is feeling as she can't be with you and doing anything to get your attention...

                        Did I get that straight out a movie????

                        Avoid her at all costs. Avoid routines as well, become unpredictable! Leave 10mins earlier than usual, don't go home til 45 mins later than norm. Keep juggling it around so that she never knows if you're there or not and stops hanging around waiting on you.

                        I do find it incredibly odd that you've not been forced to up root and move. If you're on bail etc then I can only surmise that the authorities aren't viewing you as a threat or aren't taking the allegation too seriously. I've not read about your 'case' yet though....
                        Wow... A signature option!


                        • #27
                          ah good point lawlessone! reminds me of bunny boiler -- fatal attraction.


                          • #28
                            Lawlessone is right. Don't inform Plod but PLEASE tell your solicitor (Have you got Gerry?) It is vital that you inform your sol that she is trying to contact you. If you don't tell your sol it could be misconstrued and used against you.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by David1 View Post
                              Personally, I think it is important to get the police involved. I would also install a recordable cctv system, very inexpensive these days.
                              Im not here to offend anyone.
                              But how can you trust the police? Are you blinde? Read the stories from other members!

                              don't be blinde!!!


                              • #30
                                My experience of the police has been a positive one to date, which I appreciate from reading other postings is not the case for many of you. That aside, you need to capture any possible encounters as this can surely only be of benefit to you further down the line.

