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  • help

    can someone help i would like to know can i prepare my defence by getting in touch with people who maybe of assistance whilst im on unconditional bail i have not been charged and i dont really believe i will be .as the allegation against me are false they are based on greed and greed and more greed. that's the motive for false allegation.
    Last edited by RFLH; 5 January 2012, 07:33 PM. Reason: I moved your post where it'll get more advice.

  • #2
    hi matty,
    it is always advised here that if you are charged you get a defense team who specializes in false allegations. So you can post which county you are in and some members may be able to recommend specialist for you.

    If greed is the motivation for this false allegations you can start gathering information that could support this. For example, if you have communications with the accuser, text, emails, facebook messages, print or keep them. Do not give your evidences to the police. If you would like to share more general details of your case, you might get more advise. Or you can also read through the other threads, you might find cases similar to yours.

    Welcome to the forum, but sorry you are in this situation. Keep up that fighting spirit!! :-)
    Last edited by fighter; 5 January 2012, 07:56 PM.


    • #3

      I have been falsely accused of rape by my wife. Simply because I had refused to transfer my house to her name and also she has now applied for discretionary leave to remain in the UK under domestic violence rules so it was about greed and her stay in UK she cam to the uk as a visitor for 6 months I have so much evidence to prove all this.I am in West Yorkshire so can someone help me if you know a good lawyer who specialise in false allegations .. thank you .oh and is it normal to get a long bail of 4 months for kind of allegation . what can I do to have the allegation dropped and have my wife charged for making ridicules and false allegations . she has also taken with her one of my mobile phone, my documents and the jewellery I bought for her to wear and not to keep so it is still my property is this theft.I had large sum of my money on her name and also in a joint bank account so just for this reason alone I couldn't hurt her in anyway even if I wanted to I had so much to lose that's besides the point I really loved her as daft as it may sound I still love her very much but now I fear from her. Also can I hand some evidence to the police and keep copies for my self to help police investigate her as well for false allegations. is this a good move or should I just wait till my bail date. THANK YOU EVERY ONE
      Last edited by mattys9; 11 January 2012, 09:14 PM.


      • #4
        Welcome and soory you are in the position, I would not contact the police without first taking lagal advice from a specialist solicitor. I am not an expert but hopefully other will be long with more knowledge.


        • #5
          1. oh and is it normal to get a long bail of 4 months for kind of allegation -- there is no set time for bail, there were few people who got long bail.

          2. what can I do to have the allegation dropped and have my wife charged for making ridicules and false allegations -- I dont think you can do anything for the allegation to be dropped; until the police put a decision on it as No Further Action or Charge you; and also you cannot charge your wife with this until you are cleared. Even if you are cleared, it is quite hard to sue people for false allegation. Read through other threads you will find similar case to yours.

          3. Also can I hand some evidence to the police and keep copies for my self to help police investigate her as well for false allegations. -- as suggested by most people dont give evidence to the police, talk to your solicitor.

          hope this helps.. do read other threads so some of your questions will be answered... believe it or not, there are common stories around this forum.


          • #6
            Originally posted by mattys9 View Post
            I have been falsely accused of rape by my wife. Simply because I had refused to transfer my house to her name and also she has now applied for discretionary leave to remain in the UK under domestic violence rules so it was about greed and her stay in UK she cam to the uk as a visitor for 6 months
            Hi Matty,

            Fighter has given you excellent advice and suggestions and I can't really add anything to what she has said.

            However I have a rather personal query which might help us better understand your wife's motives for making the allegation (but please don't answer if you don't want to)

            As your wife was only granted a 6 month visitor visa, had you married her since she came to the UK, i.e. did you only have an online relationship prior to her coming here? Or have you been married for many years but lived apart?
            'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


            • #7

              we have been married for over three years but been living apart due immigration reason but in between i have been visiting her and living with her abroad.We have lived together in the UK for the last 6 months her main reasons for the false allegations are i would not transfer my house to her name and with this false allegation she has made application to the UKBA for domestic violence soon after making the false allegations so its all about greed revenge and her stay in UK.I am innocent of any wrong doings i swear i have never to this day raped her or harmed her in anyway what so ever . please help any advice is welcome and if you know of any specialist solicitor for false allegations in west yorkshire


              • #8
                At least the motivation is clear! do you have any proof of communication regarding her request for the transfer of the house to her name?


                • #9

                  I have a copy of a email my wife sent to a black magician website in their she say she is poor girl she has no house in her name and no stay in UK and asking for their help she has complained to my member family about me not transferring the house to her name and also to her family members as well even after the false allegations her brother has been in touch with me and says that she will reconcile if you put the house on her name I have recorded his conversation with me on the phone


                  • #10
                    oh dear - another reason why.
                    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                    • #11
                      hope you also kept a proof of her brother's communication! :-) I cant believe how people can go to such length for some things


                      • #12

                        Can some one further help me . My wife has text me in the last few days saying things to the effect she misses me but its not from her mobile number can I trace where this text was sent from linking her to that address.
                        This may prove that the allegations are false as one would not miss a person from whom she was alleged to have been raped by.
                        she has also been giving me miss calls and I then returned the call but she would not speak but continued to listen to me .I really don.t know what she is playing at if I ask her a question she only reply's it with a ERM once for yes and ERM ERM twice for no I think she is afraid I might be recording her . ANY COMMENTS OR HELP


                        • #13
                          My wife has text me in the last few days saying things to the effect she misses me but its not from her mobile number can I trace where this text was sent from linking her to that address.
                          This may prove that the allegations are false as one would not miss a person from whom she was alleged to have been raped by.
                          That's not quite true. I know people who have been badly abused by somebody and then gone running after them because they "miss" or "love" them and want to give them another chance.

                          Keep saving all messages and numbers onto computer via the lead/phone software if possible so nobody can say they have been edited and let your solicitor deal with it.
                          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                          PAFAA details ~


                          • #14
                            Yes, why do you need to trace the number and address anyway? to see her? You shouldnt contact her right?


                            • #15
                              Maybe to clarify that it really is from her and not from some trouble maker.
                              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                              PAFAA details ~

