are calls monitored after bail
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does police record calls or look for evidence after bail
EVERYTHING is monitored these days.
It's whether you're important enough for them to expend the time on...
Something similar to this:
Pretty certain that it will not be used for 'low level crimes' such as rape. I know rape is a high level crime for the individual and the state but in the wider world it is not a threat to national defence etc...
It would be worth your while not to use incriminating words on the phone as a 'tracer' could pick up on them. Boasting about the 20 kilo of heroin your about to collect could be enough to have your house stormed. Similarly, other words could be 'signals' to start recorders going...
I'm not saying buy into conspiracy theories etc but be aware that the technology does exist and be sure that all communications you have with the outside world that 'could' be intercepted by third parties have the potential to be monitored!
What use any of this would be is debatable but just remember to be careful.Last edited by lawlessone2009; 5 January 2012, 11:14 PM.Wow... A signature option!
It is oh so easy to become paranoid and truly believe your calls are being monitored because you happen to hear crackling on the line, or the mobile seems a bit "different", or you believe your emails are being monitored - when in fact none of this is happening at all.
I've known people truly believe they are being followed by the police or SS in their car. The police are hardly likely to waste manpower on following people who are merely answering bail. It's been a complete figment of their imagination.
If this was related to terrorism as already suggested, then maybe yes they may will monitor people to protect others from potential death or serious injury. Not for our cases though.People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~
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Hi everyone and Sam.
I think Sam, just like me and most people on here, is getting over paranoid. Think in our situations it is the most natural thing to get paranoid as, you've had someone make up a false allegation about you.
At the moment I am waiting for people to accuse me of coming from mars or having two heads.
Think they will only look at evidence given by the accuser, any witnesses etc and any previous you may have.
But that's just me, I have had a productive few days but now back at my folks feeling surpressed.
jamieah i was wondering where you have been. It is normal to be paranoid. Even us think our phone would be tapped haha. or we dont talk about the matter when we are outside where people may hear us; even the sight of the police cars annoy us and if they are behind us we get tensed. You feel like you will be investigated because of the allegation.
It is good to hear though that you have a few productive days!
Hi fighter, good to hear from you. How are you?
Yeah, the paranoia is terrible. When I first got arrested I remember going home and seeing a police van and thinking it was for me.
I do think that they are just interested in the statements and evidence presented to them though.
ah yes exactly the same. we had police cars coming to a house few doors across us after a few weeks my partner was arrested and we thought they are watching us but they were doing a raid!
After my partner was charged, we saw what "work" the police has done and the statements they got are mostly from the accuser side. It was not a CSI movie thing where the detectives will also open their minds that the "victim" might be telling lies and check whether the suspect they got is right or wrong. There was no investigation that would clear my partner of course. :-) I dont know if that is normal of course.. but then once my partner was charged he had his chance to make his own statements and give other people's name that can provide statements for him. I sincerely hope you never reach that stage and just be NFA.
yes, i dont know it goes like that, but sadly we are not the only case like this, without evidence except statements from the accuser.
The day my partner was arrested the police and duty solicitor said it was motivated by compensation/benefits and the statements are "rubbish" and not to worry. Even told him not to tell me as it might not be necessary for me to know; sort of minimize the damage brought on by the accusation as it might be dropped. Duty solicitor said to let it die its own death.
So here we are waiting for May for the trial.. and still alive and together.
If there was any pertinent evidence found then the police would use it
eg posting about the offence on facebook, twitter or ON HERE after release
Obviously most people are unlikely to make admissions that the police could use, but there is always one!Hope this post helps. But this post does not constitute legal advice, nor a contract/agreement for it.
And if there was any evidence that would NOT help the police they are likely to "advise" the complainant to remove it, if they are aware of it.People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~
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