Originally posted by Rights Fighter
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That's right, he has been charged. When he was arrested, he didn't really know what the hell was going on and was terrified. And yes , he did confess, but to something which he genuinly believed was OK with her, which wasn't sexual intercourse, so to him, he wasn't talking 'crime'. What is amazing is that her word (or lack of) and no forensic evidence is enough for the CPS to consider it at such. Presumably, the jury will be the ones to decide whether she consented or not ?!. As she had so much to drink it, could she be considered to be not in a fit state to give consent? Then what? He was also drunk, does that mean that he becomes responsible for her decisions because he is male ???? I'm afraid I'm baffled, but much more than that deeply saddened and disturbed by the whole thing because I know that he didn't do anything to harm this girl.