You only need to watch online poker late at night to know that the best way to defeat an opponent is by playing the bluff card and watching them crumble before your eyes even though, technically, they have the better hand... 
Pleading guilty early on gets a nice big discount as it's showing clearly you accept your guilt and are willing to deal with the consequences.
Pleading guilty late means you are merely accepting guilt as it suits YOUR position.
The plea bargain will always be put out there as it saves effort. makes things easier and weeds out guilty people who may otherwise have gotten away with their crimes.
Trial by jury is the best chance you have of being found not guilty. You only need to look at the cattle markets in the lower courts where judges regularly find people guilty simply because they have the wrong tie on or appear to have an attitude, for instance. Trial by jury takes the power from the state and puts it in the hands of a select few independent judges (the jury) who don't have an agenda or targets to meet and for all intended purposes are 'naive and innocent' just like the many people that appear before them as the accused.

Pleading guilty early on gets a nice big discount as it's showing clearly you accept your guilt and are willing to deal with the consequences.
Pleading guilty late means you are merely accepting guilt as it suits YOUR position.
The plea bargain will always be put out there as it saves effort. makes things easier and weeds out guilty people who may otherwise have gotten away with their crimes.
Trial by jury is the best chance you have of being found not guilty. You only need to look at the cattle markets in the lower courts where judges regularly find people guilty simply because they have the wrong tie on or appear to have an attitude, for instance. Trial by jury takes the power from the state and puts it in the hands of a select few independent judges (the jury) who don't have an agenda or targets to meet and for all intended purposes are 'naive and innocent' just like the many people that appear before them as the accused.