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My dad's been accused :(

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  • My dad's been accused :(

    Hi all I'd just like to say thanks for this site it's been a big help to find out other people are going through some thing like this it's just very unfortunate that there's so many cases sorry to you all ...

    Well my dad starts his trial tomorrow my sister has accused my dad ( I say my because biologically he's not her dad but brought her up hes all shes ever known) of rape

    I'll try keep this story short my mum and my sister have always had a rocky relationship even from when she was born my parents split up when my sister was about 12 she chose to go with my dad when my parents separated because she didn't get on with my mum she was giving a option my dad said he didnt want to take her but she insisted she didn't want to stay with my mum my mum will even tell me the same thing that they didn't get on and my sister would say she would run away If she was forced to stay with my mum

    we all lived a normal life with me staying with my dad once in the week and a sat things were normal until my sister reached 16 and started to drink heaverly and started to knock around with the wrong croweds trashing my dads house until 18 when he asked her to leave she then came back to my mums did the same there treated it like a doss house was drinking heaverly

    she then met a heroin addict who she had a turbulant relastionship for 10years and who she lived with and in result had 3 kids with 2 girls and 1boy after her 1st child she did cut the drinking down over the years she did keep in touch with both my parents she would regularly ask my dad to look after her children have them for the night so she could go out then fell of the wagon big style the kids got took in to custody and she then cried the reason she is like this is because my farther abused her

    it's been a hard two years and the case is tomorrow if the out come is he gets sent to prison I'm going to be left looking after my ten year old half bro cause his mum is a waste of space so it's gonna be a life changer for all of us..

    The big question in all this is why if you have been abused would you ask this sexual monster which my dad is been painted as to mind your children????. I've also noticed it ain't innocent till proven guilty but the other way around. The police make up there own statements me and my dad read through his and when it's typed from tape to paper they must just translate as they! Think they hear it cause it doesn't make sense when you read it also there a hell of a lot of inaudables bits in thats like saying make up your own minds the whole things a big farce justice system is ****!!!!!

    Sorry it wasnt as short as id have hoped.. Fingers crossed for my old man..
    Last edited by Casehardened; 4 January 2012, 05:58 AM. Reason: I've split the post into sections to make it easier for members to read

  • #2
    That is quite a story!

    Welcome by the way.

    I would just like to say, well written. Could do with paragraphs and stuff but I understand that time is short.

    Court tomorrow... Jeez. If you have a good defence team, or at least decent, and they are able to convey the story as you put it focusing on the children angle etc then I wouldn't imagine prison would happen.

    Any decent juror would see through the lies and desperation of the woman to hang onto her kids. It would make anyone desperate but then most would change their behaviour when kids arrive.

    Then again it is quite a finely balanced story where an 'abuse' could lead almost to this situation but then the actual history of 'how abuse happens and signs' could have been perverted beyond all recognition.

    You know your half sister better than anyone here so you will of course be best seated to give your opinion and if you are backing your dad then he's not only innocent in your eyes but he's a bloody lucky man. What needs to happen now is that innocence needs to be shown to the court. If this lady is as unstable as you make out I wouldn't worry about him going to jail, a decent defence barrister would have the truth out of her on the stand.

    Don't worry about Police statements, they're about as useful and clear as bog paper. It's so that the prosecution can use them to try pick holes in your dads defence when he's on the stand (don't pull me up RF, please)...

    If everyone keeps calm, dresses well and puts the case forward then you have a damned good chance of success.
    Wow... A signature option!


    • #3
      I'm assuming it's the actual trial for your Dad tomorrow rather than one of the preliminary hearings.

      It's all about how your Dad comes across to the jury; at the top of this section of the forum is a sticky 'what to expect at trial', it's well worth reading this.

      Commonsense things really, dress smartly, head up and look towards jury when replying to the barrister's questioning; don't be frightened of showing emotion but don't get angry and shout, just speak clearly and confidently. Remember it's as much about how the witnesses's come across to the jury as well as the evidence (and if there is no actual evidence apart from statements this is even more important)

      Good wishes for you both for tomorrow.
      'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


      • #4
        Hi and welcome.
        The pivot in this case to me is that your half sister asked the man who "abused" her to mind her own kids! That sounds ridiculous to me. I hope your barrister pulls her up on this. Why would anyone ask the person who raped them to look after their children?!

        As others have said, make sure your dad dresses smartly, keeps calm and isn't afraid to show emotion. Cases like this are largely a popularity contest - the outcome rests on who the jury believes.
        Good luck, please let us know how you get on.


        • #5
          Hi Thanks for the speedy replies I know the grammer was poor I was using the iphone at the time & isnt as easy to type back on the pc now so should be improvement.

          I am on my dads said my mum is remaining neutral just going in giving the truth which is that my sister has always been a difficult person,& Has never seen or heard any thing suspicious my mother hasnt a good character for my sister either they do not remain in contact after my sister attacked her also in the past ran of with my mums bf ( couldnt write this stuff in book lol)

          My nanna & grandad are also giving evidence which is that they know of nothing & again how my sister is difficult and was always asking to borrow money for kids nappies & electricity but what she actually ment was for alcohol..

          My dad has to be there at 9.30 today and it starts at 11 how long is usually each day?..

          My dad has handed his phone in to his sol so that they can put the texts on to paper texts like asking my dad to baby sit her children even tho hes supposed to be this monster and a text saying can you mind the kids you can take my bed and ill get the couch its just things like that you wouldnt do if you was so afraid of this person.

          I'll keep you people updated thank you for listening


          • #6
            Nooney, sorry to hear your story. Welcome to the forum also.

            Be strong for tomorrow's trial. But as everybody said, why would your sister leave her kids to your dad when he supposedly abused her especially with 2 of her kids are girls? I don't think this would be missed by the jury and the judge. Why only now also to report it?

            There was also a thread here somewhere that advises that during trial your dad can write notes to his solicitor and barrister that if he want them to ask specific question to the witness he can do so. I think it is in one of the sticky posts.

            Good luck on the trial and keep coming back to the forum for more support and give us also update.


            • #7
              Good luck - stand tall and hold your heads high. Please let us know how things go.
              And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


              • #8
                The other thing I would say is that when your parents separated, your half-sister chose to live with your dad. Surely, if she was being abused she would have jumped at the chance to move away from him?

                A day at court usually runs until aout 4pm. Your dad will be there at 9.30. The reason the actualy trial doesn't start until 11 is because there is usually some legal arguments between the barristers and the judge and the jury will also need to be sworn in. A "normal" day usually runs from about 10am through til 3-4pm with an hour for lunch. You can sit in the courtroom throughout the legal argument, unless you are being called as a witness, in which case you will have to wait outside until you have given your evidence. Have a look at the sticky entitled "What to expect at trial" at the top of this forum.

                Good luck!


                • #9
                  Hi again thanks for all your replies

                  Some one said stand tall were only 5ft6 short family so have trouble
                  Doing that ha ha have to try keep a humor in these times

                  I dont if this matters but my sister is actually my full sis we have same mother different dads she doesn't know hers she's only ever known my father he brought her up from a child..

                  Ive texted him about the passing notes over

                  Thanks for all your posts they have been help

                  Keep you all posted


                  • #10
                    At 5' 6" you're still 6" taller than me!!
                    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                    • #11
                      really hope all goes well for you. looks like a lot of peoples trials are starting so good luck to anyone in court at the moment.
                      can i ask a question to anyone that is in court or been when you sit watching do you sit with the accusers family as well.


                      • #12
                        Hi update I've just had a phone call of my dad saying his barrister is suggesting he plead guilty and accept 3-6 or go through with the trial and worst out come 9years I think my dad wanted a answer from me which I couldn't give I said he has to weigh up the options and which ever he decides I'll stand by him regardless I know it's manufactured sh*t from my sister... The justice system is a joke either way they have you by the b*llocks all they want is some one sent down due to time and money and will do any thing to insure this I have no faith in the system


                        • #13
                          all the people on here who have more experience than most always say never plead guilty to something you have not done. if he is innocent plead not guilty. But of course he has to make his own decision.


                          • #14
                            Hi again Nooney

                            Barristers have a legal obligation to tell their clients (in this case your dad) that they will receive a lesser sentence if they plead Guilty. They have to do this by law. It does not mean that the barrister thinks he has no chance of winning the case.

                            If you Dad does plead guilty he will never ever be able to appeal should fresh evidence come to light. From what you have said, it sounds like a tenuous case by the CPS and I would never recommend that anyone should plead guilty if they are innocent. I know it's scary to think about a 9 year sentence, but he may well be found Not Guilty.

                            Hang in there.


                            • #15
                              I may have left a bit of the story out due to not wanting to lose face and tarnish my dad even tho you people don't know him he's a good man but when he was 12 bear in mind he was 12 and is now 53 he made A mistake! Which happened once!! With his sister it's wasn't full sexual contact but shouldnt have happened it got dealt with within the family when him and his sister were in 20s his sister went her way to oz and my dad continued his life in England the problem is the barrister is saying the judge will see it as if he can do that to his sis he could do it to his daughter he has never denied what happened in oz but the stuff with my sister is manufactured **** they want him to take on the charge from when he was 12 and they will reduce what has supposed to have took place with my sister but he doesn't want to accept that because it's bolloxs

