Hi all I'd just like to say thanks for this site it's been a big help to find out other people are going through some thing like this it's just very unfortunate that there's so many cases sorry to you all
Well my dad starts his trial tomorrow my sister has accused my dad ( I say my because biologically he's not her dad but brought her up hes all shes ever known) of rape
I'll try keep this story short my mum and my sister have always had a rocky relationship even from when she was born my parents split up when my sister was about 12 she chose to go with my dad when my parents separated because she didn't get on with my mum she was giving a option my dad said he didnt want to take her but she insisted she didn't want to stay with my mum my mum will even tell me the same thing that they didn't get on and my sister would say she would run away If she was forced to stay with my mum
we all lived a normal life with me staying with my dad once in the week and a sat things were normal until my sister reached 16 and started to drink heaverly and started to knock around with the wrong croweds trashing my dads house until 18 when he asked her to leave she then came back to my mums did the same there treated it like a doss house was drinking heaverly
she then met a heroin addict who she had a turbulant relastionship for 10years and who she lived with and in result had 3 kids with 2 girls and 1boy after her 1st child she did cut the drinking down over the years she did keep in touch with both my parents she would regularly ask my dad to look after her children have them for the night so she could go out then fell of the wagon big style the kids got took in to custody and she then cried the reason she is like this is because my farther abused her
it's been a hard two years and the case is tomorrow if the out come is he gets sent to prison I'm going to be left looking after my ten year old half bro cause his mum is a waste of space so it's gonna be a life changer for all of us..
The big question in all this is why if you have been abused would you ask this sexual monster which my dad is been painted as to mind your children????. I've also noticed it ain't innocent till proven guilty but the other way around. The police make up there own statements me and my dad read through his and when it's typed from tape to paper they must just translate as they! Think they hear it cause it doesn't make sense when you read it also there a hell of a lot of inaudables bits in thats like saying make up your own minds the whole things a big farce justice system is ****!!!!!
Sorry it wasnt as short as id have hoped.. Fingers crossed for my old man..

Well my dad starts his trial tomorrow my sister has accused my dad ( I say my because biologically he's not her dad but brought her up hes all shes ever known) of rape
I'll try keep this story short my mum and my sister have always had a rocky relationship even from when she was born my parents split up when my sister was about 12 she chose to go with my dad when my parents separated because she didn't get on with my mum she was giving a option my dad said he didnt want to take her but she insisted she didn't want to stay with my mum my mum will even tell me the same thing that they didn't get on and my sister would say she would run away If she was forced to stay with my mum
we all lived a normal life with me staying with my dad once in the week and a sat things were normal until my sister reached 16 and started to drink heaverly and started to knock around with the wrong croweds trashing my dads house until 18 when he asked her to leave she then came back to my mums did the same there treated it like a doss house was drinking heaverly
she then met a heroin addict who she had a turbulant relastionship for 10years and who she lived with and in result had 3 kids with 2 girls and 1boy after her 1st child she did cut the drinking down over the years she did keep in touch with both my parents she would regularly ask my dad to look after her children have them for the night so she could go out then fell of the wagon big style the kids got took in to custody and she then cried the reason she is like this is because my farther abused her
it's been a hard two years and the case is tomorrow if the out come is he gets sent to prison I'm going to be left looking after my ten year old half bro cause his mum is a waste of space so it's gonna be a life changer for all of us..
The big question in all this is why if you have been abused would you ask this sexual monster which my dad is been painted as to mind your children????. I've also noticed it ain't innocent till proven guilty but the other way around. The police make up there own statements me and my dad read through his and when it's typed from tape to paper they must just translate as they! Think they hear it cause it doesn't make sense when you read it also there a hell of a lot of inaudables bits in thats like saying make up your own minds the whole things a big farce justice system is ****!!!!!
Sorry it wasnt as short as id have hoped.. Fingers crossed for my old man..