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waiting for trial

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  • waiting for trial

    Hi all! We got the trial date set for May. So it would be a long wait. For those whose case went to court, what did you do while you wait for the trial to begin?

    Our barrister seems more open now to our questions and suggestions. Although he instructed us to put in writing everything to our solicitor and then we can meet. We told him about the CICA and he dont think people get compensation without the accuser being convicted. Anyway, we told him we are doing our research and he said we can meet about it. Much better response than the last one.

    Any advise would be appreciated.

  • #2
    Hi, haven’t really got any advice but just wanted to respond to your post as you’ve been so helpful to others on the forum.

    Was your hearing today a final one to set the trial date; if so well done for getting through it.

    I’m glad you got on well with your barrister and it’s good he’s offered you another meeting before the actual date.

    If I were in your position I think I’d write his entire script for him (!), or at least make a list of bullet points highlighting discrepancies in the accuser’s statement and what you want him to question and cross-examine her on.

    After all, as you mentioned in one of your earlier posts, your partner knows the girl and how she would cope (or not) with being questioned, so the barrister should take your suggestions on board, though of course there may be legal reasons why he can’t use everything.

    I'm sure you'll both use the waiting time sensibly and channel the inevitable worrying into formulating a strategy.
    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


    • #3
      I echo what CH has said. Use the time as constructively as possible - write a strategy of the way you think the cross-examinations should be handled, a list of questions you think the barrister should ask and any further evidence you can pass to him. He may not be able to use some of your questions, but at least you will feel as though you are doing something positive.
      Hang in there


      • #4
        Thanks Casehardened and Saffron! I will do that bullet points list I feel like I should be doing something too :-) I dont feel good putting my life on anybody's hand. Do I have a control freak in me? or I guess this is normal in the circumstances. Thanks for your advise.

        Oh and yes the date we got was the final date for the start of the trial. It was a plead and case management hearing. It just get me angry when I heard the charges, but my partner handled it well.
        Last edited by fighter; 4 January 2012, 09:09 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by fighter View Post
          Hi all! We got the trial date set for May. So it would be a long wait. For those whose case went to court, what did you do while you wait for the trial to begin?

          Our barrister seems more open now to our questions and suggestions. Although he instructed us to put in writing everything to our solicitor and then we can meet. We told him about the CICA and he dont think people get compensation without the accuser being convicted. Anyway, we told him we are doing our research and he said we can meet about it. Much better response than the last one.

          Any advise would be appreciated.
          Utter Bunkum. I deal with appeals against convictions every week and some of the liars have been given their "compensation" and they have been allowed to keep it after the appeal has succeeded - despite the fact the appeal did not succeed on a technicality but on evidence casting doubt on their testimony.

          Your barrister doesn't seem to know much about this or they do not want to add to their workload.

          Instruct your solicitor to TELL the barrister to make application to the court to see if the information can be obtained, if they cannot get it themselves.
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #6
            Thanks RF, I will do as advise. I'm gathering articles to show them that definitely no conviction is needed and put everything in writing. I am getting fed up with this now. I feel like it is eating my life. or maybe I am just in my bad mood..and tomorrow will be another day

            Nice to see you back on board. Your opinions and advises are so invaluable!

            Have a nice evening!


            • #7
              Hi Fighter, good luck for your preparation for May. It seems a way off but you seem like the sort of person who will research. research and research again in order to find out information that can help you. Am I right in thinking you are in South Wales - I'm sure it was you. If so, do you mind if I PM you about something?
              False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


              • #8
                Hi Jen, I am in southwales yes you can pm me of course. Yes, I am a researcher by profession :-) so I am becoming obsessed with it! I will wait for you email.

                Thanks Jen!


                • #9
                  I might be doing a talk at some SW Innocence Group soon - not sure of the date. We could meet up there once I know when it is.
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • #10
                    Rights Fighter, ah that would be nice! I will look forward to it.


                    • #11
                      She doesn't bite - well not often!!
                      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                      • #12
                        I just got a letter from the sol.. 3 days were set for the trial. I welcome that soon this ordeal will be over. However, I dread if the decision will be bad I don't know how I will cope being alone. My family is not here, only friends of my partner will be there for me. Anyway, think positive! I have to make sure that the barrister do as he says and make a document of our concerns and other things. :-) I won two pair of matches in euromillions. Everything that is happening this year is good, so far.. even from little things :-)


                        • #13
                          You'll not be alone, you've made friends on here!

                          I've only been here ten minutes and I'm already amazed at the warmth and friendship... Plenty on here will give you time and space.

                          You now have a target date whereby you know you can all work flat out and suffer sleepless nights in the hope that the truth is accepted and the long days and energy drain will come to a peak before fading and life can return to almost normality.

                          It's got to feel better than constantly wondering what is happening and when it is going to happen. A NFA would've been the icing but alas it's not to be at the moment. Keep digging and looking and see what happens, it's not too late not to have a trial if something of importance turns up or is discovered...
                          Wow... A signature option!


                          • #14
                            thanks lawlessone, yes you are right. I was just thinking of the moment I have to listen to the decision. But really this forum has also helped a lot. I dont feel helpless about our situation anymore. My partner don't feel scared or nervous at all. I think it is only me because I am such a worrier.

                            I try not to pressure him so much with talks of what should be done blah blah blah.. :-) I tend to prepare always for things. I always wake up early when there is trial or he has to report for bail. I make sure each day he goes for bail and trial. no stress will be added. I make sure we are on time, his clothes are ready, we have coins for parking and he had a good breakfast-- haha all the small things! Then after the hearing we go for a drive or see some of his friends.

                            The court hearings have sadly become highlights of our days. We have lived a very simple and peaceful life and we were very happy; now happiness needs extra effort. :-) But soon it will be over hopefully and we can move on with our lives.
                            Last edited by fighter; 7 January 2012, 02:43 PM.


                            • #15

                              Have you heard of FFOPS who are based in Swansea?


                              Also FASO not far from Cardiff

                              Both will probably be able to provide support at trial if they have people available at the time. Best to contact them now so they have plenty of notice. It's always better to have somebody there who has some knowledge of what should be happening so they can explain it to you if you have any questions and sol/barrister don't have time.
                              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                              PAFAA details ~

