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Accused of Sexual Assault and stuck in limbo....

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  • #16
    Yeah, I agree with this. Have you peeved anyone off or have any ex's after your blood? Sounds childish but so is wrongly accusing people.


    • #17
      i wasnt given a name of the victim therefore cant say if i know her or not, they didnt mention a child being interviewed, just that this is what she is saying happened and gave a brief description and a witness saw the attack and gave a differing description, plus it was 930ish on the busiest street in my home CITY on the thursday before christmas so there must of been loads of people around to see the events unfold, so why only 1 witness (so far they didnt and havent mentioned any one else)


      • #18
        Think more witnesses would have come forward with such an event as she describes, A MAN HITS A WOMAN WITH HER 10 YEAR OLD IN A BUSY STREET.

        Come on, loads of people would have come forward.

        Sounds flawed.


        • #19
          Also, what would you do if you saw a man hitting and assaulting a woman in a busy street, carry on with your business?

          Would you hell as like, if this happened

          1. You would have been notified about her injuries
          2. Some bloke would have tapped you on your shoulder and given you a good hiding or at least stopped you, I know I would have.
          Well that's my view.


          • #20
            No one has told of her injuries etc would they ??
            And I'd feel that yes someone would've joined in and given me a shoe in for doing something like that


            • #21
              When I was accused of assault, part of my case, the coppers told me I punched her twice and she had redness and pictures to prove it. I was quite inquisitive however as I don't drink and had almost total recall of the exact event barring some minor discrepancies.

              You got arrested last week and questioned immediately.

              You see if it was a simple alleged attack (assault) you'd find out in a monthish but with sexual assault I assume you are now on bail.

              Am I right?


              • #22
                Yeah got interviewed the following morning when I'd sobered up. Nothing mentioned of redness bruising etc nothing said about pics just being charged and to come back for the video I D next week


                • #23
                  you been charged? already? without cps? At moment i would thought you were just accused.


                  • #24
                    No I think I've been charged as the officer said she spoke with cps before I could leave so im pretty sure I've been charged based on her account and a witness


                    • #25
                      have you've not been id'd yet properly. think you maybe jumping the gun. but i'm no expert


                      • #26
                        By I have a sheet with the charge and bailed til next week to return to the station for video I D


                        • #27
                          Does it say charge or suspicion of? There is a distinct difference. Charged is when they have enough evidence I would have thought.


                          • #28
                            Again, thinking about this I think you are on bail waiting for the ID parade, I take it you denied the attack in the interview, you were at the scene but the witness statements differ in description.

                            At present there is no indication to evidence of an attack other than witness statements.

                            I would worry to a degree if you get id'd in the parade and pictures of bruises or something materialise but, as for now you must have faith in yourself.

                            Chances are, unless the alleged victim knows you and has a grievance with you and you are certain you didn't do it, you won't get ID'd.

                            However, if the victim does know you, your defence is, the victim has a grievance with you, each statement describes you differently, incidentaly, are you bald?

                            Just rack your brains, have you been like me and had lots of birds and they are hate you because of it or something like that?


                            • #29
                              Are you sure this is not just your bail sheet? I can't see how you can be charged if you have yet to attend an ID parade. You would remember being charged a sit is a formal procedure. A senior officer would have taken you to the charge desk and said "Mr X, I am charging you with sexual and physical assault. That on the nth day of December this year you did assault Ms.......[name would be given)......."
                              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                              PAFAA details ~


                              • #30
                                Yes I am bald but I was wearing a hat which she didnt mention. Think I am charged but waiting on the ID thing to go then can speak with a solicitor and findout where I go from here I trust I wouldn't do it but due to no memory through drink I can't comPletely deny something hasn't happened...

