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Accused of Sexual Assault and stuck in limbo....

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  • #31
    No I wasn't read my rights except in the interview. And no mention of sexual assault against ms X...


    • #32
      OK Pal. Well let's just hope for the best. Stay positive but keep your ear to the ground to hear any rumblings, give you a clue if it's someone you know. Would explain the hat not being in the description if you know what I mean.

      My description by the witness was, I could tell it was Jamie by the way he walked. I have a distinct walk (this is for my common assault charge).

      All the best, it's not nice this, but don't worry, I'm going through much worse except, I have total recall and know for sure I haven't done it but, still allegations and lying witnesses out there and it makes the mind boggle.


      • #33
        Your rights are read when you are arrested not when you are charged.

        Check the sheet and see if it definitely says you are charged or just bailed to return for ID.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #34
          I will check the sheets when I'm home thank you, I know it's difficult it's the not knowing that is killing me I keep questioning myself about it...


          • #35
            That's natural, I'm doing the same, you'll go over and over the events and what you've been told in your mind.

            Think you've just gotten accused of assault to be honest if you say there was no mention of sexual assault in the interview, or is it on the bail sheet?


            • #36
              No it says sexual assault no mention of the assault on the sheet


              • #37
                OK, well, that takes ages to charge you unless there is loads of evidence. Well that's what I've been told on good authority.


                • #38
                  A suspect can be charged within hours if the evidence is very strong.

                  In many of our cases however, somebody can be bailed for up to two years before getting an answer one way or the other. There is no hard and fast rule relating to being charged and time scales.
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • #39
                    Thanks for the info


                    • #40
                      My bail sheet reads "alledged offences sexual assault on a female" then to answers bail for the video ID etc etc hopefully they'll tell more then about the investigation and at least this time I'll have a sol with me to help me understand the processes


                      • #41
                        As I thought, you've not been charged yet.

                        Has to go through CPS first, then they need to see if they can secure a conviction on the evidence. If they think they can you are charged.

                        But you have the ID and stuff first, that may go your way.

                        Again, keep your ear to the ground for rumblings, I think it's someone you know going off the fact that you wore a hat and had on different clothes.

                        But that's just from my own experiences.


                        • #42
                          Well I'm hoping that when next week is over that it's all been cleared up it probably won't be but I'll deal with it I'm feeling a lot better and stronger but still it's always there in the back of my head what if I did do this whilst completely blacked out and smashed, it's haunting me the not knot knowing if I was to see it on CCTV then yes I could believe it but without it I can't see me doing this... But alas til next week and I know more it's better to try let it lie til then....


                          • #43
                            How you doing mate?


                            • #44
                              Feeling more positive today had a nice evening and a nice day today soo it feels nice... Just hoping on Thursday for good news but it never is for me so also looking at what could possibly happen but still need to wait to see what the solicitor will say and advise...


                              • #45
                                Yeah, sometimes I think it may be best not to read too much into other people's situation and simply concentrate on what your solicitor and police say.

                                Glad you had a good day, I've picked myself up a bit. I am not used to not doing anything, I'm usually extremely active.

