I just want it all to be over I can't think of anything else I'm going to work and that's it I havnt told to many people thought I'd do that if he gets charged we live in a small place the gossips would have a whale of a time with it and how can you just drop it in a conversation oh by the way, I've got a very close friend who's a pi he's said if I need him he will be there don't know what he could do but right now we need all the help we can get I don't understand why these girls do this I think it's made me very aware of how I now treat people
No announcement yet.
it is hard to talk about it - something to do if and when its needed. It certainly does sort out you're friends for youAnd God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
I'm in the same place as you, so I know how you feel and it's why I posted my thread asking how others cope with it. I find I don't want to talk about it to the few close people who I know as I get to emotional. It has changed me already in the fact that friends who I took for granted were there for me as soon as they heard and were supportive of both me and my son. On the other hand I hate the fact it has been spread around as I'm such a private person.
I think all we can do is try and keep strong like everyone else on here and accept that there are days it will all overwhelm us and thats understandable.
Sending hugs,
that's why this place is so good - you can talk it out and remain anonymous, knowing that everyone else understands how you're feeling.And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
Originally posted by Mumsinastate View PostWell it's my birthday today all the messages and cards and inside I feel like screaming go away and leave me alone I don't want to celebrate all I want is the police to knock at my door and tell me this nightmare is over I know I'm feeling sorry for myself bit it has just got to me todaymoan over
I got arrested 5am Christmas Day. Christmas and the New Year meant nothing to me for the first time ever.
On boxing day I had to answer questions from my grown up daughters:
Where were you? What happened? Why was your phone turned off - its never off?
I had a choice - Lie or not lie, I chose not to lie to them.
Keep strong
Good morning guys i dont know if you have read any posts i know you have mumsinastate, We got a not guilty verdict yesterday after 18 long months of sheer hell. we had so many dark days throughout this hell and it all came good in the end.
Anger frustration fear are among many emotions we have felt, its so hard and not fair.
We all need to stick together and be strong to stop these women doing this to innocent people.
keep going and try to hold your head up high xxx
So Glad for You
Thank you for sharing your good news, it will give hope to others still under the stress you suffered.
I thought about saying "well done" and "congratulations" but in these cases that just sounds wrong.
Members here told me, when I got NFA, that ii would go through a rollercoasters of emotions, they were not wrong. A week on I am still fighting but I believe it will get easier. You have to bear that in mind, the anger and fear may not dissappear over night. I am still clinging and feeling needy of friends, family and support even though I do everything to steer myself away from that.
I will not even try to understand your nightmare as my drama was only 3 weeks, a tiny fraction of yours.
Wishing you well.Last edited by 123; 24 January 2012, 09:32 AM.
Your son will go through days like this. Sometimes all you can really do is give him space but let him know you're there the moment he needs you.
The bail date is close but, as others have said, it could well be a rebail. Whatever it is, it would be best for your son to be prepared so if he feels up to it at any point, ringing his solicitor really would be a good idea. That way if there is a nasty surprise, he won't be hit so hard at the police station.
Fingers crossed for you"Be sure your sin will find you out"
Numbers 32:23
Being rebailed is fairly standard I'm afraid. It could be a good thing in that if they felt they had enough evidence to charge they would have done so. However they may be waiting for more "witnesses" to give statements, the CPS person dealing with the case could be on holiday, etc. There are a multitude of reasons why a rebail has been given.
Glad your son is feeling more positive. Hang in there.