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Falsely accused of grooming and sexual activity with minor-URGENT HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

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  • #16
    Sorry cog, PM = private message. You will be able to contact me directly once you have been on here five days and posted ten times, I believe.

    If you would like my help we can then discuss the case "behind the scenes" and see where we can go from there.

    Just tried to PM you but your settings are such that nobody can at the moment. If you go into your settings you should be able to alter this.
    Last edited by Rights Fighter; 26 December 2011, 05:36 PM.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #17
      Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
      As it stands at the moment there is no route to appeal.
      How on earth would you know that unless you are legally acquainted with the case?

      Once the sentence is passed (basically case closed) that avenue will open and the grounds can be explored
      Appeals can be lodged prior to sentence - I am not sure where you are getting your "information" from but it is incorrect.

      (judges summing up etc will then be available)

      JSU would be available after conviction so will be available now to an appropriate appeals solicitor on application under funding from LSC or privately if the client is not eligible for public funding. Are you getting confused with sentencing remarks? That would have little bearing on an appeal against conviction.

      Which type of court was the trial at?
      It's a contested sex case so it would have been at Crown court - nowhere else.

      Disregard what I've stated. I'm on a different track.

      If you are appealing directly against conviction then that can begin now.

      Certain sex cases can be heard in Sheriff Court in Scotland (still trial by jury). I only asked...
      Last edited by lawlessone2009; 26 December 2011, 05:42 PM.
      Wow... A signature option!


      • #18
        Thanks I think I make this my 8th posting in 1 day.I will reach 10 very soon- 5 days cant come quick enough!!
        After Xmas break we must start action before sentencing, I guess solicitor is 1st port of call but after what you just said I am wary of their advice.

        Guess we have to get everything to judge -character refs - there are soo many of these whqt about the conflicting evidence we gathered ie impossible timings etc??Should we compile these and any other info we can put forward as we have done so much work ourselves already which we think should have been put forward-we have been pro active all along.

        To lodge an Appeal what do we do before sentencing?

        Thank you so much.


        • #19
          My experience differs from yours because I have been helping to appeal convictions for many years and I work for a criminal defence solicitor who specialises in these cases.
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #20
            Originally posted by cog View Post
            Thanks I think I make this my 8th posting in 1 day.I will reach 10 very soon- 5 days cant come quick enough!!
            After Xmas break we must start action before sentencing, I guess solicitor is 1st port of call but after what you just said I am wary of their advice.

            Guess we have to get everything to judge -character refs - there are soo many of these whqt about the conflicting evidence we gathered ie impossible timings etc??Should we compile these and any other info we can put forward as we have done so much work ourselves already which we think should have been put forward-we have been pro active all along.

            To lodge an Appeal what do we do before sentencing?

            Thank you so much.
            You have 28 days after conviction in which to lodge the appeal against conviction (or after sentence if that includes an appeal against sentence). However it is entirely possible to appeal a conviction years afterwards.

            One of mine succeeded last December (2010) 11 years after conviction and it was his first attempt. We went via CCRC (Criminal Cases Review Commission) as the trial transcripts were no longer available so we could not go via CA (Court of Appeal) which is the usual route. The appeal was won on fresh medical evidence that was not available at the time of trial.

            it is best you do not do this yourself as you will not know what are acceptable grounds and arguments. We can talk once we can contact each other privately.
            Last edited by Rights Fighter; 26 December 2011, 05:46 PM.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~


            • #21
              this is my 9th thread!! So 1 more then 5 days but if you can suggest anything we can do now pl pl do so as we are anxious to do whatever it takes and we are not quitters ourselves!
              I have just forwarded chaplain route to his wife and she will do that asap-just for that we are grateful to you -whoever you are!!


              • #22
                Setting up an email account individually that RF can pass his email account details to and then begin communicating via email.

                An email account JUST for this, not an existing account, that can be posted on an open forum and then promptly shut once each party has each parties details?

                Only a thought...

                As for differing experiences. I agree, I mainly deal in motoring offences whereby the conviction and sentencing are done quickly so I've never had to consider the 'in between' before and have always waited on sentencing before lodging appeals as then it can be an appeal against conviction or an appeal against sentencing depending on which is preferred and not necessarily which is correct.

                Sorry to be an ass.

                I would take RF up on the offer to assist.
                Wow... A signature option!


                • #23
                  Alternatively, if Cog agrees, I or any of us Mods could give RF Cog's email address and then RF can make contact directly without waiting.
                  Thoughts Cog? If so, I'd need your agreement.


                  • #24
                    I have an idea who this lad is and have asked RFLH to ask for the email address. Not a good idea to post up email address even if the address is dead within an hour or so.
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~


                    • #25
                      Yes most certainly I would communicate with RF as he seems helpful, I and my daughter in law are eager to make urgent progress in this case - most greatful for your help indeed so please do whatever necessary to make this happen. Thanks.


                      • #26
                        Okay, the address you registered with has been passed over.


                        • #27
                          And an email has been sent - what a great team we are!!
                          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                          PAFAA details ~


                          • #28
                            hope the connection has been made now.
                            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                            • #29
                              I'm late coming to this thread - been away for Christmas with family - but well done everyone! Cog, my only advice to you is to grasp whatever Rights Fighter says with both hands and follow her advice as she really knows what she's talking about.
                              Good luck, please let us know how your son gets on x


                              • #30
                                Thank you for your input.
                                I became a little wary of internet connections and chickened a bit-who knows who is legit and who isnt on line.

