Originally posted by is there justice?
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My Story... (LONG)... Input helpful and I am happy to discuss.
Originally posted by myhome View PostWOW - LL1 - this is sounding really promising......I am assuming from what you said that in Scottish law there should have been 2 pieces of evidence for a prosecution to be considered and they only have 1??? If so - I guess your legal team will tear them to shreds on that one if the judge doesn't
Generally there has to be two forms of evidence to substantiate each important part of a crime. Rape is so hard to prosecute as generally it involves only two people, the accused and the accuser. DNA generally provides the secondary confirmation that sex of some kind took place, it is then for the jury to decide if it was rape or sex...
I put myself in a box. DNA is not an exact science as such as it's everywhere and I didn't know entirely what it all meant. There are different forms (may be wrong word there) of DNA for example; saliva, semen, sweat, skin cells etc and I assumed that ANY DNA would do. I stated I had been nowhere near the girl far less committed a crime against her and then spent a considerable amount of time sh1tt1ng myself thinking I had poured drinks, touched door handles, been to the toilet etc and believing that every action I took would show up as something. It seems to be a far far more exacting science than that thankfully when it actually comes to types of crime. It would be accepted that my skin cells may well be everywhere but serious questions would be asked if semen was found in certain places for instance. The box I put myself in was that had the DNA came back in anyway showing I had been near her then I wouldn't have had a leg to stand on in front of a jury, I couldn't say anything was consensual for instance. I put myself in that 'box' because I was and am innocent and had/have absolutely nothing to hide. I'm not a rapist.
Appears that the 'state' don't even believe in DNA though.................................... Unless it suits them....................................
What I need to get to the bottom of is contained in various pieces of legislation which will be backed up with some appeal court findings. It's all far beyond my mind at the moment as I am struggling with daily tasks never mind attempting to attempt to understand what someone somewhere and at sometime was trying to state that the law was and how it was to be interpreted......
Corroboration WAS a corner stone of Scots law and if it is a requirement for a prosecution to be possible then it must by definition be a requirement for a prosecution to even be started??????????????????????????
Over time I will obviously read and read these things but at the moment I am on auto-pilot until Friday is over and I see what happens next.
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As far as I know....all the cells in the same body contain the same DNA. However... we have many different types of cell which can be told apart by lab testing. It's therefore possible to know the type of cell present eg sperm, finger, tongue. The presence of such cells on or in someone else's sexual parts is evidence that there has been activity with the other person. However... there's no way it can prove that this wasn't consensual. Some types of internal wounding can tip the balance (depending on type , seriousness etc), but then some people do like it rough (so I'm told!), so again, it has to be part of a larger picture.
BUT.... the absence of DNA does not prove sexual/intimate activity didn't happen, though I would have thought that most juries would expect there to be physical evidence in a rape case.
Originally posted by whatsgoingon? View PostAs far as I know....all the cells in the same body contain the same DNA. However... we have many different types of cell which can be told apart by lab testing. It's therefore possible to know the type of cell present eg sperm, finger, tongue. The presence of such cells on or in someone else's sexual parts is evidence that there has been activity with the other person. However... there's no way it can prove that this wasn't consensual. Some types of internal wounding can tip the balance (depending on type , seriousness etc), but then some people do like it rough (so I'm told!), so again, it has to be part of a larger picture.
BUT.... the absence of DNA does not prove sexual/intimate activity didn't happen, though I would have thought that most juries would expect there to be physical evidence in a rape case.
I stuffed myself in the box in so far as if there WAS DNA I wouldn't have any form of defence..... Consent would've been quite a difficult argument to pull off when I'd stated I hadn't been near her....
It would be in my opinion that in my case rather than DNA being neutral it should've been taken as a confirmation of my position. I find it incredibly difficult to accept that DNA wouldn't be present in a quantifiable form IF anything of a sexual nature had occured.Wow... A signature option!
Originally posted by lawlessone2009 View PostYeah...... It's a strange world.......
It would be in my opinion that in my case rather than DNA being neutral it should've been taken as a confirmation of my position. I find it incredibly difficult to accept that DNA wouldn't be present in a quantifiable form IF anything of a sexual nature had occured.
E-Petition against the Legal Aid Cuts ... Please take a moment to sign?
All, I will post this on my thread too, however if anyone who sees this new post, can you please sign the e-petition to which is against the legal aid cuts? RF tells me that it needs around 12,000 more signatures to be debated by parliament....The link is below and it takes a second to complete, really quick and easy!!!!
Let us make a difference...... because together we can!!!! My son has utilised this service, so let us save this for those unfortunate people to be in the same position as we all are....
Thank you :-) x
I knew it could go either way and I knew it was pretty immaterial whatever way it did go but it's still a negative.
Advocate mentioned appeal to judge after his presentation of findings. Off to Edinburgh High Court now.
Will need a bit of personal time to reflect on what happened today before adding to thread.Wow... A signature option!
Thanks guys/ladies.
I haven't viewed this week as a negative or wasted time.
It's been an education and a half although something I'd prefer to be ignorant about... Quite happy that I am no longer as ignorant as I was...
I cannot believe what a mess the law is in and just how useless believing 'justice' exists really is. What's happening is not justice, it's an agenda. I can't say whether it is a positive agenda in general or not I merely know that I am a pawn within it all and in my case the reason for the agenda has been twisted to suit certain individuals who are not doing any favours for the real reason for the agenda, they're merely taking advantage of a broken system in order to inflict pain and suffering my way for whatever sadistic reason that they personally have.
The shocking thing is that the 'state' is so blind and incompetent that they cannot see that there are people ripping the piss out them and having them enforce their misery on someone on their behalf. Whatever happened to 'checks and balances' or 'probabilities'?????
I am being blindly persecuted and oppressed without want or care. Others are profiting greatly at my loss. I'm potentially facing a long term in a little room and the bloody 're'-instigators of it can't even qualify WHO done WHAT and WHEN. The court are blindly allowing this to happen as it's got sod all to do with them and it's something a 'jury should decide'.......
Guy that's getting shafted isn't getting any money. Guys that are doing the shafting aren't getting any money (the jury in the end game). There's a plethora of individuals in between that are getting paid handsomely... Even if nobody gets shafted the individuals in the middle still get rich and are able to justify their sad sorry existences.
Hey, I'm not depressed!I'm angry... My views with regards 'justice' have been tainted for years, they're now in pieces and I cannot believe it's been allowed to happen. I can't believe I have paid into a system, via taxes, that is so corrupt and self serving without a care for humanity. Caring is something that's left to charities and internet forums. Thank Santa this place is here.
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