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My Story... (LONG)... Input helpful and I am happy to discuss.
Soz only just noticed this! A great Christmas present but expect days of the doldrums and odd negative feelings. All perfectly normal in the abnormal situation you are in
Soz only just noticed this! A great Christmas present but expect days of the doldrums and odd negative feelings. All perfectly normal in the abnormal situation you are in
Thanks RF...
I'm suffering from 'anger' more than anything... RAGE! would be a better word...
I need to bring the system down!!! Then we need to bring some decent people in to rebuild it properly........
Yep. and then the mood might change to one of elation. Then something else - all mixed emotions that might make you feel you are cracking up. You aren't . It's normal.
Just read a story on here about a young lad who got his not guilty verdict in 2 mins. Mother wants to campaign for anonymity before convictions. Now where have I heard that before..... many many many times before.......
Procurator Fiscals Office are 'intending to lodge a motion at court to have the case re-raised'.
I have to appear in court on Friday 31st of May 2013.
NEXT Friday!!!!!!
I'm not depressed about it. I don't want to do anything silly. I AM ANGRY.
These barstewards honestly believe that they can keep on coming back. Do they not believe they've caused enough pain and suffering or is it just that they haven't wasted enough time and skinned the public purse for enough money?
Appears that the Human Rights Act is going to have to come into play here... I will of course find out the reasons for the re-raising of proceedings and detail them on here...
I did send of a letter a couple of months back which some will be aware off. If there is enough interest I will post it within this thread. The letter itself went unanswered and I never pursued it as I was strangely satisfied with simply sending it off. Now appears that the prosecution want me to 'put up or shut up' OR go for a trial...
There cannot possibly be any fresh evidence as there wasn't any bloody evidence in the first instance and any of the 'evidence' that did exist clearly showed innocence.
I am beyond angry actually. I'm ready to give these people a piece of my mind and my mind really is not particularly nice where they are concerned. I want names, positions, what they're responsible for, who they answer too, who makes the decisions............ I am going digging on a large scale here and I don't care who I piss off. This cannot possibly be justified and it cannot possibly be allowed to continue.
I hope you can get it sorted soon Lawless - its all crazy. Weather here isn't so good.
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
Procurator Fiscals Office are 'intending to lodge a motion at court to have the case re-raised'.
I have to appear in court on Friday 31st of May 2013.
NEXT Friday!!!!!!
Don't know if I reading something into the wording that isn't there but might the judge(?) just simply say to them 'well you had your chance and didn't take it, now sod off'
Whatever the outcome, just getting the letter must have been a huge shock
Don't know if I reading something into the wording that isn't there but might the judge(?) just simply say to them 'well you had your chance and didn't take it, now sod off'
Dam good point, but sorry to hear it has come back to make you angry
Oh LL1 I am so very sorry to read this - what an awful shock after you thought it was all over - I really hope that this is just a "formality" hugs......
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
It's very easy to read into things and make assumptions and I have done a lot of that since yesterday morning........
It's the cryptic letters that do it. No info other than what I've detailed......
So... Off I went to read about time-barred/timed out proceedings. It is possible...There is case law there to support it especially with the more serious offences. I suppose that the main area of contention is that the Human Rights Act still exists and must surely be backed up more than our statutory legislation. I would go reading it all but it took long enough to read various twists and turns of case law.
It does appear that it could well be simply a case closing exercise.
It could also be a case that there's been a result in the High Court which enables them to use a piece of evidence that they couldn't previously use. Would that however not fall under fresh evidence. I get confused at this point...
There could of course be fresh evidence. Not sure how you go about getting fresh evidence when there wasn't any to begin with but I suppose you could fabricate some more...
Something somewhere has happened. Maybe it was my letter but I doubt it as there was sod all in it apart from a rant... I'd still send the same letter again!
So... Maybe there's a chance that I'll end up in the dock. Am I pissed off? Well, no. I can see the case against me as a sorry reflection of how brutally useless and incompetent the legal system is. I don't doubt that the system serves a purpose but I question beyond reasonable doubt what the hell that purpose is. Is it punishment rather than justice? Is it control where control is not needed?
I'm never going to be 'controlled'. Not as those in charge would like. The greater their struggle for control the further out of control I become, not because I become any more out of control but just because their understanding of control becomes tighter.
I am of course worried by the developments and will no doubt be on tender hooks when in the court building and having to quickly process what is happening/going to happen but I will settle and face it. I was denied the opportunity to face it before and it could be simply that I am now getting that opportunity, the opportunity that I sought within my letter.
LL1 - I cant believe the 'they' are allowed to mess with peoples head like this....I am really sorry, I am glad you are seem strong and prepared to fight on. Thinking of you. CGU
Hope you are doing ok, what a headf$@k. Truly unbelievable. Hope you able take some of the good advice you have offered others and remain positive. :
Hee hee..
I'm fine. Not sure what to think, not ready to go diving back into dragging up all the possibilities in my head. Been quite a strange time since Saturday... Partner said she didn't love me then wanted me to tell her to bugger off and then when I wouldn't she wouldn't! Not discussed anything but she's went all quiet as if nothing happened........
Youngsters birthday yesterday which was nice. Actually managed to spend her birthday with her this year which is a big plus. Every other year my partner has a habit of causing an argument and then buggering off with the youngster and spending it with her family.....
Was round at a neighbours house for a few drinks last night. Quite close to them. It his him, her and her friend! Quite a weird experience... Quite weird full stop. They know (him and her) that I've been having a rough time with my partner recently and without me explaining much further to them over the last month they're probably assuming that things are near to over. They probably wouldn't be too far off!
So anyways... We all had some drinks and things. The other 'lady' there kept mentioning to go home and let the dog out, she was constantly told to 'stay' by my neighbours. It was just bloody weird! As if they were trying to set me up with her!!!
I sat for donkeys before I figured out the game that was being played. Strange thing is that I found the lady very desirable, very sexy, very warm, very friendly and massively positive. I liked her for the person she was. She was beautiful in just about every manner in my mind.
I didn't make any play for her at all.
I didn't make any sexual comments other than general jest when others were going through strange things either raised by the TV (the old, why the hell is there naked birds on this music video, kinda insights). It was just a superbly pleasant evening. The lady went home, I went home eventually and my neighbours most likely went to bed.
I am pretty certain that the lady wasn't privy to the 'match making' and it took me quite a while to figure out the match making (sure she figured it out long before me!) but then I didn't want to be obvious and ask it... Just a weird weird thing to be popped right into the middle of my weird blooming life at the moment. I'm deeply unhappy with home life but really didn't expect neighbours to start throwing tempting life changing bloody situations in front of me.
I didn't 'play' for her as I really don't want to mess anyone around. I evolved quite a while ago and obviously evolved brutally when faced with the false allegation. I could almost see the entire ladies life before me, almost to her core and I could see the struggles, the fights, the determination and the overall beauty that was radiating from her. I could also see the weakness and vulnerability. I simply could not entertain the neighbours 'setup'. I just couldn't do anything at all no matter how tempting. She could've stripped naked and jumped on top of me and all I would've done is cuddle her and tell her that everything is cool. Hell, there were times she was being 'provocative' in a way and I just viewed it as an extension of beauty rather than anything else.
Sooooooooo weird. Sorry to be sharing it to be honest but it was just totally unexpected! I seem to be that out of touch that I cannot embrace any situations without completely and utterly analysing the hell out of them. I probably spent more time trying to figure a way out of any sexual situations that may arise than simply getting on with my beer and having a good time!
It wasn't a question of 'faithfulness' either. My partner has more or less made her position clear to me. I just seem to be in touch with some super deep rooted thought processes. I suppose the word could be 'respectfulness'. I'm not entirely sure where this entire posting is going now...........
Anyways. Bank holiday today so contact with solicitor in the morning/afternoon no doubt so I'll throw up facts figures and funnies tomorrow evening no doubt.