dazedandconfused, good you got some time to think around this. It does look like her word against your word
. It is like you need to remember all the details of what happened that night so you can negate what she might be saying. Hopefully she will trip herself up. But I don't know much about this of course! hopefully you have a good solicitor and barrister to get you through this if you are charged.
As for motives, here are the following motives I saw in other threads and news:
a. revenge for being rejected
b. compensation
c. seeking attention
d. teaching the guy a lesson
e. throwing out husbands out of the house and gaining custody of kids
f. a girl can be in a relationship and the other partner found out she had sex with the accused so try to save herself and say she was raped
g. a girl feel ashamed the parents will know she had sex
you cant believe it..i read in news, a guy was accused of rape just because the girl was borrowing money for taxi and the guy didn't give her money; so she taught him a lesson.
what a weird world indeed.. as they say here if you can establish her motives it will be helpful.

As for motives, here are the following motives I saw in other threads and news:
a. revenge for being rejected
b. compensation
c. seeking attention
d. teaching the guy a lesson
e. throwing out husbands out of the house and gaining custody of kids
f. a girl can be in a relationship and the other partner found out she had sex with the accused so try to save herself and say she was raped
g. a girl feel ashamed the parents will know she had sex
you cant believe it..i read in news, a guy was accused of rape just because the girl was borrowing money for taxi and the guy didn't give her money; so she taught him a lesson.
what a weird world indeed.. as they say here if you can establish her motives it will be helpful.