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PTSD help online

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  • PTSD help online

    I've just come across this site

    I have no idea whether this is to be recommended or not but as some members here were recently talking about this subject and there doesn't seem to be much help I thought I would post this.

    If it is of any help please do come back and let us know
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~

  • #2
    I dont have any links, however, with a little investigation on the internet these could be found which i feel would be relevant and interesting.

    Work and social scale adjustment (WSAS)

    Mundt J C et al ("))") - a simple measure of impairment in functioning. british Journal of Psychiatry, 180, 461-4.

    Hospital Anxiety and depression scale (HADS)

    Snaith RP and Zigmond AS (1994) Hospital and depression axiety scale. Windsor; NFER, Nelson, Spinhoven.

    The PTSD checklist

    Norris FH and Hamblen (2004) Standardized self report measure of civilian trauma and PTSD. In J.P. Wilson, T.M.Keane & T.Martin (Eds.), Assessing phychological trauma and PTSD (pp. 63-102) New York:Guilford press.

    World Health Organisation (1993) The ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioural disorders; Clinical descriptions and disgnostic guidelines. WHO. Geneva.

    National Institute of Clinical Excellence (2006) Post traumatic stress disorder; The management of PTSD in adults and children in primary and secondary care, Gaskell and the British Psycological Society.

    Hope they help

