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False allegations ruined my UK record: Moving abroad?

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  • False allegations ruined my UK record: Moving abroad?

    My life has been seriously ****ed up by serious allegations made against me when I was 17 (I'm 18 now). I was not charged, but it still shows on my ECRB. I feel like a part of my dreams have been shattered.

    I don't hold UK nationality though (been here 6 years), I hold Dutch nationality. In any case if I do decide to work in the Netherlands after I graduate, I'm wondering if this arrest could in practice reveal this allegation information held by the UK police force to my prospective employers back in my native Netherlands?

    I know that the UK is one of the few countries in the EU (if not the only) which reveals every little bit of police intelligence in their criminal checks. But I'm wondering if it works both ways.

    Long shot question, I know, but please give input.
    Last edited by Cho; 15 December 2011, 02:41 AM.

  • #2
    It may be worth you doing what I am doing which is, with my MP's help, seeking to get my record cleaned up. Also, just because it appears in ECRB dies not mean a prospective employer will be concerned. It is also a **** shoot. Some forces reveal false allegations on ECRB some don't. Some don't after a period of time has lapsed. As to overseas, I believe the answer is no. Your arrest and investigation may only be shared if it has national security implications - anti-terrorism. But this may depend on exact details of case and whether you were ever charged. PM me if I can be of more help....

