My husbands trial is at the start of jan, I am feeling so worried about it. It's a historic case with no supporting evidence. The accusations are ridiculous but still, we are facing court. Does anyone have any coping strategies? I've not been too bad all year after the initial shock but now I keep running it through in my mind. How would I tell the kids, should I speak to the oldest before the trial? As I will be called to give evidence I won't see the first few days, this stresses me too. My family and his will be there, do I just wait in the court waiting room or stay away? Any thoughts would be good.
No announcement yet.
4 weeks until the trial
I would maybe ask the mods to move this thread into the 'help and advice' section where it will get greater viewings?
How do you and your partner get kept apart for the first few days? Is he on remand? Just curiosity as to how it would be possible.
I couldn't possibly recommend that you stay in the court or stay away, it's a personal choice. It could create an adverse impression if you do stay away, as if you are not supporting him and merely turning up when required. Only my opinion.
Do you have faith in your legal representation?Wow... A signature option!
Thanks for conning back to me, to be honest it help just writing it down. He is not on remand but I can't go into court so I will be in the waiting room. I have a friend who will wait with me. Only a couple of weeks now, I have had some time off work which has been great. As well as a bug family Christmas. As sure as I am that everything will be ok, there is the nagging fear that it won't be. The solicitor and barrister as brilliant. They as specialists in the field. It was the first thing I did when he was charged, I found this site and read how important it was to has experienced representation. I really appreciate the response, thanks again.
hi free spirit
i know it is not the easiest thing to do waiting outside a court room, i had to do the same for 3 days until they decided i wasn.t to be used as a witness. but it is good you have a friend with you. my family kept coming out giving me an update. it is not easy anyone on here can tell you that. but you will get through it. great you have a good teamand good luck in your upcoming trial
Thanks for that, our families will keep me updated I'm sure. Just got to keep focused on the positive. The feeling of not being able to do anything about what happens is so hard to deal with. Those people who will decide his fate no nothing about the amazing, father, husband and friend he is. Some past fling is able to say what she wants with no worry of punishment for the lies she is spinning. Our poor children will be devastated if he is convicted.
Hi Freespirit
As you already know, you will not be allowed in the public gallery to hear anyone else's "evidence" until you have taken your turn in the witness box. This means that you will miss the prosecution's case. However, if your friend is willing to sit through it, I recommend that he/she takes a notebook in so that they can make notes to report back to you (I am not sure if this is allowed, but check with your sol).
Once you have taken the stand, you will be allowed to observe the rest of the case from the public gallery.
Good luck and please let us know how you get on.
I can't know what precisely you are going through but my wife and I talked about this a lot in case we had to face it. Be willing to be selfish and demand help from your family and friends to cope now. He will get your help and others. But you might get forgotten so do some foot stamping now and get your team around YOU since you will need ro help HIM during the process. Having that support network in place is good insurance - but hope you won't need it after this stupid trial....
realy hope all goes ok for you and you can then come back andhelp us through it. can i ask someone who has already been to court do you sit in the public gallery with the accusers family as well. hpw the hell will i stay calm aaarrrrggg.
once again good luck and stay strong. you know what dont stay streong if you want to cry and scream then go for it i have done over the last few weeks and i feel better for it.