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Looking for a barrister, specialist on false allegation in south wales area-urgent

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  • Looking for a barrister, specialist on false allegation in south wales area-urgent

    Hi I am looking for a barrister who specializes in false allegation of rape in wales . I cant find anyone online. Hugh Wallace is recommended by RF, but I would like to confirm if he is a specialist. Sorry for posting again, our solicitor said we can change barrister and waiting for us to give a name.
    Many thanks!

  • #2
    If you are in S.Wales, phoning Gartsides for advice on a good barrister for sex offences might be a good idea. I cannot recall the name of the solicitor who was Tony's solicitor but he was recommended by RF and works from the Newport office (his name will be in my posts end of 2010) as far as I know. (It is opposite bus station in Corn St) they have a website. They also have offices in Ebbw Vale and Abegavenney.
    Hope this might be of some help
    False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


    • #3
      Thanks Jen

      Thanks Jen for recommending that firm. We will call tomorrow. I cannot find your post with the name of the solicitor. I think RF PM you for it as I saw a thread on experienced solicitor.. but the answer is emailed to you :-)

      But this is a good starting point :-) and yes it is indeed in front of corn street! I found the Gastrides website also.

      Thanks so much again.


      • #4
        I think it was Scott Bowen x
        False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


        • #5
          Originally posted by fighter View Post
          Hi I am looking for a barrister who specializes in false allegation of rape in wales . I cant find anyone online. Hugh Wallace is recommended by RF, but I would like to confirm if he is a specialist. Sorry for posting again, our solicitor said we can change barrister and waiting for us to give a name.
          Many thanks!

          I would not suggest a non-specialist. When I sent you that recommendation I also sent you the comment made by the defendant who used him. I have no idea who the barrister is as I've never met him - I can only go by the recommendation and it was clear by the comment that was made that this is a specialist.

          I am sorry you doubt the recommendation by somebody who was found not guilty at trial after making use of the barrister concerned.
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #6
            Hi Rights Fighter,

            Sorry, I am new to the forum and I thought you recommend any barrister that is good (specialist or non-specialist). I couldn't find anything on the barrister you recommended online. We were panicking that time to get a specialist. and just have to be sure before giving any name to our solicitor. Sorry, I didn't know also that it was recommended by somebody who was not found guilty. We are really stressed because the solicitor has also given us a deadline this morning. Thanks for your help, it is much appreciated. I hope I have not offended you.
            Last edited by fighter; 13 December 2011, 09:03 PM.


            • #7
              The comment on the barrister was this:

              They selected my barrister, Hugh Wallace (9 Park Place Chambers, Cardiff) to represent me in court. He is a very nice guy, but still manages to draw the information out he needs and gets his own way in the end. He also gets the jury on your side.
              He is a former chief crown prosecutor who now does mainly defence work.
              The fact that this guy was here to write that comment suggests he is not in prison.

              I have had a very long day. I've been at Court of Appeal with two clients and had a conference with counsel with one of the clients after the appeal (not related to that one client) and also dealing with several appeals and one upcoming trial.

              Anybody who reads my posts on here will know that I only work in this area. This evening I've had a message from somebody applying to join my private forum and all they want is the name of a barrister who can help with an appeal.

              It seems they have no interest in being part of a self-help support group - it's not unusual for people to contact me direct using me as a signpost or for free "advice". That seems to be taking the pi*s and it happens far too often.

              I have been able to help several people who have come onto this forum and most of them have gone on to support others.

              Coming back to your request for help (and I note you have supported others on here so I am not having a go at you for failing to do that) - as I said I do not know that barrister personally. However he is recommended by somebody who was clearly impressed by him.

              It's perfectly understandable that you want to check and double check your defence team. Who you choose is entirely up to you and I do not expect you to just take my word for it. Having said that, it is a tad insulting though, when a recommendation is made and you then come back on here and ask if he is a specialist. Clearly he is, according to the person who recommended him. The person who recommended him by the way, was once a member on here.

              Maybe you could have worded that better.

              And......maybe I am very tired and very stressed after a VERY long and stressful and anxious week helping people who have gone through trial and also on appeals.
              Last edited by Rights Fighter; 13 December 2011, 09:22 PM.
              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

              PAFAA details ~


              • #8
                Rights fighter,

                yes, you are right. I could have worded it better my only excuse was that my very tired and stressed partner was asking me to double check it right then and there. I only realized later how much your advise is very much sought after and appreciated by members as I get to read more the past threads yesterday. It was ignorant of me. Again, please accept my apologies. The forum is very lucky to have someone like you. Have a nice evening. I hope you would have a break from a stressful week; but I am sure all the people you have helped this week would have a much merrier Christmas. I hope you will never get tired of the forum.


                • #9
                  Blimey Rf, I can't believe how much stress you manage to fit into a day. I really hope you get some you time this Xmas and not be working full throttle all the way through.
                  Kind wishes
                  Jen x
                  False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


                  • #10
                    and if she's not careful she'll be ill again - So will you slow down a little or at least have a break over Christmas, hmmmmm???

                    Just, for once - put yourself first. Otherwise I shall smack your beak!!
                    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by largactyl1 View Post
                      Blimey Rf, I can't believe how much stress you manage to fit into a day. I really hope you get some you time this Xmas and not be working full throttle all the way through.
                      Kind wishes
                      Jen x
                      Thanks for your understanding. Looking back I suppose I could have been a little kinder in my remonstration BUT I have had such a stressful few weeks (not just this week) and it is frustrating when I advise due to other people's experiences and then it's as though I've said nothing. It's not the first time this has happened so fighter, don't take it personally. It happens more often than you would think. gggrrrrr

                      People either don't believe what they have been told or they carry on regardless and then later wonder why it all goes wrong.

                      Several people on here have recently sung the praises of a certain solicitor in North London yet today I see a new thread started asking what that solicitor is like. Helloooooooo - "read the threads and take notice of other people's experiences".

                      I won't be getting much of a break over Christmas as Kanday is coming down to see me soon so I can help with her hubby's appeal plus a guy I knew back in 1984/85 has been convicted along with his wife and they are on bail awaiting sentence.

                      They are coming to see me probably after Christmas to bring down the paperwork they have. Once they have been sentenced the sol I work for will do the appeal review but I intend to go through absolutely everything minutely - do everything I can for the preparation.

                      It comes as no surprise to me that my back has gone wonky due to the stress and being sat at my computer most of the day so I am limping around like a little old lady plus I have some local OAP shows (I sing and play keyboard) to do on top of all that.

                      Basically I am knackered. I often feel like looking for another job because, although I've had some personal successes and assisted in others, as RFLH says I do need to think of myself sometimes. One day I probably will.


                      Rant over!
                      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                      PAFAA details ~


                      • #12
                        Hi Rights fighter,

                        no worries. I guess people are not in their normal minds when they come to the forum. Even I came here when I was at my lowest point; we are usually strong as we have been under the stress for 10 months. I think I have seen how people come in the forum and asks for advise immediately before reading through the threads. Am guilty there!

                        I can imagine all the stress. I am a lecturer and now I feel like being a solicitor is more meaningful and relevant!! I thought being a teacher is novel; your work and dedication rights fighter is more important as you have helped many people who had their life turned upside down undeservingly. I was thinking the other day if I can find another scholarship i would study law Reading through the threads had inspired me how much one's knowledge can help change people's lives.

                        But you are right also, you have to think about yourself sometimes. Hopefully there would be more like you to join the forum! Have a good afternoon.

