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I really need some help plz

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  • I really need some help plz

    Hi I got accused of raping my cousin 10 years ago and i got aressted in september 2010 and I got charged in jan 2011 and then went 2 trile in July 2011 I have been on aunty dippression tablets. All the time once the trile was over n I was found not guilty n I thought every thing would go back 2 normal n I stoped taking my tablets n I wasn't very nice 2 anyone and keep snapping and biting people's head of for no reason I keep liying. 2 my wife n she is getting sick of it n I don't wanna lose her coz of it so I really need some help I am back on my tablets now but I'm on the 40mg ones now and befor I was on the 20mg ones

  • #2
    Hi Mark, sorry to see you here. Has your doctor offered counselling to you? It sounds as if it would help you.

    Do you manage to get out and about? I found that walking helped, even if it was a few hundred yards every day.

    It is 'normal' to be feeling this way. You can't just walk away and carry on as if nothing has happened.

    Keep posting as there are other members who are going through the same thing.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      I had counselling before the court case and I didn't go back and finish it of I just need. Someone 2 help I can't lose my wife she is the best thing that has ever happened 2 me n I will do anything 2keep my wife


      • #4
        Try your GP for PTSD referral and also try Relate for couples counselling.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #5
          I will as my doctor about it I'm back there in 2 weeks to c how im getting on with the new stronger tablets so I will ask them then n c wot they say


          • #6
            Is there anything I can do in the mean time 2 help me sort my life out n get it back 2 normal


            • #7
              Yeah pal.

              You can. Remember that you are NOT GUILTY! That gives you the best start in making a nice life for you and your family. As well as seeing the doctor and taking their advice, try to fill your life with nice things and try and drop the bad things.

              Avoid watching any TV where there is violence and abuse (that means ALL the soaps!) and violent movies. Perhaps you could watch cartoon films (like Shreck or other funny ones) - they can lift your moods - each little boost helps.

              Maybe visit your library and read a book with nice stories perhaps in the library itself where it is quiet and warm.

              Tell your wife each day that you love her (I'm sure that you do already).

              Accept that it will take time to get back on track and don't beat yourself up if you have a set-back - those are not your fault. Just try again the next day.

              Remember that you are not guilty. Good luck pal.
              Police and subsequently the CPS "take every piece of evidence and try to extract the most negative connotations for their presentations in court". It's their job to help Judges fill those jails.


              • #8
                Great advice from Ivor there.
                Avoid soaps/programs/the news where there are any storylines that might trigger memories (particularly courtroom dramas - I still can't watch those, even 7 years on!)

                I echo others advice about counselling.

                You didn't complete your meds course, and you stopped going to counselling. Both of these were prescribed to you for a reason - you NEEDED them. You have been through a terrible trauma. Without standing on my soapbox, you are not qualified to decide when you should stop taking medication, or cease your counselling visits.

                I'm glad you spoke to your GP. Ask him/her again about counselling, keep taking your meds and this time complete the course. Try to keep busy. My husband was the same as you when he came out of prison - didn't want to do anything; go anywhere; see anyone. He was downright horrible to live with for a good couple of years. But we are still here.

                Hang on. It will get better.


                • #9
                  what they said!!
                  And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                  • #10
                    your life has been ruined. But be stronger. You'll have to face this. My condolences are with you

