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  • #46
    thanks, it'll be interesting to find out.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #47
      Thanks for the update David. I hope justice prevails.


      • #48
        Good News

        My accused has changed his plea to guilty. Great news. Due to be sentenced next month.


        • #49
          Well done for seeing this through David. You should be proud of yourself
          "Be sure your sin will find you out"

          Numbers 32:23


          • #50
            That is great news David. And you don't have to give evidence, either. Fantastic.
            I hope you are feeling OK. Sometimes the aftermath is as difficult to deal with as the ordeal itself.
            Very best, warmest wishes.


            • #51
              Yes I am pleased as I was concerned about being identified. Although the judge had allowed me to give evidence behind a screen. Let's see what sentence he gets.

              Originally posted by Saffron View Post
              That is great news David. And you don't have to give evidence, either. Fantastic.
              I hope you are feeling OK. Sometimes the aftermath is as difficult to deal with as the ordeal itself.
              Very best, warmest wishes.


              • #52

                You are a star.

                I wish you all the best and well done for your determination.
                Non,je ne regrette rien.


                • #53
                  Such good news. I hope he gets a substantial sentence and you can finally put all this behind you and start to move on
                  "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


                  • #54
                    I'm so pleased to read that. Pity it wasn't done earlier to save you from further stress - but better late than never.
                    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                    • #55
                      Yes been a long journey. Fortunately I have been very well supported by the Police. It is a relief that I do not now need to give evidence. Undecided yet if I want to attend court to hear sentencing. I do hope he receives a prison sentence, as others need to be protected.


                      • #56
                        Congrats, David! I too hope he gets a long sentence, give him time to reflect on his actions!


                        • #57

                          Not what I had hoped but he changed his plea to guilty and received a 12 months suspended sentence for 24 months, with supervision by probation for 18 months.


                          • #58
                            Hi David - disappointing for you I'm sure, but the sentence is still hanging over him for 2 years and the 18 month probation order too which won't be a walk in the park.....well done for seeing this through....
                            "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


                            • #59
                              Well done, David, you have got through it, regardless of his sentence, you are an INNOCENT MAN, feel proud of yourself x


                              • #60
                                This is the first time I've read your thread, sorry about that and for coming on here so late. Well done for your intelligent approach, endurance and determination.
                                It seems that your's is one of the rare cases that was treated by the police just as it should have been and that they were discerning enough not to immediately take the accuser's word as gospel. If only more police forces behaved like this, the horrendous problem of FA's would become obsolete.
                                As for the sentencing, I can understand you're being dissatisfied... it's disuasive rather than punitive, but I'm sure the person won't be tempted to re-offend. By the way, did their name appear in the press?
                                All the very best

