Daki, how are you? hope you are coping well. Hope you have mentally, physically and emotionally prepared for it. Look forward to the fight! The end of this challenge is near. You have a good defense team. chin up and keep calm.
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Sitting in crown court having a cup of tea
yes Faith :-) I hope to be more regular here now! :-)
Oh and Daki, I hope our case had brought some hope in the British Justice System; there is still some thinking jury out there and a very fair judge. The liars and their supporters will always tripped themselves in the witness box. Our liars were quivering and twitching as they took the stand and my partners stood there firmly and followed the instruction of the barrister; straight and concise answer and dont get angry. The strategy was not to give the other side any ammunition; so when he got cross examined, they have to work with very few points. It will be a harrowing experience but remain calm and firm.. observe well the other witnesses and make sure you appear more credible than them.
We were told the first day was the hardest; but we found out giving evidence is also as hard.. so you need to prepare yourself for this. Please feel free to send me pm if you have any question. And also the hardest part was preparing for the worst scenario, packing the nasty bag!! -- dont think much of it.. just prepare it and go as confidently as you can even on the day of the jury deliberation.
I wish you would have somebody with you from the forum on the trial.. Which area are you in again? sorry to ask. I have somebody sitting with me explaining what is happening and that makes it less scary and easier for me.
ah that is nice to know! :-) good! it was helpful also in our case that I am not a witness so I was in the gallery the whole time and can point out things to the defense team. Daki, I hope you have somebody with you who knows a lot about the case who can sit through the whole trial.