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Still in need of help even after being found not guilty

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  • Still in need of help even after being found not guilty

    Hi all.
    I posted on here around a year ago when i was accused of rape by a family member, ive recently been to trial and been found not guilty after an 8 day trial and 11.5 hours of the jury being out, but even after this my life has not changed ive not felt like the weight has been lifted my family and ex partner have all said i should be over the moon and fill like the luckiest guy alive but i fill like the damage has already been done.

    Everyone in my area knows what i was accused of after storys were printed, my life was distroyed by this losing my family, friends my partner and step daughter, my hopes of going into the army were over.

    im now getting threts and greef off people i dont want to leave my home i just dont know what to do or were to turn for help.

    i need to know if there is anything i can now do to get away from the area im in from council ect, ive not yet enquired if they will help me as i cant bring myself to tell people what happened to me.

    ive been told i have no hope of claiming compensation for the stress ive been put through or the things ive lost due to this.

    i dont have the finance to just up and leave but i know i need to get away from it all and tryand rebuild my life.

  • #2
    Hi, I'm sorry that you're still going through this hell.

    There are always going to be the mindless morons that will believe the worst, but it does sound that you need to get away to make a fresh start and to begin to rebuild your life.

    You could go to the papers and tell them how the false allegation hss affected you - you'd still get the few - but I think you'd find that more would be in sympathy with you.

    If you can't face going to the council - you could always email them. I'm sure you're not the first to want help like this.

    Keep posting.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Hi there, I'm not surprised that you don't feel like the "Luckiest Man", you have been put through hell for a long time over something that you did not do. That's not good luck. That's really shi**y. It is obviously a good job that justice prevailed in your case but I imagine you feel all over the place emotionally and as you infer - mud sticks.

      Telling your side of the issue might be helpful to you. But have you been to the GP as you have suffered a severe and protracted trauma and it could be that some kind of treatment would be helpful to you.

      False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


      • #4
        Just been reading your original threads and you said about joining the paras. Have you thought about continueing this line as it would get you a new life thats relatively well paid,will get you out of your area,new friends and at least something to focus on. I have been in the army for quite a while now and would be more than happy to give you the benefit of my experiences if it helps.

