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Trial starts tomorrow!

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  • #16
    Congratulations mate im genuinly happy for you.


    • #17
      Dancing Banana Time!!!!!!!!!!!

      And a mega raspberry to the false accuser

      I hope the Crown prosecutes her


      • #18
        That's brilliant news, I'm so pleased for you!

        I hope that she will get more than a slap on the wrist.
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #19
          Oh I am soooo pleased to read this! Thank God for common sense.
          Lee, thank you for letting us know. You have been in my thoughts all day and I am MIGHTILY relieved to hear this wonderful news.
          And as Verity says, time for some dancing bananas....


          • #20
            Incidentally, please message one of us Mods with the name of your barrister so that we can make recommendations to other members. Every little helps!


            • #21
              So brilliant - well done. Can I emphasise that ANY communications to you after the alleged offence date from the 'victim':

              texts to you
              emails to you
              as well as Facebook messages
              or IMs or ANY form of communication which is recorded
              - including phone messages from her left on voicemail,

              are important evidence -

              AND same of relevance to other people -

              are a powerful weapon in dealing with an FA are are being increasingly successfully used by solicitors to get NFAs or cause trials to collapse.


              • #22
                Thanks for all the messages guys. they do mean alot. Still dont think it has really sunk in yet but i am so happy. We didnt even have to begin our defence case so i didnt have to speak or use any winesses which was nice. In total the trial only lasted about 3 hours!


                • #23
                  Hi there.

                  I'm so happy for you and can only wish that you have a great life ahead of you. Good luck.
                  Police and subsequently the CPS "take every piece of evidence and try to extract the most negative connotations for their presentations in court". It's their job to help Judges fill those jails.


                  • #24
                    Congratulations mate - really, really happy for you. Great to have a sense of closure on your ordeal!!

                    Enjoy the celebrations!!!


                    • #25
                      Wow! Excellent news. I hope that she will be done for wasting police (and the court's) time.

                      Expect to have some mixed emotions after what you have been through. Anger at your suffering is likely I would imagine - although that would be easier if she was prosecuted.

                      I know Tony had periods of bitterness after his NFA as his False Accuser seems not to have had any action taken against her - despite her being a serial accuser - and actually falsely accused her brother-in-law while Tony was still on bail. (On that one she phoned her 13 year old nephew to inform him that his father was a rapist before she called the cops - sick or what!)

                      Glad that you have been cleared in court for all the world to see that you are innocent and she is a liar. I wonder what her motivation was to do it in the first place.

                      Best wishes
                      False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Lee2312 View Post
                        by the way my barrister was unbelievable. his cross examination was amzing. i would definitely reccomend him

                        Maybe you would let me know who this barrister is so I can add him to my list of "recommended".

                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~


                        • #27
                          Hi RF. I PM'd Saffron the barristers details including the area he covers. he does Legal aid too. Just want to say thanks again for everybodys support on here. today has been strange but im finally coming to terms with the fact ITS OVER!!!


                          • #28
                            RF, I will forward the PM to you.
                            Lee, you will have good and bad days. The legal system chews you up and spits you out, regardless of whether you get a Not Guilty or Guilty. This ordeal has taken up so many of your thoughts and emotions for such a long time -it won't go away overnight. Rest a little easier knowing that the worst is over. You can't let it consume your life any more.


                            • #29
                              See if you can get your ECRB checked.

                              I attended a meeting yesterday with a solicitor and the guy whose appeal I was heavily involved with which succeeded in November 2008. He was totally exonerated and not acquitted on a technicality.

                              His partner applied for a job with children last year (2010) and was told her ECRB was found to contain details of the allegations/convictions and nothing about his acquittal. This is around two years after he was acquitted.

                              The solicitor is going to see if he can do something about that.

                              It was a shock as after the appeal succeeded our man rang his police liaison officer (our man had served his time and had been released from prison) and the PLO said he would make certain that all reference to the conviction was removed from our man's ECRB. Unfortunately it remains on his partner's for the time being.

                              I would check it. Don't expect the police to do anything but go via your solicitor.
                              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                              PAFAA details ~


                              • #30
                                Ecrb - rf

                                RF - Sorry but really confused, are you saying that our wives/partners ECRB will also show that their husbands/partners have been arrested under SOA 2003 ??? Surely the false allegations and nightmare of waiting is enough without punishing our partners as well for crimes we did not commit.

