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advice re brother

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  • advice re brother

    hi all, i thought i made a post just now but cant seem to find it anywhere so will start again,

    my brother who is 18 was accused of rape which was meant to of have happened back in june when he was 17, the alleged victim is the same age as him and his step sister (his dads partners daughter).

    my brother lives in a foyer which is a place for young people and my brother and the alleged victim are both under the care of social services. my brother had the alleged victim stay overnight as his guest, you have to get permision from staff for this, staff are onsite 8am-8pm and security are on site 6pm-9am. the night the rape was meant to of taken place was the night she stayed over night with him, after the rape was meant to of taken place she stayed for the rest of the night didnt seek any help from any staff, security or other residents, she had an appointment with social services the following day and was happy for my brother to attend with her and to go to the room with her, she was seen happy and laughing with my brother and surely if she was raped she would of went into the room alone and reported what happened.

    i also had a look on her facebook page to see if she had wrote anything about it which she hadnt except that around a month after the alleged rape she had an appointment to apply to live in the foyer, why would you want to live in the same building as your alleged rapist?

    the alleged victim comes from a very dysfunctional family her current bf and bf at the time of the rape is a peadophile and she has a daughter which was taken away from her at birth because if this. literally veryman she has come into contact with has raped her or touched her inappropriately although im nto sure if these were reported tot he police.

    i only found out about these accusations when i saqw it in the local paper, there was a story about my brother with his name, picture and address which is causig him alot of problems. the story said he faced the magistrates court charged with raping the woman in june and that the case is so serious it is being sent straight to the crown court with a preliminary hearing on november 21st and another hearing on feb 13th next year.

    my mum is going to his solicitors appointment with him to find out more information as she cant get much from his brother. this is really hard on the family as my sister passed away 2 months ago aged 18 to cancer so my mum is still struggling to get over this then this lands on her plate.

    what i wanted to know is if it is going to crown court does this mean that they have evidence and why is there a further 2 court dates not just the one?

    any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • #2
    Have also just found out from my brother and my mum that she has accused him of this before a while back but then admitted to the police later that she had made it up.


    • #3
      Hi there, sorry that you have had to join this forum, you must be going through hell. However, this forum is excellent for advice and support. When Tony was Falsely Accused, his accuser was also someone who had made many complaints re. sexual assault with a variety of men - one of these accusations being at the time when Tony was still on bail! She is a perennial victim and it sounds like yr brother's accuser is cut from the same cloth. Tony was NFA'd nearly a year ago now, his accuser having moved to Norfolk, which is a long way from the city in which we live. Hopefully yr bro will also be NFA'd before too long.

      More experienced people will be along but the following points are important:

      Make a tim-line of everthing that happened b4 and after alleged assault - including people who saw them, where they met, where they went, permission given for yr bro to have a visitor etc. As detailed as possible. Ask him to give this list maybe to you for safe-keeping so the police don't "lose" it.

      Get an experienced solicitor involved (again people can advise you of this).

      Any activity of Facebook etc. should be screen-shot and kept.

      I don't know anything about courts and their workings though. It must be awful that his name and address have been in the paper.

      Try and keep strong
      False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.

