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Historic, and false, allegation of sexual assault

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  • #16
    Hi thanks I truly do appreciate it.
    I am not allowed to post private messages yet but I will send her a pm as soon as I am able.
    Thanks again, you have made me feel very reassured. Your kindness is humbling
    "Be sure your sin will find you out"

    Numbers 32:23


    • #17
      No problem. Hopefully we will talk soon
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #18
        Hi rightsfighter.
        I have contacted rflh and hopefully my email address will be forwarded to you
        Hope you're well
        "Be sure your sin will find you out"

        Numbers 32:23


        • #19
          She has but as you have not put in an appearance for so long I have got caught up with other things - I have a trial ongoing this week which might mean I have to travel to Wolverhampton from the south coast plus I have a leave to appeal hearing ongoing.

          Keep posting so you remind me you are here and I'll get back to you once I am done with the current matters.
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #20
            That's absolutely fine I completely understand that you must be very busy so please don't worry if it takes you a while to find some spare time. I will post as often as possible but with being computer less, I am currently using a fiddly iPod for Internet access and typin is a slow process!
            I got in touch with the solicitor you work with. He was very helpful and supportive and it was very useful to get some trustworthy advice and some reassurance.
            "Be sure your sin will find you out"

            Numbers 32:23


            • #21
              Just a quick update, still heard nothing official. A bit worried about laidback solicitors. Have been advised by chris saltrese that it could be a good idea to for my fiancée to write to the police a statement compiled of all the false stories the accuser said about other people. My own solicitor suggests that thivwould be a good idea too but can't advise both me and my fiancée. Yet my fiancees solicitor insists that this is not a good idea and wants to sit back and sit backup see if any charges come. it's all very confusing there seems to be little to do before charges come. But if that's the case it'll be too late for my career as his will stay on my enhanced crb.
              "Be sure your sin will find you out"

              Numbers 32:23


              • #22
                Solicitors can only be "laid back" at the moment as you have not yet been charged -or have you? Because you have not been charged there is no paperwork. Without paperwork he can't really do a fat lot apart from advise on what you tell him.

                Are you complaining about your own sol or Chris Saltrese? I thought you were going to be using him yet you are talking about your "own solicitor" as well. If you are not intending to instruct Chris it does seem rather unfair that you are using him for free legal advice. You will need to make a decision soon.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #23
                  Hi rightsfighter
                  Thanks for replying. I would love to use chris as my solicitor as he is the person whose advice guidance and knowledge I have trusted and respected the most. When we spoke over the phone it was never really established that I could use him what with him being based so far from me. He seemed happy to give advice as I can tell he is passionate about the issue of false allegation particularly against teachers and carers. Please remember that I have never once had cause to speak to a police officer or a solicitor before so any mistakes I make are through naĂŻvety rather than selfishness. I am mortified that I have come across otherwise but I insist that I am grateful for all help I am given in this traumatic situation and I would never intentionally take any of it for granted. You are right that I have not been charged. Chris advised some measures i could take to avoid charge and I genuinely believe that it was through goodwill and passion on the issue as if I am not charged then I wouldn't be able to use him as my solicitor anyway. So far he was been my most supportive branch of support alongside my family and I will do anything I can to endorse his kindness, professionalism and support to anyone in a similar situation to mine. So sorry for any unintentional offence I have caused. I really respect your input and help too
                  "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                  Numbers 32:23


                  • #24
                    Chris works on trial matters all over the UK. You can also pay in instalments. Having had good-will advice won't make any difference to you instructing him privately.

                    You must have caught him when he had a spare few minutes - which is rare!!
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~


                    • #25
                      Yes I must have been quite lucky. He listened to want is a very lengthy and complex situation so we were on the phone for a very long time. He also said that he would be very happy for me to phone again in I needed any further advice or clarification. He made the point that I could be cautiously optimistic as it seemed unlikely to him that a situation like this would be unlikely to lead to a conviction.

                      I have to reitorate how much help he was.
                      "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                      Numbers 32:23


                      • #26
                        Hi all.
                        Quick query; does anyone know if it is possible for myself or my solicitor to get in touch with CPS directly with a statement or is the only way to go directly via the police? The reason being is that I worry a statement which supports my case may not reach the CPS if it is given to the police. To clarify, my case is still pre charge, but I gave a no comment interview on the advice of a duty solicitor. The statement I am considering sending is that of my fiancée who will write about the lies she has been told by the accuser about other people. I want to do all I can to ensure it doesn't get to charge stage.
                        "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                        Numbers 32:23


                        • #27
                          Ask your solicitor. The "evidence" you refer to is not enough to stop Charge.
                          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                          PAFAA details ~


                          • #28
                            Oh. Thank you for your help.
                            "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                            Numbers 32:23


                            • #29
                              Hi All.

                              It's been a while since I posted, but I thought I would give a brief update to anyone who was interested.
                              I have a very supportive GP and therapist who are helping me a lot when my mood dips. I have been prescribed anti-depressants which seem to take the edge off mostly. My fiancee is extremely supportive and is my rock; I have a very large and close knit family on both sides.

                              I would encourage everyone who finds themselves in a situation like this to make the most out of valuable resources such as friends and family. I have come to the realisation that the accuser can only do very limited damage as she will never be able to take my loved ones away from me. No matter what the outcome, I will always have their love, support and faith. I know that not everyone is that lucky, so I avoid feeling sorry for myself.

                              Anyway, in terms of progress, there hasn't been a great deal. I still have to answer bail at the end of February. Family members have kept an eye on the Facebook pages on the accuser and her mother and it is becoming more and more obvious that I am not the only person that has been accused.
                              I have been in touch again with Chris Saltrese, who was reccommended to me by the very helpful Rights Fighter and my fiancee has been told to contact him in the New Year regarding putting together a statement for the police regarding the reliability of the main accuser.

                              Like Rights Fighter says, there is no guarantee that this will stop the charge but Mr Saltrese has said that anything that may place doubt in the CPS' mind on the reliability of the accuser won't do any harm.

                              Anyway, the waiting game continues and who knows what will come next. The whole nightmare could be over come February or it could be another pretty rocky year but I will continue to have faith in my own innocence and to take strength from my loved ones.

                              Now that I have a laptop, I will be able to access the site much easier and contribute to the wider life of the forum and also be able to update my own thread more often.

                              Even if it's of no interest to anyone else, it is useful to unburden my thoughts in writing and know that they are being read by people who understand.
                              "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                              Numbers 32:23


                              • #30
                                Hi Faith and good to see you posting here again. Good news that you now have a laptop so you can remain in touch with us and keep us updated, not to mention help with others in the same situation.
                                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                                PAFAA details ~

