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What can we do?

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  • What can we do?

    Hi everyone,

    Well, we've had a few months to calm down now after getting NFA'ed. But still here I am at 1am. Still can't sleep, wake up hearing the door knock in my sleep- nightmares of the police turning up to arrest DH in the small hours. We both still sit for hours trying to work out what on earth the whole thing was about. He can not accept that anyone would be so callous as to make up a story like that for absolutely no reason. Which makes him suspect a 'conspiracy' - sabotage by business competitors- sounds totally crazy I know. Makes me feel that someone has done this deliberately. I had a lot of problems a couple of years back with a close friend of mine who had some serious issues and as mad as it seems I have even started to wonder if she could have set this up. She is one of the only people I can think of who knew that my daughter was friends with the FA'er, and knew things like the lay out of our house etc. Basically it just makes me completely paranoid. Depressed. Poor DH- he seems to be holding it together better than I am, but he wants answers. The OIC will not entertain talking to him. The solicitor said to just let it go. But we can't. I just wanted to ask, mainly, does anyone reading this know whether the police, on receiving a "third party referral" of an allegation (in this case from a 17 year old regarding historic events from 9 years prior) would first contact the alleged victim to make sure there was an actual complaint?

    If that is the case then at least I can stop thinking that someone just wrote an anonymous letter saying these horrific things and that this whole nightmare was possibly caused by someone with a grudge. If it was just the girl saying it- and that in itself is completely awful, but DH can feel at least that he was unfortunate and that she has problems.

    For those who don't know our case, in a nutshell, out of the blue, DH was arrested and questionned about a 'text book' series of three, worsening, events involving a girl who used to live up the road from us several years ago and was a play mate of our daughter's. My DH had never said more than two words to this child in his life. Whole thing straight from the pages of some bad novel or possibly a real life magazine!

    -Who can I contact to get the NFA turned to no crime, and should we attempt it? DH's Uncle used to be very high up in SS and he categorically said it was a bad idea to attempt to do anything about it. But we just feel that sounds like advice you'd give someone who had actually done anything wrong! Getting the NFA, people said great, you must feel so relieved- NO! We did not. We feel like our lives have been torn apart, our lovely daughter has been unnecessarily put through this ordeal (the police said SS would be in contact to speak to her soon after DH's arrest, so we told her what had happened- then they NEVER did anything) when she should have been concentrating on her A Levels.

    I really am just still reeling. I do hope some other people get some good outcomes, I've found it helpful reading what others have said, it is still so absolutely shocking to me the amount of people who have to go through this hell. The worst thing you can ever go through, and most of us so alone. But we are still standing and I guess that's the point. My relationship with DH is stronger than ever- I can honestly say I never doubted him for one nano ssecond, and I'm sure that is the case of all the wives/partners of anyone reading also going through this hell. Thank goodness for places like this Thanks for reading xx

  • #2
    I'm so sorry that you're still living in panic, I'm not the one to answer anything legal, but I'm sure RF will know.

    Its easy for others to say - leave it. But until you know the reason why, I'm sure trying to ignore it and carry on will be impossible.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Getting told the case has been NFAd sounds like it should be the end of things doesn't it? Unfortunately it isn't. The feelings of terrible injustice, rage and bewilderment still persist. And of course the arrest will remain on his file.

      I think part of the issue is that an NFA merely means that the CPS didn't believe they had more than a 51% chance of conviction. It doesn't mean that they think he's innocent. That is very hard to cope with. It can almost feel as though it would have been better to go to court and be PROVEN Not Guilty.

      Unfortunately Trial by Jury is a complete lottery. Your fate is in the hands of 12 strangers, none of whom know your husband from Adam.

      The other problem with an NFA is that the arrest stays on record, so if anyone else ever makes a similar allegation in the future, the original case could well be re-opened. You live in fear of that middle-of-the-night bang on the door.

      I can't offer any legal advice I'm afraid, but I wanted to let you know that you are not alone.


      • #4
        You could try to get it no-crimed. See if your MP will help by approaching the Chief Constable.

        I know of several cases where a 3rd party went to the police, sometimes without telling the complainant. One such case was a nosy next door neighbour with mental health problems who was convinced somebody was buggering a little boy all because she heard "noises". That guy was found guilty but was released on appeal. As I recall the grounds for appeal were not related to the fact that a neighbour went to the police but something to do with her MH problems and injury found on the child was wrongly diagnosed as a "sign" of abuse when it was not.
        Last edited by Rights Fighter; 3 November 2011, 12:25 PM. Reason: Edit to add link
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #5
          I'm so sorry to hear that you are feeling this way luv i know how you must feel with questions going round your head constantly, i am the same and nothing makes sense. My hubby is where he is today because someone else rang the police with out telling the accuser so they then approached her and she obviously not wanting people to know she was lying continued it and now our life's and our children's have been torn apart. As Saffron it is a complete lottery, Hubby was wanting his day in court to set the story straight and tell the truth, they just chose to ignore her obvious lies and found him guilty! I don't think we will ever know why these people do this, how they can sleep at night while we are left like this but they have ruined so much of your life already and taken happy times away you can't get back, don't let them do that to you any longer you are SO much better than them and you and your DH deserve to be happy. Try stay strong you have got through so much already, my thoughts are with you.


          • #6
            NFA sadly does not feel like the end, at least to the accused. My wife has pretty much got over it but I still have terrible dreams and dread the post and dread the door bell or a phone call from number witheld. This may seem daft but it is how it is!!!!!

            I am so frustrated that the system deos not let you prove you are innocent. No one is interested in whether you are immocent now the CPS has decided the barking mad woman is not lilely to secure them a conviction in court.

            And you are left with the detritus of an unclean Enhanced CRB, problems with visas, and you details and DNA / Fingerprints / Photo on police records and National Police Computer.

            IT IS JUST NOT FAIR!!!!! She has got away scott free and I am left damaged and sleepless. Why is this justice????????????????????


            • #7
              this article is a bit old, but the content is till relevant

              And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


              • #8
                Being NFA'd does not automatically make somebody factually innocent. For DNA to be expunged off the register one would have to prove factual innocence and even then, it's a long shot.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #9
                  This is the huge problem. I am innocent, but I am not factully innocent. And no one has any interest AT ALL in establishing my factual innocence. There are no public funds available and no clear process for that establishment. In fact, once accused of an SOA offence, you are deemed 'not factually innocent' forever. So much for justice!

                  Do we know of anyone who has managed to change this ludicrous and unfair state of affairs?


                  • #10
                    The problem is this: many people who are FOUND not guilty ARE factually guilty OR guilty of part of it.

                    By the same token, some people who are NFA'd ARE factually guilty and it's been NFA'd because there is simply not enough "evidence" to bring about a successful prosecution.

                    This is why it is so difficult to get an NFA no-crimed.

                    Because the police and Crown are under such pressure to increase rape convictions to meet Government-set targets they often will not gather evidence in order to properly investigate this type of crime, but will only gather evidence in order to secure a conviction.
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~


                    • #11
                      Thank you, Kanday

                      Just wanted to say how grateful we are that you are still here, supporting others, despite your own ordeal. If you want to, PM your hubby's details to me and I will send him a note and send him some stamps (if that is allowed at the "hotel" he is staying at) so that he can write to you more often xx
                      Last edited by Saffron; 15 November 2011, 10:19 PM. Reason: adding


                      • #12
                        Thank you Saffron that's really sweet of you but no we're not allowed to send them and i can't belive they charge so much in there for them!! He tries write everyday he says it helps him stay strong i haven't been on here much lately i just feel so down and tired of fighting and getting nowhere but it's early days and RF is helping now so things are looking up, think i'm finding it harder today because i had my first visit finally, it's just all too horrible the 'hotel' is nasty, i need to cry but i can't because i have my babies who come first and i have to stay strong for hubby too. As you can see i can't get to sleep as usual but tomorrow is another day. xx


                        • #13
                          The first visit is usually the worst - hopefully things will improve as you "get used" to the procedures.

                          I've been out all day (London) so not had a chance to read your email but will get there eventually.
                          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                          PAFAA details ~

