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  • #16
    I wondered about the photo thing we haven't been told anything yet, we have a 2 year old and a 5 month old, i will talk to them everyday about him he was a fantastic dad while he had the chance, i don't know how the liars and jury sleep at night!!


    • #17

      hi we have contacted the prison regarding my son,s children and still waiting for thier public protection dept to decide if his older daughter can speak on the phone to him but we have been told no photographs of children to be sent in .. his eldest is 9 years old she knows her daddy is in prison but not what for . we go out on a sat and buy little presents for him for his release . it helps us all cope weather it be sooner or son,s accuser lives so close to me i won,t even tell you what i want to do to her i am so bitter.i too cannott believe that girl can sleep in her bed at night after what she has done to us . but as my good friend keeps telling me karma will deal with her in the end ......,


      • #18
        So sorry to hear your news. Is there anything, anything we can do to help? It just sounds wretched and beyond belief. Prayers. Felix


        • #19
          Hi kanday so sorry to hear your bad news I hope the sentence is a short one and you have a good chance of an apeal take care and keep strong


          • #20
            I really don't belive in karma anymore unless i was really bad in a past life and i'm paying for it now,i've always been an honest and open person same as hubby, i spent all morning in hospital, i fell down my attic bedroom steps yesterday morning before court, seems my big toe has 5 breaks in it and one is on or near joint so have to go back to see what they want to do, just got a lovey pink pot on at the min! i have rang prison twice asking if they can tell me if he's ok, i'm worried because i haven't heard anything from him, his picture is in the paper today and he just looks broken. Thank you felix but unless you have a time machine so my husband can go back and record his every movement i don't think anyone can help, unless anyone knows any good sol we can try to see about an appeal?? It's going to be a long 3 weeks waiting to see what his sentence is, has anyone a rough idea??


            • #21

              .hi kanday.
              really sorry your having a bad time of it right now . i should also have mentioned that you are also going to need some tlc .unless anyone else on here can tell you more i am only telling what they gave my son which was 7 years. out in june 2014 as he has spent months on remand and sentenced in june 2011. please try to take some time out for yourself. you need time to heal. your body has gone through a very emotional time. as people on here will tell you .try ringing the prison again and ask for a reception visit im sure when you get to see him you will feel a little better


              • #22
                Often a phone call to the prison chaplain helps, as he/she will usually pop along to see hubby and have a chat with him and check how he's doing, and then get back to you.

                During my "stay" the chaplain was a lifeline for my folks.
                (I would also say that in this day and age there are often female prison chaplains, who can get down-in-the-dumps male prisoners to "open up" more than they would to a male chaplain).


                • #23
                  Thank you again i really appreciate everyones replys, do i find the chaplin number online? I rang the prison again and they said because he is convicted i have to wait for the VO, thing is i'm really worried that he wont send me one, the fact that he hasn't even rang me is really worrying now, when i rang they couldn't tell me if he was ok or anything because of data protection, he didn't have his phone on him so the only number he knows by heart is mine, i rang again to see when he'd be able to ring and she said when he isn't locked in but couldn't tell me what times that is because it's different for each wing, i don't even know what wing he'll be on it's just something i never thought would really happen. 7 years seems such a long time, they doing some sort of report about his sentence because he was only 16 when she's saying he did it.


                  • #24
                    I would ring the prison and ask for the Chaplain's phone number. Or google that prison and it may be listed.


                    • #25
                      Regarding hubby not being able to ring you, it often takes about 2 whole weeks or longer to get set up with a PIN number to be able to use.

                      The way the prison works is this. Prisoners don't carry cash and very few places use phonecards (they can be mugged, even in prison!) so once a week there is what's known as Canteen Day. If an inmate has money in his prison account, he can choose to set aside an amount into his telephone account.

                      When the money is in, he then goes to the phone and taps in his PIN number, followed by your phone number.

                      The problem is the prisons take so long setting up the PIN number for each and every inmate, and if he hasn't got much money on him when he went in, and for the next Canteen Day to roll round, this is why you may not be able to get a call from him for a good 3 weeks.

                      Once it's set up, it just depends on how often he has money to put on his phone account.


                      • #26

                        hi kanday
                        when i instructed a new sol for my sons case i asked him what he would get sentence wise and he said the average is 7 years .he was spot on , but they will only do half if they have good behaviour ect .i was shocked as well though it would be around 3. as for the phone calls you will have to wait for your husband to give the prison your contact number, they will then ring you on that number and ask for your permission for your husband to ring you ,then he can buy a phone card with a pin number once you have given permission. he will not be allowed to ring anyone on speck as it is not allowed im afraid ,unless the other person gives permission first, and this does not happen overnight i think what LS said is spot on.ring the chaplin he or she are very helpful tell them your concerns . hopefully your husband will get a vo out very soon as im sure he is wanting to see you very much..also see if you can get his prison number and send him a postal order so he can buy a phone card they are only allowed so much money each week like LS said on canteen day.
                        Last edited by gem; 29 October 2011, 04:50 PM.


                        • #27
                          Thank you do you think i should be worried he hasn't been in touch? my friend says he'll be in shock but he said things like if he were to be found guilty i should move on etc that he would kill himself rather than serve time for something he hasn't done, but i always told him me and everyone else would always be here for him so didn't think he meant it, now him giving his barrister his wedding ring to give to me feels like it wasn't just because he was worried about it been taken from him


                          • #28

                            just a little update.
                            he can,t get in touch until his phone calls are set up. but im sure a vo is on it,s way or even a letter he will be fine im sure .


                            • #29
                              sorry i didn't see your replys before i posted that, he had some money on him but he prob will be saving that because he smokes, the lady on the phone said he will have been given a phone card when he got there and he would have been allowed to ring yesterday or today that is why i was a bit worried, i sent him a letter today so hopefully he will recieve that monday, sorry for babbling ha ha thank you though x


                              • #30
                                Kanday. What does the solicitor/barrister say about the prospect of an appeal? If they say that there are no grounds ask for the "Advice on Appeal" so you have their thoughts in writing. Just because they say that there are no grounds does not mean that there are none.

                                In most of the appeals against conviction I have been involved with, trial counsel said that there were no grounds to appeal yet we've gone on to win. Do not give up hope just yet. LS attended one such appeal with me in January.

                                Also, the friend who suggested

                                .........but he said things like if he were to be found guilty i should move on etc that he would kill himself rather than serve time for something he hasn't done
                                is a pillock. Sorry but he or she is. And very unhelpful as well. If this is the sort of "advice" any "friends" are giving, ignore them for the time being and stick with those who can be a little more positive.

                                If trial sols tell you that there are no grounds to appeal, please note the solicitor's details in my signature at the bottom of my posts. He can work with public funding on appeals.
                                Last edited by Rights Fighter; 29 October 2011, 05:29 PM.
                                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                                PAFAA details ~

