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  • guilty

    Well like it says he's been found guilty even though there was so many things she slipped up on like i've said, i just can't belive it because she messed up so much we just thought there's no way 11 people can think beyond reasonable doubt that he did it, how wrong were we!! they didn't even let me see him before they took him down and he has nothing on him only maybe a bit of money, i'm so worried he's going to try kill himself, we've heard so many bad things about what might happen to him in prison, i feel like i am greiving for him then i think how scared he is going to be i just don't know what to do but i have to try pretend it's all ok infront of our 2 young boys. wish i could hug him and tell him it'll be ok

  • #2
    I am so sorry to read this Kanday - I know the awful feeling of not knowing where they are. You should find out within 24 hours. As soon as you do you can send him money - check as to how the prison accepts it.

    He will go on the VP wing and they are usually put on suicide watch if needs be.

    Keep coming back to post and we'll listen and answer any queries you may have.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      thanks i know he has been sent to armley already i went to see his sol who told me and they said they are sending him a postal order, will he be able to ring me? i have to go collect his wedding ring at somepoint, he gave it to his barrister to give me. Whats vp wing? is he going to be with real child abusers and murders i just feel helpless


      • #4
        You may be able to get to see him in a day or so, RF would be able to tell you better than I.

        You won't be able to have any calls from him until your number has been checked by the prison. They will phone you and ask you a few questions. He'll then get a phone card and pin number. Once you get his prison number you will be able to write to him.

        He should not tell any other prisoner of the offence he is been imprisoned for, some prisoners will be on the VP (Vulnerable Prisoners) wing for other reasons. Tell him not to borrow or lend anything. If he is offered SOTP courses then he should not undertake them. Tell him to keep his head down and not to keep telling people he is innocent - everyone says that even if they're not. It makes them unpopular with the other inmates.

        Have a look of the post RF has left on your other thread.
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #5
          He can agree to be ASSESSED for SOTP but he MUST maintain his innocence stance at all times. He will then be classed as "unsuitable" or "unready".

          Why is he parting with his wedding ring? I've not heard that one before.

          He can make use of the "listeners" who are trained by the Samaritans. Also the prison Champlain can be absolutely brilliant. At least helping out in the chapel will get him out of his cell.

          Being on the VP wing will mean he will have more protection. Some of those protesting their innocence WILL be innocent but many will be guilty so best not to trust anybody until he can work out who is ok.

          The first time he rings do not be at all surprised if he is cut off mid-conversation. In fact that might happen quite a bit until they've sorted out the call monitoring.

          You will need trusted friends around you at this time.

          If you have his prison number write to him asap to assure him of your support.

          I am not sure if Armley is part of the Email a Prisoner scheme yet. If the prison is at 68 Hornby Road then it is. Armley is not listed at HMP site but HMP Liverpool is.

          He should be entitled to a reception visit without a VO (visiting order). Ring the prison visits number and find out.
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #6
            Thanks for clearing some points up RF.
            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


            • #7
              We have an "in the event of conviction" sticker don't we? Mind you, we can't force people to read it...
              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

              PAFAA details ~


              • #8
                Well pointed out, RF.

                Kanday, have a read through the Stickies at the top of this forum:

                There are stickies to give you an idea of what to expect in prison, what to expect on prison visits, etc etc.

                These should put your mind at ease.


                • #9
                  ....even I had forgotten that ................... hangs head in shame and shuffles off ...........
                  And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                  • #10
                    Thank you both i was intending to read the sticky after reading your replies, i'm going to google SOPT too because never heard of it, he assumed the prison would take his ring off him there would that not be the case? i'm writing him a letter tonight so i can post it 2moz(can i include photos) his sol said i can just put his DOB on until i know his prison number, he gets his sentence in 3 weeks once the probation have spoke to him??. We are all dumb founded by the outcome just doesn't feel real. Our friends are being brilliant but i feel guilty i have their support and our boys to focus on and he is in there alone, i just pray he stays strong, I hope she's happy with herself.

                    I will ring and see what they say i hope that's the case rather than waiting for the vo like sol said, thank you again


                    • #11
                      no, he can keep his ring. Do read up on SOTP, because if he undertakes it it will stop him from being able to appeal as it meand he is admitting guilt.

                      Don't feel guilty about accepting help and support - grab at it with both hands. The stronger you are the less he will have to worry about you.
                      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                      • #12
                        hope you are ok. this all seems so pointless sitting here reading these and praying yours doesnt turn out the same but probably will. what else can we do is there anything at all we can do to stop these cases with no evidence just her word against his its disgraceful and im absolutley gutted every time i come on and read another story about comeone being convicted, sorry kanday this is not helping your situation my hubby not even been to magistrates ciurt yet but looking into the futue the witch who staryed this looks like she will have the last laugh, having a bad day obviuosly, wish i cud put the whole sorry sotory on here and get real adv and yes we have a good solicitor but cant do nothing til after magist date.


                        • #13
                          son's trila

                          Hi Kanday so sorry to hear about your husband. He will get through this because he has no least that's the way I am looking at it if my son gets found guilty. I am sure he will eventually settle in because he has to. I no my son is going to go screaming and kicking and I have convinced myself that I have to be strong for him. No good us both falling apart. Unfortunately life goes on. I have just read this back and I sound like a really 'hard' ***** but I am not. I have had 16 months of pure hell and, like you, we have to stay strong.
                          My son's trial comences again on Monday so now have another deadfull weekend ahead. He has lost the will to live and while I could quite happily cry morning noon and night...I can't. They need us to stay strong.


                          • #14
                            Hi again janerose so sorry to hear you have a weekend of wondering ahead, yes my husband will cope he is stronger than he realises, having to sign the sex offenders register will kill him more than the sentance itself, i rang the prison, i need to ring back in morn to try book a visit, Oh he'll be gutted to know he could have kept his ring on, we've only seen priison on tv and they always seem to take everything off them. Does anyone know if he's allowed to smoke in there? Janerose no you really don't seem like that i didn't cry when they were reading his verdict like my cousin because i have to stay strong for my babies and him, he will want me to be strong for them and he knows i will be, i've been through alot in my life but i've met some wonderful people and have 4 beautifull children who i am determind to try give the best childhood to and set them up for this **** world that just seems to be against the good, really is true that the devil looks after his own!!

                            Monty if you want to send me a private message i'll send you my email and we can chat, i know it's helped me been on here and i would have liked to talk to someone who knew how i felt, i knew today was going to be a bad day when i fell down my attic stairs and think i have broken my right big toe.


                            • #15
                              hi kanday

                              hi kanday
                              i have replied to your thread on jane roses thread .as i am in same situation as you just want to mention something else also not sure if you are allowed to sent your
                              childrens photos or have children visits to the prison i know my son can.t and that is the worst part. my son has a baby he hasn,t even seen or a photo as he is not allowed them . but you better check this out with the prison. any thing you want know i will help all i can

