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help please

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  • help please

    i really dont know were to start but il give you the basics

    ihave been accused of rape by mypartners two cousins they claim i have raped them both form 2007 -2010 at which time they were 11 and 14 i think now these girls are very promuscious and lie all the time and have obscene face book profiles.

    i was arrested on the 10th of october and questioned but not charged and i am bailed until the 14 dec i have been stopped from seeing my kids and it is driving me mad. now my partner and other family members wish to give statements but the police have not taken them yet (they are all in my defence)

    my partner in particular wants to give a statement and contacted the officers involved directly. we have gone through dates and have managed to narrow down when we have both been to there house as this was at times when we have had our children as they live a long way from us (100mile).

    we basically know for certain i was never alone with the girls until nov 6th 2009 at which time i took them to the shops and was no longer then 10 minutes and the other occasions were again trips to the shop but there younger brother always came. the older one has also accused me of rape while me and partner were on a caravan holiday and she was at the same place with her friend i saw them in the town and gave them a lift back to there camp site but her and her friend have made statements saying i took them back to mine and my partners caravan and raped one of the sisters now this is impossible as my partner had the keys!!!!

    basically my partner wants to give a statement saying

    1 she had the caravan keys
    2 i was never alone with them apart from the 6th nov 2011
    3 give a background into the girls
    4 alot of various other thing to many to list

    the thing we dont understand is the police have told her they may not want a statement from her??? we dont understand this why would they say that surly it is relevant to what they are investigating and if they had evidence to charge me which they will be none why have they not done so yet on the other hand if they are going to drop the case why have i not been informed would really like some advice thanks for your time

  • #2
    DON'T get her to give a statement to the police. She should make a statement to your solicitor.
    If she gives those dates to the police, before you know it, the dates will be changed to ones you don't have an alibi for.

    The police are not interested in whether you may be innocent.

    ALL they are doing is looking for, and collecting, anything which gives them more than a 51% chance of convicting you.


    • #3
      I echo what LS says - they won't take a statement from those that will help you. They aren't there to prove your innocence - but the opposite.

      Let us know if you want your posts edited to remove dates as this is an open forum that is read by the police and the information could help them.
      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


      • #4
        You're naturally anxious to get the case dropped rather than have to prove your innocence in court & hence wanting to get your partner's statement on file.

        It's really a judgement call; as LS says, the first thing the police will do (and quite correctly from their point of view) when presented with your alibi is go back to the girls and re-interview them regarding the dates they have given. They then may well 'remember' other occasions, in fact this is highly likely, ever known a teenager admit they're wrong

        Think back and consider if there are any other occasions when you were in contact with them about which they could weave an allegation for which you wouldn't have witnesses or an alibi. If so maybe you'd be better letting this one run & keeping your powder dry?

        Incidentally I take your point regarding their promiscuity; however don't rely on this as a defence, it probably wouldn't be admissible and in any case a clever lawyer will simply twist this around and say they became promiscuous as a result of the (alleged) abuse.
        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


        • #5
          Do you have a specialist solicitor who is expert in historic rape cases? I think you and your partner are FAR TOO CLOSE to the po0lice who are your enemy and will do anything they can to get you in jail. Make no mistake.


          • #6
            Do not give evidence to the police that can be altered. Alibi evidence is such - they would go back to the accuser who will then say she is so traumatised she got the date wrong and the goal-posts will merely be widened.

            You MUST instruct a solicitor who is experienced in defending false allegations of sexual abuse - a solicitor who is used to merely defending sexual allegations is not good enough as many defend those who have pleaded guilty or intend to plead guilty. That is a completely different ball-game.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~

