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Trial starts today

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  • #31
    good luck to both of you i will be hoping and thnking of you all day tomorrow till i gt home from work, i really hope justice will be done.


    • #32
      Good luck thinking of you


      • #33
        I hope things go well for you.
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #34

          Well like it says he's been found guilty even though there was so many things she slipped up on like i've said, i just can't belive it because she messed up so much we just thought there's no way 11 people can think beyond reasonable doubt that he did it, how wrong were we!! they didn't even let me see him before they took him down and he has nothing on him only maybe a bit of money, i'm so worried he's going to try kill himself, we've heard so many bad things about what might happen to him in prison, i feel like i am greiving for him then i think how scared he is going to be i just don't know what to do but i have to try pretend it's all ok infront of our 2 young boys. wish i could hug him and tell him it'll be ok


          • #35
            So sorry to see this. What does the barrister say about any chance of appealing? if he says there are no grounds that doesn't mean that there are none. A fresh solicitor would look at it with new eyes providing you get the right one.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~


            • #36
              so so sorry to hear this. wish i had somethingto say to make it all feel better but i have not. sorry


              • #37
                son's trial

                I am so sorry to hear your husband was found quilty. How hard it must be to keep your spirits up for your childrens sake. But there is also hope of an appeal. I really dont no how this justice system works.
                My son's trial is carrying on to Monday now. The judges closing speech finished at 3.30 and the jury then gave a note to the judge asking if the charge could be changed!!!!.. Anyway they are going to argue it out on Monday. I still am not getting my hopes up and have prepared myself for the worse. Now got the whole weekend to worry myself even more. My son is a reck and has lost the will to live.
                I am sure that once he gets settled in prison your husband will just get on with it. Thats my thoughts for my son anyway. They have no choice really.


                • #38
                  janerose what do they want it changed to?
                  And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                  • #39
                    son's trial

                    they want to change it to consensual sex with a minor. They obviously dont beleive the 'victim' but then they also cant beleive my son either. My son said that he would not accept any guilty plea to any charge because he will be admitting to something he never done. I really do not know what is going to happen until Monday


                    • #40
                      so sorry . about your guilty verdict ..what is going on with justice system leaving our loved ones lives in the hands of 12 people that no nothing of the law . our son was found guilty in june 2011 we were so confident he would be found not guilty . we all screamed at the verdict of guilty, my whole family were in shock and still are . the worst feeling in the world. i wanted to go home and never leave my home again . our story never hit the papers until the sentence 6 weeks later . and my son was all over the front page . we were devistated . but i will say this our barrister also said no chance of appeal . but we have employed another solicitor now .one that is fully experienced in sexual cases . and he believes we have a fighting chance of an appeal . as so much was not used at the original trial . he even went as far as to say his firm will never ever employ the barrister we used in his firm again .. he has picked so many holes in the case so we hope for some word soon .as it takes time i believe . so don,t give up hope a new sol might find something your old didn.t always have hope
                      your husband will be fine in prison as they are on a protection wing . like my son . he has his good days and bad days. and he has had every emotion known to man. .but we are helping him cope . he has been given a release day now so that helps . he has been fine . he even has a job now. just hope this helps a little bit in your grief
                      Last edited by gem; 28 October 2011, 09:31 PM. Reason: mis spelt name


                      • #41
                        son falsley accused of rape

                        so sorry . about your guilty verdict ..what is going on with justice system leaving our loved ones lives in the hands of 12 people that no nothing of the law . our son was found guilty in june 2011 we were so confident he would be found not guilty . we all screamed at the verdict of guilty, my whole family were in shock and still are . the worst feeling in the world. i wanted to go home and never leave my home again . our story never hit the papers until the sentence 6 weeks later . and my son was all over the front page . we were devistated . but i will say this our barrister also said no chance of appeal . but we have employed another solicitor now .one that is fully experienced in sexual cases . and he believes we have a fighting chance of an appeal . as so much was not used at the original trial . he even went as far as to say his firm will never ever employ the barrister we used in his firm again .. he has picked so many holes in the case so we hope for some word soon .as it takes time i believe . so don,t give up hope a new sol might find something your old didn.t always have hope
                        your husband will be fine in prison as they are on a protection wing . like my son . he has his good days and bad days. and he has had every emotion known to man. .but we are helping him cope . he has been given a release day now so that helps . he has been fine . he even has a job now. just hope this helps a little bit in your grief
                        Last edited by gem; 28 October 2011, 09:32 PM.


                        • #42
                          Thank you that really helps i am really going to seek some advice about an appeal i'm sure there must be something, should we wait till he has had his sentance though? Yes they'll get through it with our love and support, i've set up an email for him so i can "talk" to him, it will be here waiting for him when he gets out, i'm going to send photos etc to it too and give it to others to do the same, like a memory thing so he wont miss out on everything as much. love and thoughts with you all too x


                          • #43
                            thats a brilliant Idea Kanday. I used to to start a letter and add to it all day with bits that had happened and post it off the next morning so it was a bit like a one sided conversation! Also what helps is that you go out and tell them all about it, be a tip to the shops or an afternoon at the park. They need to know that your life is going on and they're included in it.

                            If you make any alterations to your house, decorating or moving the furniture about - take photos of that and send them, along with views of your garden or countryside if you go. Obviously with no-one else in them if you can!
                            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by RFLH View Post
                              janerose what do they want it changed to?
                              What's this about? I can't seem to find it in this thread. Must be my eyes.....
                              Last edited by Rights Fighter; 29 October 2011, 09:00 AM.
                              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                              PAFAA details ~


                              • #45
                                That's just plain old age RF! I was asking what the charge was changed to from the original charge.
                                And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..

