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Trial starts today

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  • #16
    I think it can still go ahead with 11, but I'm sure someone else will know for sure.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #17
      yes the judge said he had thought she was sleeping earlier but when he was going to say she moved, there was no mistaking it this time, even the others leaving behind her didn't wake her!! Oh i know its so upsetting and disgusting they must not care this is someones life and our whole family's future it's not bloody boring!!


      • #18
        oh and because she's changed her evidence so much the charges have been amended three times so he now is being tried for 10 counts instead of 6!!


        • #19
          that's par for the course - as a last resort they bump the figures up in the hopes that some will stick.
          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


          • #20
            can they do that well obviously they can but how can you defend things you didnt know you was going to be accused of, if you know what i mean


            • #21
              Yes like you say obviously they can and they have, nothing we can do now just have faith in the jury even though they seemed so bored and that isn't including the one who fell asleep, one started to put his coat on half way through judge summing up, he must have been ready for home ha ha must be nice.


              • #22
                i think that i read something yesterday that a jail sentence was quashed because a juror had a fell asleep or something similar. I would certainly make a note in case it all goes pear shaped likewise, make notes on the judges summing up as that can be grounds for appeal. I pray that you wont have to use this, good luck.


                • #23
                  A jury can and sometimes does function with 10 members.

                  Appeals have been attempted in relation to a sleeping juror but none succeeded as far as I know.

                  There was even one where the judge went to sleep......too much wine at lunchtime probably! That was not grounds for appeal either apparently.....I'll check my database for that one.............

         - appeal failed

         same case as above

         - Australia - judge and members of the jury asleep - appeal failed. Several others on this page, although at least one appeal succeeded....
                  Last edited by Rights Fighter; 27 October 2011, 01:38 PM. Reason: To add links
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • #24
                    son's trial

                    Hi my son's trial is still going on. We go back tomorrow and then maybe on Monday. Things are not looking good for him. The whole thing is so one sided. When I gave my evidence it was so short. I wasnt allowed to mention alot of things about the accuser and her mother which I feel would of shown them in a different light. It really is down to who they believe now. Also a reporter who must of been in the court posted a blog on the internet not only naming my son but more or less taking the piss out of his not guily plea. Is this allowed?


                    • #25
                      Oh my god i thought they wern't allowed to print names till after? Press have just drifted in and out of our court room think they are just waiting for a verdict.Well the jury were sent out at half 11 this morn and we have to be back for 10. It's hoorible, every time the tannoy beeps i feel sick, we got called back at half 2 and thought that was it but the jury had some questions, they seem to have picked up on a part of her so called evidence where it differs a hell of a lot from that she gave in her police interview and family court, she had added details as our barrister suggested to make it sound more belivable!! so it's good they're questioning it but don't know if it's good they're taking so long to decide. The judge was talking about asking for a majority verdict if it still goes on over lunch 2moz and with us been down a jurer it has to be 10-1. The judge has been fair to an extent but his summing up was not really but barrister has said there isnt really grounds for appeal. We'll be praying the jury come to the right verdict


                      • #26
                        The Press can print after charge.

                        Hopefully the defence barrister gave a really good closing speech highlighting all the discrepancies....hopefully you managed to provide a good motive for lying that would impress the jury.
                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~


                        • #27
                          Yeah his closing speech was really good and the other side wasn't because they didn't have anything to go on esp with the change of evidence and statements etc, i would feel confident if it had been left at that but when the judge did his summery for them it just sounded so much worse and he didn't go over the things that were wrong etc, as for a good enough reason how can you ever think of a good enough reason for this, her disclosures seemed to be for attention, she said she was jealous of my husband at one point but she said she got over it, how can somebody defend themselves against something they have no idea about, we can only second guess it's awfull


                          • #28
                            Hi Kanday I really hope all goes well tomorrow for you and your husband I really do. The judge is doing his summing up tomorrow and then, like you, its a matter of waiting for the jury to make up their minds. I am expecting the worse really because its has not been a fair trial. Have you tried googling your husbands name and the court he is at?. A friend done it and that how we saw this blog about my son. I am livid but dont no if they are allowed to do this.


                            • #29
                              No i will do though, thank you and good luck to you too, we have 9 men in the jury so could this be a good thing? we'll see 2moz wont we but like you i'm expecting the worse just don't know how i'll deal with it, telling my 8 and 6 year old daughters and our 2 year old and 5 month old sons not understanding where daddy is, life is unfair, keep seeing just one magpie so that isn't making me feel better either ha ha sorry just if i don't laugh i cry!


                              • #30
                                I think all we can do is pray for that the jury can see through these liars. Yes there are more men then women on my son's dury so I hope they can think.....'there but for the grace of God go I' cause this can happen to any man. I shall be back on here tomorrow to see how you got on. I shall be thinking of you.

