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accused of rape

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  • #76
    Can anyone help with this?

    Just been away for a couple of days with my family. Had a wonderful time doing all the things I'd forgotten since my arrest!

    When I got back, there was a letter stating Notice of Bail Cancellation.

    It also states that I no longer have to attend in accordance with the terms of my bail.

    Nowhere does it say No Further action!

    Have I been mis-informed?

    Part of the reason I'm asking is because the OIC phoned me on Friday to remind me that the case does not 'close' as such - it is just that there is insufficient evidence at this time.

    I'm understandably a little worried again now. What is to stop my FA being re-interviewed and changing her story?

    Am I just being paranoid?
    Does the fact that bail has been cancelled mean that CPS have reviewed and decided that case was too flimsy anyway?

    Finally - will I EVER be able to put this behind me?


    • #77

      I think that the OIC was just telling you the truth in a matter-of-fact way. Unless someone posts otherwise, bail has little to do with the investigation so would not have a need to mention NFA decision.

      New evidence (for examples: mobile phone video sequence handed into Plod, a new witness coming forward (may have seen a crime not knowing it was a crime at the time - went travelling next morning - came back six months later and heard the whole thing - decides to submit info to Plod) would kick-start Plod action but why would they spend time and resources chasing a case that they have deemed too poor to pursue - they have other things to do. So do you so worry less each day.

      Try to think of it like having a close call with a disease. You are in remission but you have had the close call rather than not so you'll always remember the disease. You just have to live your life so that it does not come back! You may find, as others have done, that you'll be stronger than ever in a couple of years. Trial by FA can break you but can make you too.

      Oh and as for "the default setting of innocent above". Yes - I understand that a bit better now - thanks.
      Police and subsequently the CPS "take every piece of evidence and try to extract the most negative connotations for their presentations in court". It's their job to help Judges fill those jails.


      • #78
        Originally posted by sickasaparrot View Post
        When I got back, there was a letter stating Notice of Bail Cancellation.

        It also states that I no longer have to attend in accordance with the terms of my bail.

        Nowhere does it say No Further action!

        Have I been mis-informed?

        Part of the reason I'm asking is because the OIC phoned me on Friday to remind me that the case does not 'close' as such - it is just that there is insufficient evidence at this time.
        I would ask them to put the NFA in writing so you can see the terms clearly. In some cases it is written in such a way that this is NFA'd and will not be resurrected. However sometimes, as OIC said, there is insufficient evidence and should fresh evidence become available it CAN be resurrected.

        if something happens in the future and they attempt to resurrect this NFA - if you have received a notice in the former then it would be a ground with which to appeal should you be convicted on it.

        They can resurrect on the latter.
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #79
          I am vewry confused now. Can we clarify this? My solicitor said that some forces (including I believe the Met) do not in practice issue a letter which says the words NFA. Instead they issue a letter which says - "... decision not to proceed". That is what I got. What exactly does your letter say? Happy to type up and post the full contents of my letter if you would like.

          RF are you SURE it is good to ask the police for details - that has been known to stir up a degree of curiousity as to why you are asking? I don't want to question the oracle but caution was the advice I was given. Six months later I have asked my MP to go into bat - but not immediately on my solicitor hearing it was NFA.

          Not sure you do stop worrying - I still swat when the door bell rings.....


          • #80
            And is is hearing about something like this suggested request for clarification which sets off the worriews again.....


            • #81
              I don't think you ever stop worrying, to be honest.
              Mr W (my hubby) called me from work to say he had been called in to an "informal meeting." My (admittedly blonde) brain instantly went into overdrive, thinking that his "offence" had somehow been disclosed to his boss.

              [I have to point out at this stage that R is not on the SOR, so although his conviction will never be "spent" he is not obliged to reveal it to potential employers unless he is asked THAT question]

              Please don't misunderstand me. We are a good deal more fortunate than most. R has found a good job that he loves (in some part due to nepotism, but mostly due to the fact that he is damn good at it) and I still work full time. We have our kids with us, they are healthy; we can pay the mortgage and afford some luxuries.... I shouldn't even be saying this....

              I live in continual fear that he will somehow be "exposed" and that people in our sleepy little village will simply not understand. I can't help but think it's only a matter of time. It's been 8 years now, but it still gives me sleepless nights and a great deal of unease. I think our son has an inkling that something has happened. He's 11 now, although he was only 3 when it all happened.

              It will never go away.
              I know that it will never go away


              • #82
                Thanks for the help and advice everyone.

                Felix - my letter was not really a letter as such, it was more of a template / proforma with boxes which had been filled in. Dates etc. the heading was as stated above.

                I'm coming to terms with the fact that this will never truly go away! All this because of a false allegation!

                Had a bit of a dip last night too, but just 'went with it' and now feel a bit better today. I guess we just have to look forward and try to rebuild our life.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by felix View Post
                  I am vewry confused now. Can we clarify this? My solicitor said that some forces (including I believe the Met) do not in practice issue a letter which says the words NFA. Instead they issue a letter which says - "... decision not to proceed". That is what I got. What exactly does your letter say? Happy to type up and post the full contents of my letter if you would like.

                  RF are you SURE it is good to ask the police for details - that has been known to stir up a degree of curiousity as to why you are asking? I don't want to question the oracle but caution was the advice I was given. Six months later I have asked my MP to go into bat - but not immediately on my solicitor hearing it was NFA.

                  Not sure you do stop worrying - I still swat when the door bell rings.....
                  I know of at least two appeals against conviction succeeded because the NFA letter stated that they allegations would not be resurrected - there will be others I don't know about, of course.

                  Def makes the request for this to put put into writing through his or her solicitor.
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~

