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My wife of 3 months has accused me of raping her

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  • #16
    Hi there.

    Just read this awful story of yours. Once you have an understanding of what monster you are dealing with you can then start to tame it and bring it under control. It sounds like your monster is a Munchausen by proxy suffering from Stockholme syndrome. She likes to get attention by hurting you and keeping you hurt but despite the alleged emotional trauma at the hands of her ex-partner, she still defends him by going back to him.

    Question to all the legal-savvy folk on here:

    Can this guy get a restraining order banning his wife from coming near his home based upon her behaviour or not because she got the first complaint in?

    Whatever the answer, I wish you luck in ridding yourself of this predatory damaged human being. Definitely not a keeper! Stay strong and do not buckle pal. Good luck.
    Police and subsequently the CPS "take every piece of evidence and try to extract the most negative connotations for their presentations in court". It's their job to help Judges fill those jails.


    • #17
      I'm so sorry to hear your story and i don't think you are stupid for moving quickly if you belive you can trust someone and that they feel the same about you as you do them, I really hope it get's sorted for you soon luv and it is seen for what it is, i can't offer any legal advice at all and my experiance is different but you're in the right place, good luck xx


      • #18
        bail date coming soon

        Well the weeks have turned into months and groundhog day springs to mind!
        Everyday pretty much the same, still suspended from work, no word from the police, actually in the 3 months since i was arrested, i've had no contact at all apart from them asking me for the pin code for my phone and that was a month ago.
        If they found new evidence would they re interview me?

        About 6 weeks ago i had at least 30 abusive/threatening phone calls from a male, threatening to kill me etc.. he withheld the number but on the last call he must have forgotten to withhold it and i got the number when i switched my phone on the next morning. It was from her current home and it sounded like her teenage son making the calls.
        I know, she needs help..
        Anyway i went to the police and reported the phone calls, they contacted me 2 days later, took the details from me over the phone and that was that.
        Tell you what though, i'm damn sure if the phone calls would have been from me, they would have been round, arrested me, taken my property again etc.. or am i just being bitter?
        I have to keep reminding myself that WE are the victims here, I have been locked up, had my life taken away, lost thousands of pounds of lost earnings.
        Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!!

        Sorry i don't post more, i feel like i should, but i use a friends p.c occasionally, like now, since they took my laptop.

        I should know something soon, hopefully we should get through these awful times.


        • #19

          I recieved a phone call on monday. No further action.
          I feel great about it obviously, but also exhausted.
          My wife contacted (for the first time in five months) me saying she regretted it and that she was pushed into it by womens aid and the police.
          Whatever the reasons she did what she did and said what she said, she can go to hell, i want nothing more to do with her.
          She wants to start again. so do i, but not with her.
          Thanks for being here, a fantastic forum, and it helped me see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

          Stay healthy and positive xx


          • #20
            I am so pleased for you, you can now put this episode behind you and move on; but remember what you said in your first post:
            Originally posted by hurley11 View Post
            Stupidly in february, i took her back after she put me through the mill with allegations of harrassment, i kept away, she came to me and asked me to marry her, love is blind, my family and friends told me to keep away. Stupid now, i know.
            Once bitten twice shy, but there are lots of good women out there, just take your time....

            Very best wishes for Xmas and 2012
            'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


            • #21
              Hey mate

              Congratulations im really happy for you lets hope i get the same news soon have a good christmas.


              • #22
                Great News Hurley, I'm so pleased for you.
                Thanks for coming back and letting us know the outcome.


                • #23
                  that's a good early Christmas present! I'm so pleased to hear that she came to her senses and admitted lying.

                  Have a great New Year.
                  And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                  • #24
                    well done , so happy for you


                    • #25
                      I am happy for you too hurley! I hope you can move on with life easily,though I heard it is not easy. Have a good christmas and let the new year indeed be a fresh start!!


                      • #26

                        I am very happy for you Hurley and wish you all the best for the future.
                        Non,je ne regrette rien.

