Back in july my wife left me, we had only been wed for 3 months.
Days later she turned up at the house and told me she thought she was having a breakdown and that she didn't understand what was happening.
We had been so happy, i begged her to stay and said i would support her.
She left, telling me she was going councelling and would be in touch soon.
For the next 3 weeks she wouldn't talk to me or answer txts.
I hadn't a clue where she was or what was going on.
Eventually and unbelievably she turned up with a stranger and 3 police officers to get her belongings out.
I was totally in shock, she wouldn't even look at me and just said she couldn't live with me anymore.
The police just said they had been asked to be present.
After another 2 weeks (15th Aug) i couldn't stand it anymore and went round to the home of her ex partner to see if she was there, she was.
I confronted them, but she just ran away to another room.
She txtd my sister and said i'd abused her for the last few months and had raped her twice!
I was horrified at what she was saying and for the next few weeks became so down that i was put on compassionate leave by my boss. He put it down to my marriage breakup, which was partly true.
I was arrested in september for burglary, rape and assault all accusations are from my wife.
Two counts of rape. Both times she gave the dates to the police, one day apart, both times, she said she came home at lunchtime and went to bed willingly both times, but said they "felt" like rape. That i was too rough.
The burglary was soon cleared up and items taken from my home were returned. The assault she said took place between jan-july 2011.
We got married in april and she asked me!
To add more misery to my life, social services recieved an anonomous call saying that i was financially abusing tenants and taking drugs whilst at work.
I am a carer, my wife works in the same field and i believe she is trying to get me out of the way. My CRB is wrecked.
I was suspended from work and at the time of writing remain so.
My company have investigated the financial and drugs allegations and i am in the clear with these.
However, with the other allegations still around, i am sat at home everyday, slowly going crazy and playing the "waiting game".
She is back at work and god knows what she is saying.
Stupidly in february, i took her back after she put me through the mill with allegations of harrassment, i kept away, she came to me and asked me to marry her, love is blind, my family and friends told me to keep away. Stupid now, i know.
Its a car crash i know, any thoughts?
Days later she turned up at the house and told me she thought she was having a breakdown and that she didn't understand what was happening.
We had been so happy, i begged her to stay and said i would support her.
She left, telling me she was going councelling and would be in touch soon.
For the next 3 weeks she wouldn't talk to me or answer txts.
I hadn't a clue where she was or what was going on.
Eventually and unbelievably she turned up with a stranger and 3 police officers to get her belongings out.
I was totally in shock, she wouldn't even look at me and just said she couldn't live with me anymore.
The police just said they had been asked to be present.
After another 2 weeks (15th Aug) i couldn't stand it anymore and went round to the home of her ex partner to see if she was there, she was.
I confronted them, but she just ran away to another room.
She txtd my sister and said i'd abused her for the last few months and had raped her twice!
I was horrified at what she was saying and for the next few weeks became so down that i was put on compassionate leave by my boss. He put it down to my marriage breakup, which was partly true.
I was arrested in september for burglary, rape and assault all accusations are from my wife.
Two counts of rape. Both times she gave the dates to the police, one day apart, both times, she said she came home at lunchtime and went to bed willingly both times, but said they "felt" like rape. That i was too rough.
The burglary was soon cleared up and items taken from my home were returned. The assault she said took place between jan-july 2011.
We got married in april and she asked me!
To add more misery to my life, social services recieved an anonomous call saying that i was financially abusing tenants and taking drugs whilst at work.
I am a carer, my wife works in the same field and i believe she is trying to get me out of the way. My CRB is wrecked.
I was suspended from work and at the time of writing remain so.
My company have investigated the financial and drugs allegations and i am in the clear with these.
However, with the other allegations still around, i am sat at home everyday, slowly going crazy and playing the "waiting game".
She is back at work and god knows what she is saying.
Stupidly in february, i took her back after she put me through the mill with allegations of harrassment, i kept away, she came to me and asked me to marry her, love is blind, my family and friends told me to keep away. Stupid now, i know.
Its a car crash i know, any thoughts?
