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I've been accused of Rape

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  • I've been accused of Rape

    There is no evidence, not that there would be since I have not done this and I would kill myself before I hurt a girl in this way. She is already spreading it at school and I'm scared no one will believe me. I don't want to move schools since I have not done anything wrong. I live in the UK and we didn't have sex or anything. There is no evidence of anything I'm supposed to have done, but to say she was raped by me supposedly, she doesn't mind talking to me at school. It has gone to the police but they are doubtful there is any wrongdoing on my part. What will happen to her if the case is dropped/she is proved to be lying?

  • #2
    I would go so far as to avoid her as best you can and make sure, if you can, have a friend with you at all times. If she is trying to converse with you she could quite easily make up some other sort of scenario such as "he tried to intimidate me and threatened me to drop the case......"
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      Sounds to me as though she started the rumour to get attention/sympathy (victim status has a huge amount of power....except for genuine victims of course). Her friends have urged her to talk to the police and she has painted herself into a corner, so to speak.
      I agree that if the police thought there was a shred of truth in what she is saying, you would not be allowed back to the same school as her.
      Have you told your parents?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Saffron View Post
        Sounds to me as though she started the rumour to get attention/sympathy (victim status has a huge amount of power....except for genuine victims of course). Her friends have urged her to talk to the police and she has painted herself into a corner, so to speak.
        I agree that if the police thought there was a shred of truth in what she is saying, you would not be allowed back to the same school as her.
        Have you told your parents?
        My parents know and are extremely upset. And she went to the police before she spread it, the police warned me that she may do this, but there is nothing I can do but smile and deny it all. I have to go to the police station on Friday to be interviewed.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Loderse View Post
          I have to go to the police station on Friday to be interviewed.
          I assume that you are under 18 (as you mentioned that both you and the girl are at school) therefore you will need an appropriate adult to attend the interview with you.

          If you have discussed the allegation fully with your parents it may not be possible for them to act in this capacity, however if you can think of someone else who doesn't know anything about it but who you feel comfortable with you can nominate them(otherwise the police will ask somebody they know to act in this capacity)

          I strongly suggest that you (or your parents) also ask a solicitor, preferably one experienced in false allegations, to attend the interview with you. You may feel that as you have done nothing wrong you don't need a solicitor, but many have gone down this road and later regretted it.

          Finally to give you some comfort, a genuine victim of rape is more likely to keep the details of the incident to herself rather than spreading the news; the police investigating team will of course be well aware of this trait.
          Last edited by Casehardened; 4 October 2011, 05:18 AM.
          'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


          • #6
            Good advice from Casehardened.

            I'm pleased that your parents are aware of what is going on. Of course they are upset, they know you are innocent and the injustice of a situation like this is extremely painful for them. However I am as certain as I can be that they do not blame you for it in any way. As you say, sex did not take place, no sexual touching took place.

            Can I ask when the accuser is saying it happened? Is she claiming it happened a long time ago (i.e. several weeks/months/years) or is she claiming that she went to the police immediately? If she is claiming that she went to the police immediately, then I suspect you do not need to worry too much, as there will be no DNA evidence.

            As CH says, most genuine rape survivors do NOT "spread the news". Most are desperately ashamed and embarrased and try not to talk to their peers about what has happened.

            Hang in there


            • #7
              This is absolutely unacceptable! You need to arrange a meeting with school staff and your parents asap. Even if you DID rape her, she has no right whatsoever to spread that about! Unless you are charged then found guilty she cant do that.
              School MUST do something about this as its very serous and i would describe it as bullying. Your parents need to push for her to be excluded. I would absolutely demand this as SHE is spreading incredibly damaging rumors about you. If the school refuses to act, then your parents need to go over their heads to the school board.
              You need to get yourself down to your GP and explane this situation to him. You need to get it on record how this has had an averse affect on you.
              Keep everything she says to you or that you hear well documented and hang on to it.
              On Friday your adult needs to come out swinging. Tell the cops what shes been doing. Find out what they can offer YOU in terms of HER bullying and slander. You are young so they need to handle this very carefully.

              Son, I'm sorry this has happened to you, It shouldn't of happened but keep in mind that this *girl* does not represent women!
              Can you think of a why? A why she would do it? Did you date a friend of hers? Think hard.
              I know that your parents must be livid about this, but they are NOT angry with you.
              Tell them about this site, we can offer them advice too.

              This isn't your fault. This *girls* trying to ruin your life before its even started. Don't let her. It might look really bad now, but i can assure you, keep a clear head and stick to the truth and you will emerge a strong young man from the other end of this fiasco.
              Laugh at your problems, everybody else does. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.

