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My Living Nightmare

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  • #16
    Great news LivingNightmare.
    It might take a while to get back to "normal" (if you can even remember what that feels like!)
    With regards to the NFA paperwork, I'm sorry but I can't help you. We weren't so fortunate. But I am sure others will be along soon to assist.

    Time for some Dancing Bananas......


    • #17
      Result! Good for you! Hope this gives others hope reading it.

      I don't think allegations are kept long term, at least i certainly hope not. I could go to the cops right now and allege that Jonny Depp (hehe) kissed me and i didnt want him to.
      The cops would tell me to sod off, and i really doubt they'd keep the allegation on his file.
      I study law but NI is different and im just a padywan, someone will know for sure tho.

      *sigh* Johnny Depp can kiss me anytime tho!. Just letting that hang out there in case anyone knows him... *sigh*
      Laugh at your problems, everybody else does. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.


      • #18
        You'd have to get in line behind me, Amre!


        • #19
          Just to rub it in my Lass has met him and has photos to prove it ...........
          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


          • #20
            Ok. Brilliant news Now for the not so good news, sorry.

            You were arrested. That is a fact, and technically it is declarable when asked on the visa waiver form for the USA, Canada and I believe Australia. This means you are ineligible for the visa waiver scheme. You will need to obtain a letter from Association of Chief Police officers (ACPO) saying you were NFAed and what the arrest was for. You then have to submit that to the releveant embassy and aply for a full visa. It should be granted but it costs and is a pain. This is for the rest of your life. Sorry.

            Your arrest may (probably will given that rape was alleged) be recorded on the PNC (Police National Computer). That means you will appear with that information if / when checked by any police officer. It will remain there for the rest of your life.

            Your arrest and NFA is likely to appear if your employer / church / youth club seeks an ENHANCED CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) check. Not on an ordinary CRB check.

            It is not declarable anywhere in the UK - only on foreign forms - it is illegal for a UK person, employer or organisation to ask if you have been arrested (unless asked by a police officer) in the UK. This is because arrest is more significant in the USA for example.

            You can find out what is on the PNC by making a personal information request to the Force concerned - see their website for the application proceedure. £15 I think.

            You can apply to the Chief Constable / Area Commander (Met) to have your case No Crimed (which is one better than NFA) but it may be better to apply for your MP to make the request - they are usually keen to help. Also, your MP may be successful in getting your DNA and fingerpint records destroyed.

            You can bring a private criminal presoecution against the woman, but only if you are wealthy enough to hire an expensive soliitor who does such stuff. No certainty you will win though.

            You can sue her for defamation possibly - same caveat as above on costs.

            As to the NFA letter, it seems to differ from force to force. Post the contents - with nothing to identify you - and i will compare it to mine and copies of others I have.

            Have you got any possessions they seized back? Keep pushing if not.

            You may need to push for a letter - ask the Officer in Charge.

            You are vv unlikely to get any more help from your solicitor unless you pay them....


            Moderators - a sticky on this???



            • #21
              Pretty sure that uk passport holders dont need any kind of visa for canada. Just for US. Thats what i could get from canadian website


              • #22
                And i think that your records now only stay on police computer for 3 to 5 years.


                • #23
                  Hi Billy,

                  Do you have evidence of that 3-5 years? Where can I read the practice / policy?

                  Thanks for the Canadian note.



                  • #24
                    Cant actually remember where i heard it but should be available somewhere. Sorry i cant be of more use. In reference to travelling to US i have a few friends who have been arrested and cautioned however travel to US regurly just using the ESTA with no problems i dont think this is probably the right thing to do but food for thought maybe.


                    • #25
                      I don't want to sound a pious Christian prat but I really don't want to lie on the USA visa waiver form + even if it will never be picked up. I spent 23 hours in custody in London - don't fancy the cells at JFK......


                      • #26
                        Even thinking about Johnny turns me into Gollum.
                        Laugh at your problems, everybody else does. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.


                        • #27
                          Well done mate!

                          Sorry I was late reading you original posts, have been trying to put my whole nightmare behind me! When I started reading your storey I knew how it would go, it's almost exactly what happened to me. Thankfully I was also NFAd but after 6 months during which my life was ruined and to a large extent still is as a result of the allegation. To anyone reading this, I would advise trying to keep it positive and try to protect daily routine and normality as much as possible. I found this impossible to do and as a result life mow is not how it would have been if I'd managed! So as impossible as it seems, try and think positive and carry on as normal.

