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Falsely accused, found not guilty but where to go from here?

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  • Falsely accused, found not guilty but where to go from here?

    Sorry for the long first post but i have a few queries.
    I was falsely accused of rape back in 2010 by my ex claiming that i raped her when i made her leave my flat in August 2009 after finding out she had cheated on me with numerous men (proven by the guys themselves) she had kicked me out of our joint rented flat because she wanted to pursue a relationship with a work collegue (we both worked at the same company as coach drivers) and a few weeks later, i tried to commit suicide as she was making rumours at work and generally making my life horrendous.
    I came home one afternoon to find the police had called, leaving me a note to call them back asap. I did and it was arranged i would come down the station a few days later. I was arrested pretty much straight away, and told she had alledged this and that was the reason for arresting me.
    Anyway, i spent the next 2 hours in the cells, waiting for a solicitor and was then questioned at great length. I was released and then spent from Jan 2010 to April 2011 on bail. My life went from enjoyable and generally happy to a pit of despair of which i eventually got put on antidepressants and sleeping tablets as it finally got too much for me to deal with.
    As for work, they suspended me as soon as the cps decided they were going to prosecute (think its down to the law saying they had to due to the nature of the allegation from what i understand) and for 3 months, i was at home, slowly going mental. I was then told in November 2010, that the company would not continue paying me to stay at home and that unless i took a job as a cleaner at work (sweeping the floors, cleaning the toilets) etc, after 5 years driving for them, then they would terminate my employment. This ended up making me more and more depressed.
    The trial finally came about in April 2011 (would have been sooner but her legal team didnt supply the written transcript of ex's video statement until just before the trial) and the evidence was soley based upon her saying she had bruises, of which her and her 2 witness could not agree upon how many and what they were like and where they were. My ex herself, gave 3 very spurious statements of the 'supposed event' including the initial video statement.
    Now, my ex has a very dodgy sexual history (indeed, 2 of her ex partners were willing to stand as my witnesses to explain what she was like with them) and according to the law, her sexual past is not allowed to be bought up as it might make her look bad but (had i had any) mine was allowed to be disected for everyone.
    The trial lasted 4 days and i nearly broke down on numerous occasions. Had it not been for my sister who stood by me (along with all my friends and family but my sis specifically) i would have probably admitted it just to end everything.
    The main gripe is when i was found not guilty (unanimous) even the judge said (who had been getting visually angry that he had to listen to her lies and watch her theatrics) he believed the jury had reached the correct decision, she managed to walk out (i say that, she only turned up for the first two days) scot free.
    My friends and family cannot understand this and everyone has said i should take some action to ensure she does not get away with the lies she spread and the pain she caused me for nearly 18 months.
    I am not in this for mass amounts of compensation, indeed, i would be happy to see the British Justice system work and prosecute the right person and walk away knowing she has not got away with it hence my post in here. I have all the original paperwork and statements (except hers obviously) and my current partner who has stood by me through all of this, feels i should do this for the genuine rape victims of whom my ex has stolen the courage to report a genuine rape.
    Once again, i apologise for the first post but would appreciate it if anyone could give me a direction to move in.
    Many thanks

  • #2
    Hi Rob, welcome to the forum. I can see why you shouldn persue her through the courts.I'm sure you'll get better legal advice than I can give, later.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Hi Rob,

      I have great sympathy for you, it was a double whammy, the breakdown of the relationship in the first place and secondly the resultant court case; thank goodness that the correct verdict was reached.

      I can also understand you wanting some sort of recompense and I am personally annoyed that £1,000's of public money is frittered away on these sort of cases.

      But to take a step back, only the CPS can prosecute her and they will probably take the view of allowing her one strike (after all, from your own admission, she could argue that she was traumatized into this action by being summarily ejected from her home)

      I guess you could legitimately attempt to sue her for for loss of earnings as a result of the demotion at work (the police/CPS are immune from this as long as they have acted in good faith), however almost inevitably you would have to fund this action yourself with no certainty of recovering costs even if you won.

      Perhaps it's best to let sleeping b****s lie (pun intended) and try to get some good out of this. You can obviously express yourself very well so write the whole saga down in a letter to your MP highlighting how much of taxpayers money is wasted in these sort of cases and isn't it time the playing field was levelled
      'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


      • #4
        Sounds familiar

        The judge in my trial actually admitted in his summing up the massive gaps in the prosecutions evidence and commended the jury for what he called the right decesion. However the liar skipped off from behind her curtain to live the wonderful life she told the jury she had! I was tempted to pursue the liar but have been through too much and wanted to draw a line under it. To worry about something for so long and then be cleared and just told "you can go now" is like a slap in the face in some ways, better than being found guilty though!


        • #5
          Hey Rob,

          She tried and almost succeded in ruining your life. I'm on the other end of the spectrum and for me this is the holy grail. Bottom line, she needs punished. What if they had of found you guilty? Youd be in jail! She called you a RAPEST and a jury of your peers disagreed with her. It's time for her to face the consequences. Did she receive comp? They will still pay compensation without a convicetion sometimes. This may very well be why she delayed. I think theres a 2 year compo cut off, and most receive compo BEFORE the thing even gets to court.

          I don't envy you, trying to get her punished will be a nightmare. But what about a bit of justice in the world? don't let this lie. So the other liars can see they won't get away with this.

          When a man or women is genuinely raped they face the decision to pursue this nightmare or not. Some do, some don't. When a person falsely accuses someone they spit in the face of every genuine victim.

          The majority of people falsely accused will never even have the remotest chance of seeing their accuser punished.

          The majority of people raped will never even have the remotest chance of seeing their abuser punished.

          Both have totally the same bottom line. These people need to reap what they sow.
          Last edited by LS; 25 September 2011, 07:43 PM. Reason: removed all the asterisks
          Laugh at your problems, everybody else does. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.


          • #6
            its hard

            i was accused last year which was thankfully thrown out before court. Like you i was very angry, not just for myself (i ha to leave my job and with it my home) but for anyone who had suffered true abuse (one of my best male friends was raped and let down by the justice system). it hurts so much that he went through that pain yet was unable to get justice and i had my life torn apart,yet like you say there is no consequence for such an evil lying toad!!! i have past beyond wanting them punished as i am sure you are, what i struggle with is living in a new place tryin to form new relations, rationally i know im fine, yet im terrified of being close or tryin to be intimate with a girl again (i have managed to but how can i form a true relationship even through me being completely honest). for reference i am not someone who ever slept about i am a 'boyfriend' guy that would always want a relationship. Living in a new place too with people who dont know my past is a mine field, how do i explain to a new colleague what i have been through and why i cant be how they are on nights out. it is a horrible horrible situation and no one should ever have to deal with, im sorry this isnt a helpful post but these are problems you may still have to deal with that i dont know how to myself. im glad 'justice' was served and you were found innocent but as you say, where do we go from here????? all the best and i hope you find the aftermath easier than i have.


            • #7
              QUOTE from MrG; "The more 'us' scared men return the fight on these pathetic time wasters and gain justice the more the CPS will think twice in entertaining the bloody malicious bitc*ies!"

              You have got to the crux of the matter MrG. This abomination of an injustice will continue so long as those involved feel safe in the knowledge that the innocent victim falsely accused will not/cannot fight back due to the nature of the false allegation or because of the terrible psychological and emotional trauma and damage inflicted on their victim.

              As painful as it is Gentlemen there will come a time when you will have to get together, stand together and speak out with one voice against the women, children and men who falsely accuse.
              Until then the damage false allegations cause so many people will contunue with the connivance of the authorities for whom false allegations is a money spinner and political point scorer.
              The innocent victim falsely accused is mearly collateral damage in the game laughingly called justice.


              • #8
                That's half the problem. You need a spate of FAs in a very short space of time, as the public's memory is fickle and five minutes later they've collectively forgotten this type of thing can happen.

                But for every one person who's been through an FA, there'll be a thousand others who believe it's impossible to be FA'd in this country, and this day and age.

                It's just like the phone-hacking scandal - the public'l have forgotten about it by xmas.

                The only way I can see anything changing is when we have an outspoken MP (like Tom Watson?) prepared to demand a root and branch overhaul of the legal system; in particular the way it regards all allegations as true, and only accepts the allegation is false if evidence to secure a 51%+ chance of a conviction isn't there to be found.
                It should be that all allegations are regarded as dubious until evidence is found to support their veracity, not the other way round.

                This is how and why I got a conviction against me, by someone with a vendetta. If we'd had an honest system, he wouldn't have gotten away with it.
                Last edited by LS; 27 September 2011, 09:44 PM.


                • #9
                  Well, on the advice of a friend, i have emailed a solicitor that likes cases like this and has recently been trying to see what can be done, justice wise, for the FA. My case, like many others i have read about on here, is a classic one that the media tend not to report about due to the not guilty rather than case dropped, nfa etc cases that do make it through.
                  Whilst the case was ongoing, i did a kind of blog (or more a collection of observations, my feelings and such like) but it is quite a read and im not sure if i would be allowed to post it up. I just think it may help to point those in a similar situation to myself because even though deep down, it still nags away at me, i want to try and move on and if i can help others, i do so happily.


                  • #10
                    You could do a link to it Asimov, I'm sure it'd be a help to others.
                    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                    • #11
                      Hi Asimov.
                      Yes, a link would be great, if you don't mind people reading it.


                      • #12
                        Well, it isnt a proper blog so to speak, was a Word document as im not the most technologically advanced of people haha. Quite a read though


                        • #13
                          Well, first step in some kind of answer has come in the post today, had my first contact with the IPCC. I do however think i may have overdone it in my initial letter by suggesting a first year probationary police officer would have done a better and more thorough investigation than the OIC


                          • #14
                            *smirk* quick response though!
                            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                            • #15
                              It was seeing as i only mailed them a couple of days ago. The way i see it is i have nothing to loose by trying to find out why a) so much money was wasted on a case that really did have nothing b) my own personal investigation showing the OIC to be fairly new to the detective ranks and not really having a lot of experience (although whilst doing said investigation, i did discover someone shot at him a couple of years ago while he was on the beat as a pc) c) the specialist rape officer didnt bring her notes to the trial etc etc, the list goes on.
                              Cant help to use my brains for more productive endevours (as my mother so eloquently puts it haha)

