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Update on my story

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  • Update on my story

    Okay, well last time I posted I went through my whole story, and since then few things have happened

    The girl who accused me sent her friend messages asking her to lie to say she was there etc, and to say that the day afterwards she was upset etc.

    I know her mate, and she did me a good favour and went to the police station and did a video interview and showed the messages.

    Since then her phone and the accuser's phone have been sent off to get the messages printed off (forensically examined).

    On my part I'm pretty much in the dark! Like most of you, all it's a waiting game!

    Guess the hardest part for me is i cant even get to my own home im stuck 60 Miles away from home and my Girlfriend

    in bail letter says i have to be back to the police stastion on 10th of Oct , god knows what for ??.

    my lawyer has sent the police commissioner a letter asking why is this still being looked into there is no Proof againist me for show ive did anything!.

    Been beating myself up thinking bad things like Jail! thats all thats in my head
    Last edited by LS; 25 September 2011, 07:35 PM. Reason: edited to make it understandable

  • #2
    Anyone comment if you can


    • #3
      Hi, just to clarify, did the friend have messages from your accuser which show she made things up? Have you got a copy if this is the case? You need to get a copy I would think just incase the police "Lose" this evidence (if I have understood you correctly).
      False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


      • #4
        Originally posted by largactyl1 View Post
        Hi, just to clarify, did the friend have messages from your accuser which show she made things up? Have you got a copy if this is the case? You need to get a copy I would think just incase the police "Lose" this evidence (if I have understood you correctly).
        Yeah it was the accuser that sent the messages to the girl her ex best friend , and I got a copy yeah.


        • #5
          I hope you get it sorted asap colin. Cant comment further as i find it incredibly difficult to read what you have wrote. I only understand about 10% and the rest is incoherent- sorry! Im dyslexic and without some ok spelling or grammar my laptop can't dictate.
          But I'm sure others can help.
          Laugh at your problems, everybody else does. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.


          • #6
            Hi, it would seem that the accuser and her friend are conspiring quite obviously - I don't know how these things work, but surely a person who is being conspired against in this manner could make their own complaint to the police? Is that possible?
            Kind regards
            False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


            • #7
              Originally posted by mrg
              Very interesting... ill assume it is just words against you as not read previous posts.

              This sort of thing can raise doubt and create her character as suspect.
              The police need to confirm that the texts are genuine... we know that but in law they need to be properly transcribed and prepared for a posible court case.

              This does take time as the police are slow. They will then present this to the CPS and unless there is anything else, they may drop it. This I mean by if her credit is now tarnished she will not be expected to provide the CPS with a creditable statement and as she is the only reason why it got this far then evidentually it looks really bad for her. The CPS will be nervious using her.

              As regards what happens to her... prob now't and dont be suprised.
              On the other hand they may continue to a trial to clear the matter before a judge and if so... God help her as the Jury will think she is a liar and the Judge will not be happy but you will.

              Sometimes it's best to go to court to get the facts out and solve it once and for all. Take my advice with a pinch of salt but I know of a case were the CPS tried to continue even though new evidence proved it was malicious and the Judge diredted the Jury to a formal NOT GUILTY.

              The Criminal system is not all it seems and needs to catch up with society as its still very draconian.

              God Bless.

              Thanks very much , yeah + she has changed her mind 3 times of were this was meant ot have happined and she could not Provied a Certin date put it between a month period , which i FIND a joke , if you got raped you would know were and when that what i think , its not something you forget Easyly im sure..

              i do Fear for my family more tho as my little brother is a easy target for the accusers boyfriend but thats another side of this story.

              she lives right across from my house and ofcourse im not allowed home stuck 60 miles away from home right now away from family and my girlfriend!.

              in a way i hope CPS see throw her but i also see were you come from with the court case it would clear my name better!,

              i could do with that due to her Spreading my name around my home town like crasy!, she is Truely twisted.

              i feel sorry for her almost that she has to step this low to get a thrill of causein trouble!

              thanks for your advice you have been amazing buddy.


              • #8
                Originally posted by largactyl1 View Post
                Hi, it would seem that the accuser and her friend are conspiring quite obviously - I don't know how these things work, but surely a person who is being conspired against in this manner could make their own complaint to the police? Is that possible?
                Kind regards

                well my accuser had texted her saying all of this to try get her to help her side of this case but her friend gose with my littles brothers friend and she has helped me out by showing these texts and doing the video interview!. honestly i wouldnt be supprised if she gets someone to say they seen us together shes that type of person!. honestly.

                i dont know if thats possible bud!.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mrg
                  "The girl who accused me sent her friend messages asking her to lie to say she was there etc, and to say that the day afterwards she was upset etc."

                  Possible attempt to Pervert the Course of Justice then if it's a simple as this and the CPS won't like a rebound on this issue in court unless they wont to turn the tide on her in a live situation but she will be fully aware of the above event and this will make her very and I mean very un-happy with it.

                  If it is true and did happen why would she wont to get her friend to lie?

                  Very suspect, and with this evidence I would consider putting the boot on the other foot and claiming she has commited the above offence.

                  Works both ways especially when you have more evidence than them. Id try to make an example of her and go public when this is over.


                  im Hoping CPS will see throw her and drop it cause ive lost my job over this all , and things between me and my girlfriend are slowly getting worse i need to get Home!..

                  but you have been amazing mrg thanks alot buddy

                  i will keep a updated with the story

