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please advice needed urgent

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  • please advice needed urgent

    Hi i haven't been on since july because the judge made findings against my husband, it was awfull he didnlt listen to my husband, raised his eye brows up when he was speaking and obviously didn't listen to very important facts that even the assuser couldn't deny, But that is done and there isn't anything we can do now just try deal with his decision but what is really worrying me now is that my husbands trail is now less than 6 weeks away and his criminal sol hasn't been in touch regarding his case? is this usual? he hasn't spoke to either the sol or barrister since july when it was the plea hearing. He rang and spoke to the someone in the office last week but still no one has got back to him, it's really worrying me should he think about changing them or is it too late now? They haven't told him what would happen in worse case. I just feel surely they should be letting him know what's going on or something? Thank you for your time.

  • #2
    I don't think that's anything unusual. My trial sol was incredibly hard to get hold of the entire year I was on bail (wouldn't return calls etc) and my barrister got around to discussing the case and the plans for the trial just one week before it was due to start.

    If by one week before you're still in the dark, by all means complain but 6 weeks out and no involvement was my experience too.


    • #3
      thank you

      Thank you ls for your reply i know you will understand what a worrying time it is, I just didn't know if he should have heard something by now, the waiting game is a frustrating one


      • #4
        Hi Kanday
        This is a very frightening time for you and your hubby. I know it seems like they are doing nothing. They may well be doing nothing, but it is so hard to tell! Have you tried emailing the sol?
        Solicitors are notorious for not returning calls. Ours was so bad post trial but pre-sentencing that eventually I rang up and told the receptionist that I wanted the names of the senior partners because I intended to write a letter of complaint against our sol. (I desperately needed to get hold of her to ask some very important questions about character references).
        The receptionist put me on hold, and miraculously our sol came on the line to answer my question. I think that once the case was lost (ie a Guilty verdict returned) she couldn't be bothered with us.
        As LS says, about one or two weeks before the trial you should have a meeting with your sol and the barrister. I would say that if you have heard nothing 2 weeks before the trial you should start shouting loudly. I suspect that it would be too late for you to change legal team now, unless you can afford to pay privately.

        Let us know how you get on.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Saffron View Post
          Hi Kanday
          Ours was so bad post trial but pre-sentencing that eventually I rang up and told the receptionist that I wanted the names of the senior partners because I intended to write a letter of complaint against our sol.

          There is nothing to stop Kanday's man from doing this now. He could also add that he is now actively seeking new representation ...... That worked with another guy I know who is awaiting trial His solicitor suddenly pulled their fingers out......
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #6
            This, for me is one of the many problems with our justice system.

            What happens in this trial will affect your lives forever yet for the lawyers (not all but a lot of them) and the court officials (not all but most of them) you are simply a case number.

            I honestly wish you luck, lets hope that justice is served (for once).


            • #7
              thank you he has a meeting with his sol and bar next week i hope they can let us know how it is all looking since it is only a few weeks away, i feel sick about it so no wonder he is having to drink some nights to help him sleep, we are now in touch with his girl friend at the time and hopefully she can help in some way.


              • #8
                A constant diet of take-way food won't actually help although it may well be tasty!

                He cannot fight this on an empty stomach for while unwell. I would suggest a healthy diet but if he really cannot eat, a good multi-vitamin plus, very important, Vitamin Complex B.

                B Vitamins feed the nervous system and after being on these for a few days he may well regain his appetite.

                He may be able to get B vitamins from his GP.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #9
                  Thank you for your replys and advice, he had a meeting with his barrister and solicitor and i have even less faith in them now, he told me they have lost paper work, both the barrister and the sol! He has got in touch with his ex and she is prepared to stand for him, she lived with him and his family at the time the allegations were supposed to have happened, she also knows what the family is like so we got a little hope but his barrister said the judge my not allow her to stand?? why? she is his best bet, she lived there and she can help prove they are lies because she was there when the girl is saying things happened. They didin't speak about any kind of defence to him just it doesn't look too good and he would be looking at upto 10 years, Rights fighter is there any chance i could pm you and see if you know any good barristers in my area please? sorry i know how busy you are but it's not long till his trail now and we can't keep sitting and waiting. x


                  • #10
                    If it is material evidence then it should be allowed in - unless there is something the barrister knows about the witness that you don't - of course. Possibly they have some bad character lurking in the background?

                    Your partner should be able to request a change of counsel citing the fact that he/she says they will not be using a material witness and there has been no explanation as to why they cannot be used.

                    If the solicitor refuses, your partner can telephone a senior partner following up by a letter (hand deliver) to the senior partner stating he has no confidence in trial counsel and that he requests a change - otherwise he will seriously consider an official complaint to the Law Society.

                    You can't contact a barrister direct for trial.
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~

